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Cover Page MUCH Information about the Book “Title :Tewmuch Author: A.G.Krishne Murthy “ISBN: 978-0070680241 “Publication: Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd “Copyright: 2010 “Price: RS. 195/- *Cover and Book designer: Sajit Surendram Type of book: Itw a general reading book which helps ww providing inspiration and personality development Subject matter: Telly the storiey of fifty people mostly Indian and some remarkable international achievery Special features: covers the broad range of achievers belonging to multiple fieldy “Describes the way from which people rose frow the level of failure to wucceder. “Small figures related to the field are placed Few liney are quoted iw bold “References are giver Authors purpose in writing the book: To wupire and ignite the hidden talent iw the India youth. Objective of the book Why did the author write owthiy subject? It ix the land where we can dream big and achieve big so; the author wanted the young toexcel by following the said processes. *Froww what point Of view iv the book written? -To- juice up the youth who sw ffer frow lack of visiow and whose growth iw hindered by lack of amenities ‘Was the author trying to give information to explain something technical, to convince the reader of w beliefs validity by dramatizing it in action? -The author succeeded wv satisfying the reader iw reaching hiy objective by taking life instances. Gewre What ix the general field or genre and how does the book fit into 4? It wageneral reading book for oll dreamery who want to make their dreamy real Who: ix the intended audience? AU the enthusiastic youth who like to excel in their oww fieldy and to all the steppery into: management field. Authory style : Informal way with narration of life stories of succesful people. Coherence: The book proved to be coherent ay he aligned the Processes iva systematic order Clawity: The intensiow of the author which he stated ww the prologue iy attained Doe it suit the intended audience? YES. Itdoey and not only guides them to reach their supreme gooly but the showed the path to- needed by achieve ay to what exactly i ee nave tiCleiier leaders). Table of contents -How did the book affect me? After reading the book, I came to know about famous personalities and the hardwork done, to achieve their goal. These 10 processes boosted my confidence levels. Whew someone else ix good at doing something ever lacking few amenities, howing those why cant I do it?. GOD GAVE US ONE SINGLE LIFE, LETS BRUSH UP OUR LACKS AND WORK ON OUR GOAL. Thix book gave me w confidence, that I caw recognize the change iw me and RIDE THE CHANGE. Ideas wvimnind that got changed Yes. Ever way disappointed by instances. so:, thiy book boosted my confidence and gave me w wote SUFFERINGS ARE PART OF LIFE & SUCCESS IS THE ESSENCE OF FAILURE. How well did the book achieves goal? The book totally reached ity viewpoint ay it motwatey the young mindy becouse it qi life stoview of fellow Indians who now became the story of India itself. Nouldy your veCowNnenc the ook Yes. recommend the book, It surely provokey all the losery and now starters to reach their destiny to certain levely and all the challenging youth to catch their goal. DESCRIPTION: The book ix written by famouy MUDRA advertising agency director. He describey the life instancey of notable personalitiey over the world NARRATION: The narration ix in formal way and excellent as it takes into account the personal stoviey of people whe started dreaming, worked hard to chase dreamy and turned them into reality ARGUEMENT: The author raised the point to dream, regardless of one’y own position and convinces the reader to- reach them by quoting true exampley EVALUATION: of the reader and accurate wv every possible way for which the reader took up the book and very useful, to ity intended audience. I agree with the opinions of the author because, what ever way presented i the book iy also what I believe and inlife. What I liked in the book: ‘Title: of the book --“ ter much?” * Dhirubhat and hiy theme something he would do-it. I like to be the first one iw everything sHenry ford’y achievement Liney I liked from book Lined: Throw all your weight behind that skill, Polish ihrefine it and perfect it. Line2: Your mind caw perform miracles. But your faith needy to- be 100%. Even if the faith ix 99.99%, it wil cut dowwand let you down. Line: “my life iw my message” by Mahatma Gandhi. Line4: Succesy hay many fathery and failure hay none. Lined: leaders need to be felt and touched not vignalisatiow. Lineé: failing to plan ix planning to foil 10 PROCESSES +1)Dream Big- Henry ford, Wright brothery +2) Master of trade Billgater, Karienbhav patel, Mumbai dabbawalas +3) Bepoxitwe Abri lincoln, Beethoven. deaf singer) “BI cando it ‘Siadhice Onamidrand jacpier foot-bharctanctyan), Columbo +5)Money ty by product “Steve jobs, Emerion(walt disney) “6 Hold ow to. your dream ’Suaare bos) (singer), Tyely mehta( artist) Spelsers gear Ural Vera angee crop) peniiecke (ouster ee) +8)Welcome challenger -george lucas(racing cars), winstow churchill orator) +9)Everyone should prosper UNITY IS STENGTH -Bicon, tata, infosys etc - social service EN EEE These processes seems to be easy, but these are pretty difficult to practice

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