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As you were born in Ashwini nakshatra you will be intelligent, popular, well groomed, wealthy, polite, truthful,
cheerful and clever. You will be skilled in your work and will maintain good relations with friends and relatives
and will be quite popular. You will be fond of ornaments and dressing well. You have a stout body but a weak
liver. You will be lucky from the 20th year onwards. You must perform pooja as you are born in the gund mool

As you were born in Bharini nakshatra you will be victim of propagation and will waste your time in useless
games. You will be irregular in daily routines and will be inclined to do unconventional acts

As you were born in Krittika nakshatra you will have a strong tendency to be a miser, ungrateful, always
worried and tense. Your financial condition will not be good and you will have a strained relationship with
relatives and friends. You will fond of food and spices. You will have a brightappearance and wide spread fame.
You cannot be trusted and usually earn money through unfair means, but are capable of completing the work
which has been assigned to you.

As you were born in Rohini nakshatra you will be inclined towards religion. Agriculture will most likely be a
source of income. You will be good-looking, intelligent and very sharp in solving puzzles.

As you were born in Mrigasiras nakshatra you would be successful in war and strategies of war. You would be
polite, passionate, respected by high authorities of government, will appreciate fine things and will always
choose the right path.

As you were born in Ardra nakshatra you would be insincere, will have a foul temper, but wise and intelligent.
You will have a sadistic tendency and will often be ungrateful and sanguine. Your life will be usually devoid of
any comforts and you may have to experience difficult times. You will have a spend thrift nature and will be
undisturbed even during calamities. You will have an unproportionate physique and will gain in life after the age
of 25.

As you were born in Punarvasu nakshatra you will be patient, quiet, will be good natured and popular among
relations and friends. You will be respected, generous and will get comforts from children and will be wealthy.
You will be fond of precious gems and will own property. You will travel extensively. You will rise in life after the
age of 24.


As you were born in Pusya nakshatra you will have control over your desires, will be generally liked, will be
religious, generous and helpful to others. You will be wise, intelligent, learned and will lead a pious, truthful and
comfortable life. You will be very lucky, popular, wealthy and will have a good physique. You will rise after the
age of 35.

As you were born in Aslesha nakshatra you will be lucky for the family as you will be very rich but you will
waste your money. You may turn out to be harmful to your father, mother or others of your age. You will be an
aimless wanderer, sinful, ungrateful, self-centred and will have strained relationships with relatives and friends.
You will use your skill in dubious and non productive deals and will be inclined to deceive others. You will be
fond of eating and drinking and will have a large family. You will have a weak liver. You will gain after 33 years
of age.

As you were born in Magha nakshatra you will be rich, intelligent, helpful and kind. You will be successful in
business and will lead a life of comforts. You will have numerous servants and will be very religious minded.
You will have a harmonious relationship with your spouse and will be devoted to your parents but you will be
over strict and will have a violent nature. You will be clear minded and will be clear in your actions. Your liver
will be weak. You must perform pooja as you are born in the gund mool nakshatra. You will gain after 25 years
of age.

As you were born in Poorva Phalguni nakshatra you will be soft-spoken, religious, brave, generous, victorious
over enemies but cunning. You will be passionate and proud. Financially your position is not too good. You
will be lucky between 33 to 38years of age.

As you were born in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra you will be kind, polite, patient, well mannered and popular. You
will live on your earnings and will live in comfort. You will have a tendency to put on weight and will rise in life
between the age of 28to 31 years.

As you were born in Hasta nakshatra you will be generous, wise, wealthy, popular and will have faith in saints.
You will rise between the age of 30 to 32 years.

As you were born in Chaitra nakshatra you will be fond of clothes especially of different colours. You will be
fond of flowers. You will have the knowledge of war strategies. You will be learned, intelligent, truthful and
wealthy. Your spouse and children will give you happiness and you will lead a comfortable life. You will be hard
working, brave, fond of materialistic things, knowledgeable in the construction of buildings, medicine, astrology
etc. You will be pious and religious. You will earn but will not be able to save money. You will usually be stout.
You will be lucky between 30 to 35 years of age.


As you were born in Swati nakshatra you will be good-looking, cheerful, religious and will donate money for
charity. You will be able to control your passions but unable to bear thirst. You will be skilled in trade and will
have good relations with friends and relatives. You will rise between the age of 30 to 35 years.

As you were born in Visakha nakshatra you will be religious, pious but unfriendly and jealous. Your health will
either be very good or very bad. You will be successful at the age of 21, 28 and 34 years.

As you were born in Anuradha nakshatra you will be rich, will most likely live abroad, will be unable to bear
hunger and will love to travel. You will be wealthy, learned skilled in earning money and helpful to relatives and
friends. The lucky period of your life will begin at the age of 39 years.

As you were born in Jyestha nakshatra you will be graceful, victorious, cheerful, popular, intelligent, learned,
wealthy, religious, charitable and social. You will have interest in literature and poetry. You must perform pooja
as you were born in the gund mool nakshatra. You may turn out to be harmful to your father, brother or people
of your own age. Your health could be adversely affected during 13th, 27th, 31st and 49th years of life.

As you were born in Mula nakshatra you will be happy, rich, will not harm other people and will have firm views.
You will be generous, popular, respected by friends and relatives, will live in luxury and will have a sober
temperament. You may turn out to be harmful to your father, brother, or people ofyour age. You will have liver
trouble. You will gain during 27th or 31st years of life.

As you were born in Poorva Asada nakshatra you will be proud intelligent, helpful, skilled, attached to friends,
will be a compatible spouse and will have firm views. You will get happiness from children and friends. The
lucky period in your life will start when you are 28 years old.

As you were born in Uttara Asada nakshatra you will be obedient, virtuous, will possess many friends, will be
grateful, affectionate and will return favours received. You will be clever and victorious. You will know many
wealthy people and will be respected by employers. You will be fond of music and dance. You will be
lucky after you are 31 years of age.

As you were born in Sravana nakshatra you will be prosperous, learned, intelligent and will be fond of music,
astrology and arithmetic. You will have a strong power of intuition. You will have an attractive and liberal
minded spouse. The 9th and 24th years of your life are favourable.


As you were born in Dhanistha nakshatra you will be fond of music be generous, rich, valiant,
wealthy, respected and loved by your spouse. You will be brave and will have great love for your brothers and
relatives. The lucky years in your life are the15th, 23rd, and 29th years.

As you were born in Satabhisaj nakshatra you will be charitable, wealthy, generous, independent, intelligent,
learned, victorious over enemies, respected and will have position and power. You are outspoken but truthful.
You will experience difficulties. The 22nd year of your life is lucky for you.

As you were born in Poorva Bhadrapad nakshatra you will be successful in earning money, talkative, learned,
skilled and will have good relations with friends. You will have distinct speech and you will experience
difficulties. Your spouse shall most probably be from a wealthy family. You are influenced by the opposite sex
easily. Children will bring happiness. You have a good physique. The lucky years of your life are the 19th and
the 21st years.

As you were born in Uttara Bhadrapad nakshatra you will be an orator, happy, virtuous, and victorious over
enemies. You will also be generous, good natured, wealthy and intelligent. You will have an attractive physique.
You will be blessed with children and grandchildren. The 27th and 31st years of your life are very lucky for you.

As you were born in Revati nakshatra you will be good natured, rich, confident, intelligent and willearn
money through fair means. You respect and obey your parents and elders. You must perform pooja as you
were born in the gund mool nakshatra. The 17th, 21st and 24th years of your life are lucky.

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