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Shot stopping in a 4v4

Practice organisation
 rea 36x30yds, with half way line marked by cones
& appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated.
Half way serves as off-side line.
8 players (incl. 2GKs), organised 3 Attackers v 3 Defenders, outfield.
20 balls (10 by each goal).
 ractice starts with: GK1 throws ball to GK2 who rolls ball to As, who

 nce attack has concluded: practice recommences with roles
Simple progression for this practice is:
- If Ds gain possession: they counter-attack & play continues until
ball goes dead.

30 yds

 s determine whether to build play into Ds half,
or shoot from longer range.



- Ds allowed 1 player in As half, as GK throws to begin practice.

36 yds

Key coaching points and detail

GK shot stopping role in game situations needs to include:
- Support behind the ball when team has possession & be able to
receive passes & switch play.
- Continually organise team defensive unit, using clear, early, concise
& understandable terminology.
- Understand principles of marking, pressing & cover, along with
channeling play away from goal.

S tart position in relation to ball remaining balanced, ready

for strike.

 o-coordinating balance of team to maintain depth & compactness
of back line, with D engaging ball showing inside or outside.

 ovement into & down the line of ball, moving to set position
as ball is to be struck.

Passing-on technical information to team mates.

 ommunication with Ds to prevent shots on goal
& ensure pressure on ball.

 ll technical & tactical detail, as described in previous practice on
shot-stopping applies.

The Future Game 257

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