1st Year Project

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1 Year Project


Letters of Information

Vanessa & Nikita
Afshan & Erika
Michelle & Amy
Lile & Korie
Rebecca & Oresta
Emilia &Patricia
Ciara & Justine

Amie & Amy W
Angela & Karen
Lisa & Joanne
Andrea & Rayan
Sadhbh & Stephanie
Saoirse & Danielle

With your partner, pick one place in Ireland that you
both feel would be suitable for a class trip.
Research on the internet the place you have chosen.
Take down your research in both of your hardbacks.
In your research include where the place is situated,
what you can do there and the cost of entry.
Find a contact address that you can write a letter to.

Letter of Information
Compose a letter seeking information from the
address you have found with your partner.
In the letter include the following:
Who you are and why you are writing the letter.
Why you have chosen that place.
What information you would like to know in return
(How much? When can we visit etc?)
Plan, prepare, write and print off your letter together

Make a PowerPoint presentation to be presented to the class. In this
PowerPoint presentation you will be trying to convince the class that your
letter of information should be chosen to be posted because your class
should visit the place you have picked.
Include the name of the place you have chosen
Any pictures of the place
What you can do at that place
Any information you have already found out
Why your class should visit there

The Powerpoint should be no longer than 5 slides long

After the Presentations the class will then
take a vote on the best presentation.
The winning team will send their letter
seeking information.

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