Usfos Theory Manual

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SINTTEFE) report [HR nom Reetricved 1N-7094 Trondheim, Norway Ses Rev. 1993-06-02 Bee: 18843481 Rev. 1990-07-01 TE ggreans soue groaned Collapse Anslyeis of Steel Offahore pencos Structures. Theory Manual Fs a eer ln) Tore W. Seretde, Jevgen Andaht, Emst tbe Fore Hoda and’ Cjoind Eellan 7 Tn Pro. Division of Structural Engineerin Tibs00 ‘Ginagonara pape comet waltielient The theoretical basis for the computer program USPOS is described. ‘The progean Le ained at ultimate strength and progressive collapse snalyals of franed offshore structures: The baric ides of the technique is to represent one physical element in the structure by one Finite element. Nonlinear geouctrie ~and material proper tea are accounted for, the latter by means of yield hinge theory fand interaction formulas for strese Tesultants, ‘Ac present the program allows for concentrated ~ and linearly aistribueed loads, as well as thermal Toads. Ja element model for a tube with local dent and lateral distortion {a Included. This makes the progran well suited for residual atrengeh analysis of damged offshore structures. Inseam: gn erin cp? | Pletfora Plateforn Progressive Collapse Sammenbruda (Coaputer Progran Reguenaakinprogran ‘Theory Manval ‘Teorinsaval CONTENTS swrnooucrz0 112 Previous Work on the YdeaLized Structural Unit method 43 Ain of Present stuay 2:1" barge Displacenent Theory 2:1 Deseription of Notion 21112 Strain Measure 21113 stress Measore ieein-Displacenent Relations for Beat ait Reference Systen 2.2 Strain-Displacenent Relations 2.3 Coments on the Accuracy of the Strain-Dieplaccnent Relations 2.3 Variational Principles 2.3.1 Princsple of Virtual Work 21312 Increnental Fora of the Virtual Work Principle 2.4 Initial stress Pree Deftections 2.412 Noditicatson of Stiffness Matrix 3.1 Basic Assumptions 3:2 Elastic-Pertectly-Plactic Nodel 313 Blasto-Plastic Models vith Strain Nardoning 314 Partial Yielding and Strain Hardening Model 3:5 The Hardening matrix v6.1 Interaction Surface for Thin-Walled Tube "6:2 Interaction Surface for Symmetric I-Profiles (C1 General Desesiption (C2 coordinate syaten 402.1 spatial coorainat 402.2 tocal lonent system 10214 Geometric Branstormstions C312 Interpolation Functions Satisfying the Difterential 3.3 Third Order Polynomials as Interpolation Functions 314 Pinal Stiftaees nateix 4.4 modification for Plastic Hinge 4.1 Plastic #inge at Element Ends 4.2 Plastic Hinge at Elonent iidepan 4.5 Aocumalation of Stross Resultante 1 Step-by-step Nethod 2 Equilibrium rteration 3. AER Length Control 5 Increment Scaling 6 Bifurcation analysis Bean El Tat 1.2.2 mquilibeium Bgoat ions 1.213 Tacrenental Equations 1.214 woaitiestion Due to Yield Stress Degradation 3 Plate Bement Formulation 4 Mechanical Properties 5 533 usros Theory Nanval contents 10. 20. 8.1. Introduction 812 Derivation of Kinenatic Constraints toca PuexrerLine 9.1” Introduction 912 Basie 513 Modelling of nrace/chord Connection S14 Stiteness matsix for Degrecs of Freedom on the Chord FRACTURE CRITERIA 10.1 Tneroavetton 10.2 Rotation in Elasto-Plactic Region 10.2.1 Rectangular Cross-section 10.2 Rotation in Strain Hardening Region 40.3.1 Bending 40.3.2 Menbrane Strain 10.4 Fracture criterion WOCAL BUCKLING OF RECTANGULAR CROSS-SECTIONS Nit tatroduet ion 1112 Bookling Criterion 4113 Residual Plastic capacities S114 tnteraction Function for Stress Resultante 1115 elasto-plastic Constitutive Equations sure couzsron 13:1 Introduction 13:2 Local denting of tube wall 1313 Implementation in the plasticity formulation 1314 Ship indentation characteristics 14.3 Damping 14.5 Eguitibriue iteration 14.6 The predictor-corzector method 14.7 time! step sealing [EXTEROAL, RYDROGTATIC PRESCURE 1$.1| tntzoaveeion 15.2 Rabe section snterection curves 15.3 Implementation in the plasticity formulation 1514 Linseatione 10.1 10:2 10.15 na ns a3 134 wa 1533 15.5 20.1 LIST OF REVISIONS ° 1993-04-01 Abstract / Contents 2 1908-10-01 Fundamental Continsuas theory a 1992-02-01 Plastic minget ‘ 1992-02-01 Implementation of 150m 5 1992-02-01 Solution Algorite 6 1988-10-01 Modelling of Dented Tubular Meabers 7 1992-04-01 ‘Temperature Effects ° 1909-12-01 Internal Hinges ° 1989-12-01 ocal Plexibiiity " 1991-02-01 Rectanguler Cross-section 2 1991-02-01 Deck Plating Elenent 3 1991-03-01 ‘Snip Collision “ 1993-04-01 Dynamic Collapse Analysis 15 1992-04-01 External mydzostatic Pressure (ustos-aoe}ustos-tn-oo:text/i99a 08-01 1. uTRooucrTON tt Generet ‘The inplenentation of accidental loads as a design load category in offshore rules /1/ bas strenathened the need for rational tools for accidental load effect analysis. In design and operation of the structure it is of interest to know the amount of danage as well as the residual strength in damaged condition Related to the prediction of damage due to inpact loading a nev design philosophy 1s developed in the sense that structural capacity is given as enersy absorbtion capability rather than as ultinate load, The DaV rules for mobile offshore units /2/ specify 14 MJ (Mega Joule) as iapact energy for beam collision and 11 M3 for bow or stern collision, corresponding to « supply vessel ‘of 5000 tonnes displacement with inpact speed 2.0 ns". ‘The extent of danage caused by accidental loads ranges from tctal collapse of the structure to small damages which may not have serious consequences at the ‘me of accident. Movever, such a snall danage may effect the ability of the structure to withstand extrene loads, this having an influence on the safety. Newer general structural design codes inlcude a progressive ccllapse Linit state 1/3]. The philosophy behind this design Limit state is to assure that a structural systen has sufficient resistance to tolerate some local damage without catastrophic consequences. Field /4/ has presented the philosophy of limit state of progressive collapse for fixed offshore structures, However, accidental loads are covered only to a small extent in present codes. The British rules /5/ assume that the conventional types of structures have sufficient extra resistance to sustain accidental loads while the Anerican Petroleum Institute code /6/ contains no criteria on accidental loads. The regulations for fixed platforms by the Worveaian Petroleum Dixectorate /7/ require the renidual strength to he checked {in danaged condition. Local danage is accepted in case of sufficient post- enage capacity. The Norvegian Maritine Directorate has started a major research project to improve the ability to do a rational design against accidental loads 1a on mobile platforms. The first results from this project have already been given /8/. This presentation describes a procedure for progressive collapse strength evaluation In the case of damage of a bracing elenent in an offshore structure, the simplest procedure for checking residual strength would he to eliminate the Aanaged elenent fron the structural frame model and to perfora a nev linear analysis of nominal stresses. However, such an analysis is conservative in the sense that the post-danage strength of the damaged elenent is neglected together with the effects of stress redistribution In the structure. These factore can only be taken care of by an elasto-plastic large displacement type of analysis The choice of design inpact situations must be done under consideration of probability of occurrence /9/. The size of design vessel is to be deternined on the basis of the vessels intended to operate in the area, suct as service vessels, tankers for offshore loading and by-passing ships. 1.2 Previous Work on the Ideelized Structural Unit Method Veda and Rashed /10/ have described procedure which combines plastic methods fof structural analysis with local buckling of web for ultimate strength analsyis of transverse franes in ship structures. Rashed /11/ has extended this procedure, called the Tdealized structural Unit Method (150M), to be used for ultinate strength analysis of tubular frane structures. The bean-colunn behaviour of slender senbers is taken care of by using an elesent stiffness formulation presented by Livesley /12/, where the stiffness terns are nonlinear functions of the axial force. Plastic hinges are introduced at locations where ‘the clenent cross section reaches its ultinate capacity. The stiffness matrix is nodified to account for the plastic hinge, and the load increased until the next cross section reaches its ultimate capacity. This prosess continues until ‘The Tdealized structural Unit Methods has been further develozed and adopted to progressive collapse analysis of mobile offshore platforas /13/. Incremental equations are derived fron energy potentials by variation of the total energy 1s land subsequent differentiation of the equilibriua equations /13/. the main Advantage of the derivation based on energy expressions is that it results in a symetric matrix vhnile the derivation in /11/ frou the differential equation ‘gave almost identical but nonsymetric expression ‘The structure stiffness matrix is asseubled from elenent stiftnesses calculated in an updated geometry. The effect of Targe nodal point Alsplacanents Le hue included. The Load is applied increnentally. For each load step the structure stiftnes {is assenbled and the global displacenent increnent calculated, The elenent force increment is calculated by using the tangential stiffness matrix and the felenent displacenent increnent, At each level ali elements are checked to see whether buckling or plastic capacity has been reached. Tf such an event is predicted the step is reduced to being the response to just reach that event. A plastic hinge is introduced in the elenent at the position where the capacity wes reached. A modified stiffness matrix accounting for the rlastic hinge is calculated and the process proceeds to the next load step. Across section that hhas reached the plastic capacity remains on the plastic interaction surface and nove tangentially to this surface. The previous formulation does not include ‘the possibility of elastic unloading fron a plastic stre Duckling is accounted for by standard colum buckling strengtt formula. The ‘effective length 1, of the bean-colum elenent depends on the stiffness of adjacent elenents. Approzinate expressions based upon the relative stiffness of the adjacent members at each end is used /11/. The effective length calculated by this approach will always be less than the actual length of the clenent. If ‘the rigidity in sone direction is small at a nodal point this nay be conpletely nisleading. Fortunately, a criteria for global buckling in mest cases will detect such type of failure, by checking the incremental stitiness matrix. analysis of progressive collapse of structures with dented tutular members /14/ has bean performed by replacing the dantad rei cylinder with requivalent cross section properties. 14 1.3 Ain of Present study ‘he previous versions of the program USFOS /11, 13/ have worked well for problens with moderate nonlinearity. The version in /11/ vas capable of handling only Linear ceonetzy while van Aanhold implemented uodating of alobal coordinates and thereby alloyed large global deformations. But the program still was restricted to Linear geometric behaviour on elenent level. The present version has built in large deflection formulation on elenent level and thus allows noderate deflections of elements between nodal points. ‘This has a major inplication on the buckling phenomenon. Buckling is now a result of the energy state of the systen. Hence, there is no longer need to introduce this artificially by comparison with standard columr buckling strength formula. The event check on element level nov only concerns éetection of plastic hinges ‘The step-by-step solution technique has so far been based upon pure uler-Cauchy increnentation. It is the aim of this study to describe the procedure for equilibrium iterations based on the residual between external loads and internal stress resultants. This modification would also include Buler-Cauchy incre ‘entation with equilibrium correction at each step. The variction foundation of the program is also revritten in the way that it is nov totally based upon the principle of virtual displacenents for equilibrium control. The increnental stiffness is derived fron the corresponding increnental form of the virtual work principle. These nev considerations on the variational principles result in nodifications of the computer program on the calculation of elenent stiffnesses and equilibrium forces. A new model for dented tubular cross-sections is implemented. Tt is based upon the work of J. Taby /24/. By this model, the local dent is accounted for by reducing the plastic capacity of the cro handled as an initial stress free deflection, section. The overall distortion is A new interaction formula for I-profiles is inplenented. The main advantage as compared with the previous formulation is its continuity over the entize force space, A plastic interaction foraula for box-sections is also provided. Finally, a sodel for temperature loads has been developed. Tt comprises the effects of E-nodulus and yield strength degradation and thernal expansion. ‘The present study ends in a progressive collapse analysis proqran for francs capable of handling large displacements and the fornation of slastic hinges. ‘me elenent nodel is parallel] to the real structure in the wiy that one element in the numerical model corresponds to one physical bracing elenent. Hence, the problen for the designer to choose a relevant elenent nesh is eliminated. 2 FUNDAMENTAL CONTIMJUM THEORY FOR ELASTIC BEAN 2.4 Large Displacement Theory ‘The formulation behind the program is valid for large displacenents but restricted to small strains. This means that xerond-order effecte trom die- Placenents axe considered, but the structure is so slender that the strains are still in the range of some percent. 2.4.1 Description of Notion yey Figufe 2.1 Reference systen for notion | spatiel cartesian Coordinate systen x, is given for measuring global isplacenent u. Denoting the initial coordinates of point P by capital letters x, and the current coordinates atter defornation by x, the @isplacenent components cone out of RK eu an {In the computer program the coordinates x, are accumulated at each node and updated during defornation by Bq. (2.1). The displacements u, are the 22 Slobal changes in nodal point coordinates during deformation. The relation (2.1) is used for updating the global coordinates of the structure while the evaluation of elenent stiftnesses is first carried out in locil elenent systens and thereafter transformed into the common global reference systen vnen establishing displacement continuities at nodal points. 2.1.2. Strain Measure ‘The progran is ained for the analysis of trusses and frames and is restricted to uniaxial strain for tubular sections, For I-and box profiles shear strain is includes. The Green strain component # is derived from the definiton /15/ as? - as,? E (2.2) a where ds, and ds are infinitesimal line segments in initial and current configuration, respectively. From the definition (2.2) it is clear that self-straining at rigid-body notion is excluded. Self-straining is further discussed in Section 2.3.3 for incomplete strain-displacenent relations introduced for the bean elenents, It should, how- ‘over, be enphasized that by Eq. (2.2) and complete strain-displacenent expressions self-straining is no probl ‘he relation between Green strain and engineering strain, ae-as, ws, ex ‘cones out of Eqs. (2.2 and 2.3) as Rote ttey (ay For small strains the higher order term in Eq (2.4) may be neglected and Green strain and engineering strain coincide, In subsequent derivations the engineering stzain notation ¢, is used, ‘The strain neasure is related to initial Length ds, of the Line segment. This neans that differentiation of shape functions needs to be performed only once in intial coordinates and therefore used at each configuration. for linear elastic ‘material behaviour, the linear part of the element stiffness satrices is Kept constant at deformed configurations and only the deflection-dependent stiffness terns need be updated 2.1.3. stress Measure The stress tensor energy conjugate to the Green strain tensor is the second Hola-KirchhofE stress S,, with uniaxial component 5,. 5,5 is referred to initial volune and along the convective axes. This neans that in 15 0,5 in the ‘the case of small strain 5,, approaches the cauchy str Sirections of the convective axes. This is also seen from enersy considerations in the subsequent stitfness derivations for small strains no distinction is nade Detwoen second Piola-Kirchhoff stress $ and Cauchy stzess o. the symbol o is used in the formule 2.2 Strain-Displacenent Relations for Beam The present section gives the basis for establishing strain-displacenent relations for a beam elezent. The accuracy and restrictions or the assuned relations“are also discussed 2.2.1 Reference system Figure 2.2 Local elenent xy-systen Fig 2.2 shows the local set of axes x,y for a bean element with the deflected flenent shape dotted. The total displacenent of a point P is deconpoved into axial displacenent u(x) and lateral deflection v(x) (and u(x) in three Ainensions). ‘The complete expression for strain is subsequently establishet in local elenent ay-systen and the elenent stiffness is also derived in local eysten. 2.2.2 Strain-Displacenent Relations ‘The complete expression for Green's strain (or engineering stzain for small strains) reads /15/ suyttat ed as) For moderate local deflections on elenent level ¢, is simplified into /16/ eta ting by, 26) te inaccuracy introduced by Uns slaplification Je discussed Ln the next fection. ovever, {ts clear that self-atzainiog 1s a consequence, and that restrictions are put on the magntode of Local rotations related to the tine between end points of the elenent. 25 2.2.3. Comments on the Accuracy of the Strain-Displacenent Re:ations oe laa Figure 2.3. Rigid body rotation Consider the infinitesimal elenent dx in Fig 2.3 subjected to rigid body notion ‘The angle of rotation is denoted a, and under rigid body motion the following relations hold /16/ vy = sine an ug = cosa ~ 1 2a) Combining Eqs. (2.7 and 2.8) and using series expansion gives 1 tetere 4 1 adr site? 12 -tvtegv to. 2s) According to the simplified expression 2.6 the rigid body motion gives a self straining Rely (2.10) 4 ene ‘This artificial strain should be compared to the magnitudes of operating strains in the structur ‘The yield strain for steel is in the range of 0.001 and ‘accepting one percent selfstraining gives rotation ¥, equal to 1» alLoweb 4 vq 7 (8:0.00001)4 = 0.1 rad = 5.7 degrees aan With practical slenderesses of bracing elenents the above restriction on local Gefornation is considered to be no problem 2.3 Variational Principles ‘The present section deals with equilibrium equations between external loads and internal stresses on two levels. First, the first variation of potential energy (or its equivalent principle of virtual displacements) is used to establish the total force equilibrium. This formulation is the basis for the process of equilibrium iteration which is carried out between total external loads and total internal stresses at each level of loading. ‘The second variation of potential energy (or its equivalent principle of virtual Aisplacenents on incremental form) is the basis for calculation of incresental stiffness. As it is denonstrated in Section 2.2.2 this procedure is based on a Linearization of the increnental strain and thus must be completed by ‘equilibrium iterations in order to find the true solution 2.3.1 Principle of Virtual Work %2 t LA Figure 2.4 Local elenent displacements Using the notation in Fig 2.¢ for displacenents in local elenent systen, the internal strain energy for the elastic elenent reads ve} (2.12) where the first integral represent axial straining and the tvo last integrals fare the contributions from bending. Torsion is not included In Bq. (2.12) coma denotes differentiation with respect to the subsequent indice (5) The potential of external loads is written as 1 1 1 “gay +P ayude +f ay-vde +f gy-xte) 2.13) The total potential + cones out of weuse aw ‘he first variation of internal strain energy is found from Ey. (2.12) as ; ce cuss mute + $F grag 4 ge Og) tg Bg 1 1 FF EY gO gk EF EEN Wd Introducing now the axial force in the elenent equal to weemayede ede Positive for compression, and rearranging Bq (2.15), the first variation of strain energy becones 1 ou =f eau bu ae The first term in fq, (2.17) is the conventional Linear contribution from axial strain. The two next integrals represent bending defornation including magni- fication due to axial compression. The corresponding stiffness matrix elenents represented by the Livesley's functions /12/. the last integral of Ea (2.15) (2.16) am (2.17) cones from the nonlinear axial strain contribution from lateral deflections v and w. This is seen to give a contribution to the equilibriun vector of axial loads in addition to the Linear relation EAU, term of Ba. (2.17). Implenenting the following interpolation of elenent displacenents in the first we save vo = aE any ae) we bone i elenent reads ‘The first variation of the total potential eneray for an elé 1 oe = 5uTCS Bae oe, dna 1 2 Bgl 8 an - 1 , : 2 OFC By oy saMh ae (2.19) 1 aos, + fe A, = outs, = ow 2.3.2 Incremental Forn of the Virtual Work Principle ‘The aim of the present section is to cone up with incremental load-displacenent relation for an elastic beam clenent. The derivation is based upon the variational equations in the previous section, Denote by au, the increment in displacement between two adjacent deformed congfigutations ¢, and C,,,. Letting 60 be the variation in strain energy in Gq the corresponding expression for C,,, may be written, a 1 24d rrr—OC—SCOC Cr 1 «2.20 i 92800 a Incorporating 8U from Ep. (2.17) gives ou = scurav) ~ 0 1 =F eau bu de 1 FEE (AY 8 og - 1 $08 en 7 aM 1 SF EA(Ou,,v,g8Y, bv, ¥, 80 10K 2 1 I ACA a BW, + AW, MB 1A 2 2 Santa vay, ae 1 + 5 enc, gg, 1 i BACAY, V8, 84, #0, BY, + higher order terms of av, and Av, ,. These are neglected ‘The corresponding variation of the increment in external potestial gets the form au = 1 1 1 rbu, ~ J aaybode ~ fanytede ~ faa bute (2.22) Te incremental stiffness matrix is obtained by incorporating interpolation of element displacenents. It is seen from Bq. (2.21) that this procedure results in a symetric increnental stiffness matrix. 2.4 Initial Stress Free Dettections 24.1 Effective Strain Im the case of initial stress free deflections the strain ¢, in Eq. (2.6) is modified into an effective strain at /16/: initial Hes) vnere ¢,'%1 is the strain according to Ea. (2.6) with total displacements ‘inserted, that means initial plus load-dependent deformations, «M481 is ene value from Eq. (2.6) with initial displacenents inserted. Using notation ¥ and @ for initial deflections and v and w for additional deflections, the folloving relation enerses: 1 tig thet ity 20 ti i the first variation of strain ¢, reads Beg Bg High VIB, + agt Mg) Bheg (2.25) and the increnent a, Og tag Helin + iagh Wa ldwet Fav)? + (2.26) 1h Eq. (2.25) 6 is the variation symbol and & is the incremental symbol in Ba. (2.28) Ye is seen in tas. (2.25 - 26) that the total slopes (+ v)., and @ + Ww, cone in as the large deflection effects on local elenent level. It is later demonstrated how these geonetric terms influence the incremental stiftness natrix, ‘The effect fron initial slope on strain increnent is illustrated in Fig. 2.5 showing initial configuration Cj, with no initial deflection ard G,, with intial slope ¥,,. elongation Figure 2.5 Effect of initial slope on strain From Eq. (2.24) to Bq. (2.25) only the load-dependent displacenents u, v and w are varied, It is also clear that from the considerations in Sect. 2.2.3 the relations (2.25 ~ 26) are valid only for moderate rotations die to the von Farnan simplification eliminating higher order terms of the arial displacement from Ea. (2.5) to Ea. (2.6) [A physical illustration of the geouetric stiffening from initial lateral @etlection is given in Fig. 2.6 for a cable elenent. al 2 No lateral stiffness Figure 2.6 cable elenent with lateral load 2.4.2 Modification of Stitiness Matrix Im the case of initial deflections (x) and (x) Bq. (2.12) for elastic strain energy turns into : BAPE eilag tig vag + Bag tig t hla th ag ee 7 (2.2) at 2 at a, OD ety vegan ET ate glee ‘he variation 6(0 6 a0) reads 2 < . 806 a) =F eBlog bag # Bey Og Ata) High Oot Br 1 : 2 sgt ang? tS Onigt ang) am HGgt Glagh Vagh Mg) Bg + ligt High MI ag) A 1 2 PFET ggt Bigg) © Bragg AL Ely lteggt Bg) Begg and the stittness terms of Bq. (2.21) get the form sau = 8(0 + a0) ~ 30 1 =F eau, buy, “1 + ABT ¥ gy Oh ov, 4x ® BC Ogg BL Maa! Mr (2.29) EMA Gat vgs gt Wg) © bas,2O ERIOU Gat H, bu, Je FAV. Wagt Fig)? “Beg FER COM, Gt ig)? bey Ie 4 : - FP ER vig ag) Cag 28 Fag gt HI Tigh Vig Os Ie + higher order terms of Avsg and Av, ‘The variation of increment in external potential cones out on the sane form in Eq. (2.22). The conclusion from these considerations is that the initial deflections affect the incremental stiffness. However, the correct values are obtained by using the total deflection (initial + additional) in the nonlinesr expressions Again, it ought to be enphasized that the derivations are valid for moderate rotations SFOs theory Manual aa Plastic Hinges 3 PLASTIC HiNGESs: 3.1 Basic aszunptions sme prt of flow theory of plasticity to application on ¥/ type interaction curves instead of 0 type yield functions. the chapter also deals with sone problens sat chapter deais with the theoretical formulation for the modification ‘associeted vith numerical implenentation of the modified flow theory. 1m the conventional flow theory of plasticity three basic assumptions are mde initial yield condition which in stress srace can be ‘Liustrated by an initial yield surface, b. Tere existe a {ox mule relating plastic strain increment to stress ©. Ahardening rule is defined relating the translation of the yield surface to ‘ene anount of plastic deformation. 3.2 lastic-Perfectly-Plastic Nodel In this case the First condition shove fs expressed by the interaction formula of the orbss section in the way Fes, ay = en wore tne parameters are: sized shear force in local y-direction SFOS theory Manvel a? Plastic Hog 2) = Gop = normalized anear force in local z-direction 24 = GAD pommalized toraion moment 84 > GEC = normalized bending moment about ecal y-axis ag + Gar + normalized bending a 1. (3.1) datines the plastic state of atress while elastic conditions sre characterized by Pisco Ba ‘Mis derivation is restricted to non-hardening materials to that the yield ns that by surface romaine the sane throughout plastic deforaation. This m loading fon one plastic stres ‘equation is valia state to another plastic state the following ae Bon Hag, tha, 0 an Es a0, + a nich Le equivalent to the consistency condition in conventional flow theory for non-hardening materials. 1 shouldbe emphasized that Bq. (2.3) above as well as other resent section 3.2 are restricted to infinitesinal increments. Nodifications for finite incre ynts in plastic region are presented in section 4.4.1 ‘An associated flow rule is applied in the sense that the yield function in Ea. (3.1) 4a used as plastic potential. denoting by w the plastic deformation O49 SFOS Theory Nenvsl 2 mere the vector § contains the section forces at the plastic hinge 5 = Gy Gp Myatt? os) Te parameter ah in ys. (3-4) 48 a non-ne stive scalar quantity which is zero at pure elastic detornetion and g is the gradient 22 to the viold surtace a? aryan au? 2r720, a 287/20, =a 68 arpam, arjany arvan, The deformation vector vP is equivalent to conventional strain in the sense ‘at it is a deformation measure at the plestic hinge, Tt gives the adjacent Ataplacenents between the two sides of the hinge so that rigid body notion of ‘the hinge is not making any contribution. An illustration of the exclusion of rigid body rotation is given in Fig. 2.1. —— igure 3.1 “Elimination of rigia body rotetion at plastic hinge UsrOs Theory Manual a Plastic Hinges 5.3, Hlasto-plastic models with strain hardening ‘The introduction of hardening in the plasticity sodelling represents an generalization of the deviation in the provious section. At each state of plastic deformation at the hinge it is postulated that there existe a unique yield surface in the normalized force apace given by: F(a) and Le 1,6 an 4 represents the yield surface offset components in the force space and 2, denotes the yield surface extension in the normalized force sp3c Strain hardening takes place vhen F(e\) > 0 ‘The yield surface F(s;) generally depends both on the current state of forces land on the aisplacenent history. wuned, 20 that the tn the current formulation kinematic hardening will be # ‘extension paraneter zy and the shape of the yield surface are kept constant While its origo a, is alloved to move. Taotropic hardening, which would imply increasing 1,, 8 sot considered hers. The following formulations will be weitten on a form using finite incre Consider the stage of loading shown in Figure 3.2, Usr0s meory Hanval a Next poston of yl surtace Pigure 2.2 Force decomposition ‘te current force vector is denoted by 6. The total force increment, OS during 2 toad step can be split into two components; Ost, which is tangential to the yield surface and produces no plastic flow and Os which 1s not tangential to the yield surface and causes a shift of the yield surface offaet Oa, Weitten as a vector in the 6 dimensional normalizet force space thts gives: Os - Ost « ast oa a = Gs 89 or the tangential force component the consistency criterion is written in the st ast <0 G10) st Osh > 0 oan here g is the gradient (SE) to the yield surface Usr0s Theory Nenual 26 Plastic minges Within @ load incronent the relationahip between force increment and plastic Asplacenent 1s aseuned to be Linear. Since Os! ie the only component producing plastic flow the folloving relation yields: sh = whe? a.) 14 in detail in section mere BY ie a plastic moduli (hardening) matrix discus 3.5, The plastic displacement increment Av? ‘2 given by Ey (3.4) JA Partial yielding and strain hardening model bounding surface concopt /27/ formulated in force space is used to nodel strain hardening and partial yielding Figure 3.3. Schematic representation of yield and bounding surface Consider the two surfaces in Figure 3.3 vhich are used to indicate the degree of hed placticity for 2 cross-section. Te actual state of stress resultant are with the position vector 8. Usr0s theory Honval a? Plastic ninges A yield surface ‘2 defined by the equation Pyle = 0, * and t= 1,6 a3) here the extension parameter 0 <3, ¢ 1. men the force state § has reached the yield gurface this corresponds to initial yielding in the cross section. Once the yield aurtace {a reached, it starte to translate so that the str during subsequent loading. This translation is uniquely defined by the history wuitants ranain on the yield suctace of the position vector B, which marks the centre of the yield surface Associative plastic flow theory s¢ applied in the way that the yield surtace Fy0 also serves os the plastic potential when calculating incremental plastic aetorastions Ov". Further, in Pigure 3.3 a bounding surface £2 defined vhich hae the sane anape ‘the yield surface. Tt se given by the equation “cia and 4 = 1,6 ero) where ty +1 ig the bounding auctas extension pareneter. The Bounding surface represents the outer Limit for the translation of the yield scrface. A point on the bounding surface denotes a fully plastic stress state. Plestic, kinomatic hardening, is modelled as a translation of the Bounding surface in the stress resultant space, given by the history of the centre position vector 6. For a given force state § which have resched the yield surface, the conjugate point & on the bounding surface is defined so that S and & nave uniairect sonal gradients g and § as thova in Figure 3.3 of defornstion, ond relates the multidinensional illustration in stress resultant space to a uniaxial strain curve SFOS theory Manval 2 Figure 3.4 Analogy between multidimensional stress-space and uniaxial For the adopted kinematic hardening rule no of the yield aurface. Prager /26/ and Ziegler /29/ have both proposed surface eral rule exists for the notion ‘translation rules. Both these rules may violate the bounding surface consept in ‘the sense that intersections of the yield and bounding surface may occur. For the present formulation, the approach proposed by Mroz /30/ te adopted. 19 ‘this model in which the violation of the Bounding urtace concept is avoided, ‘the yield surface translates parallel to the vector connecting the stress resultant poiat and the conjugate point on the bounding surface, i op = wie - 8) a5) hore p is a scalar. The condition of equal gradient for Sand 6 leads to the requizencnt -a- 28-6) e.t6) where = defines the surface size ratio x = 24/2, Combining Equations (3.15) and (3.16) there comes out Usros meory Manual a8 OB = pts15-B)-(8-4)) 3.7) ‘The scalar p is eliminated by introducing the consistency exiterion stating that, the force point is to romain on the translating yield surtace, or: tr, = 3E as, « SE ap, + oF «0 cal rere OP repres nts any deviation from the yield surta Utilizing tne fact that 2 (a1) equation (3.18) can be veitten os fr, = 9° (08-08) + OF 0 G.20) Combining Equations (3.15), (3.17) and (2.18) the incremental yield surtace ‘translation can be written on the the form: 08 = (2(8-8)-(s-a)) NOs + aE e.2 712(5-B)-(5-09) waien reduces to 1p + ba ~ (S:BL(aT65+0F)_ a 18-8) vmen the yield a pounding surface noves in contact Consistent with the formulation of the hardening increment Os given in Equa tion (3.12), the incremental bounding surface translation should be along the hardening vector a= Osh = xP - Ove ay rather than according to &q 3.22 UsrOS Meory Hanval 310 Plastic Hinges by translating the bounding surface according to Bq. (3.23) the move ntl tne force state § reaches the yield surface (F,-0) snd becomes equal to the fully plastic rate ven § reac the bounding surface (P50) ‘an unfortunate consequence of using g. (3-22) for updating the tra fof the yield surface when the two surfaces sove in contact is that the contact int Cixed. Tt ss better to let the contact point fo-lov the present Fores point on the bounding surface. This Le obtained by updating the centre point of the yield according to p= deste 0.25 In conclusion, the bounding turfoce offeets are always predicted by Ba. (2-12), the yield surface offsets by Bq. (3.21) if the yield surface does not contact the bounding surface and by Eq. (3.24) if the yield turface contacts the In connection to cyclic analysis the shift to cyclic materiel paranetric implies a shift of the yield surface offset which is given by: (2yc/tya tS + Be (3.20 3 Five where subscripts a and c denote monotonic end cyclic materiel paraneters respectively. 2.5 the hardening matrix ‘Me hardening aatrix k° contains the plastic moduli at a plastic hinge and 4s for the prerent formulation diagonel. For # three-dinensioual bean kM is given by: Ws dkagonal (epa"s Kaa oo kgetD (3.29) ‘se0s theory Manvat aan mI le Minges vere the subschript corresponds to each degeee-of-freedon. In the folloving Te io assumed that the hardening in the fully plastic state for eech loed ‘component §; ia proportional to the relative plastic dieplacesent ¥4p/¥\P: * it @.30) mere Sip ~ plastic capacity for force component & vip > elastic displacement corresponding to 81» ~ hardening force component vj? ~ plastic assptacenent easociates to 5," fy 3.30 rearranged lets which dictates that the plastic modulus should be taken as a fraction of the elastic otiftness. Thus the plastic atisfaess Fy," in the axiel aizection Se (3.328) where EA/J is the elements elastic stiffness and cy is a nondimensionsl plastic ‘similarly it 1s found that the plastic stittnesses for shear and torsional 2 pane UFOs theory Nanval an Plastic Hingee Rae ee (on) whore 1, 42 te torsional moment of snertia and 1, and 1, ace soments of inertio —” If all loads are applied ot the nodes, the curvature along the member is 2 function of the member ends. By use of the virtual vork principle the foltoving plastic bending moduli are derived: (2.320 wae) here S55 and Sg are the bending moments at node J and S54, and Sep, are the plastic bending capacities at node i. The hending moment at the opposite node 5 {in Bqs (3.326) and (3.32f) accounts for the affect of curvaturs variations along ‘the element on the yield hinge. when the stress resultants are on the yield surface but have not reached the pounding aurface, the plastic moduli Neve to be adjusted. Yor 4 one degree of freedom systen the following relation holds: —_ eas where k* and RP denote the elastic tangentiat stiffness and plastic stiffness, espectively. unviously, the total stiftness x showle oe equal to x wen the tress state Just reaches the yield surface, ie 2? should be infinite in this case, For incrassing stresses 1t should decrease anocthiy toverds the Fully plastic moguius SFOS Theory Manvat a3 or this purpose, a distance paraneter 6 is needed. This is teken ax the Aistance between the current point on the yield aucface and the conjusate point fon the bounding surface as illustrated in Figure 3.5. Figuce 3.5 the distence para ‘Te distance parameter 6 is defis Be Uy = ey BN, bea seu] | (BB Si ae -] kaa) aan 2+ FE sa the scalar factor nore 6) 6 the nondinensional force vector af relating the yield surface and bounding surface sizes” 5p) {9 the plastic capacity of force component ounber 1. ‘me distance at first yield is denoted O,,. The desired propertios of the hardening moduli are obtained by using the following relationship. uspos-tm/1992-02-01 Usros meory Manvel ae where 4) is a parameter to be deterained eapiricslly, such that the tesnsition performance is adequate. Thus, ky" tarts fon infinity when 6 + iq and approaches the fully plastic hardening modulus F,,” vhen 5 ~ 0, 3.6 Plastic Potentials for Beans 3.6.1 Interaction surface for Thin-Holed Tube In the case of a fully plastic stress ovar a thin-walled cross section the interaction between axial stress and sheer stress ie normally veslected and the general expression (3.1) turns into FO, Me Myles By 21 = 0 2 ean (m2)! coat A tt ott 2 (m2)? where 8, ayy Ay and my 86 nondinenonal pacametecs defined by j mba yb ne WREEE Np, Moy, My and Mpg are the plastic capacities for axin: force, bending ‘onent ond torsional monent, respectively. x is the surface extension paraneter land arg the surface offsets in force space. The formula does not account for Jocal wall failure of the tube. SFOS Meory Manvel 416 Plastic minges 0 = Be % Bs ae Ye oye 36 and n, my and my axe defined according to Eq(3.24). : Bquation (3.35) vas darived by a combination of trial and curve fitting. A comparison with the two-facet model proposed by Chen and Ateuta is shown in oT She att SEE, fed Fo z > mh My Figure 3.7 Comparison between present surface and the two-facet surface or deep girders the plastic shear capacities should be based upon # thorough evaluation of the post-critical behaviour of the web accounting for possible tension field effects, 3.6.3 Interaction Surface for Box Sections Exact interaction formulas for box type cross-sections are aicficuit to obtasn, ‘Te interaction between axial force and bending aoaent is adequately described by the following relationship Usros meory Manual aa Plastic Hinges whore m and n axe nondinensional stcess resultants (see eq. 2.24) and @ is a pecaueter depending on the ratio between the web aren, Ay, and total cro! sectional area, A. A ceasonable £4t with intesaction curves given in Ref. /22/ 4s obtained with ate 6 0.64, aett.t, 2.0) 28) For biaxial bending the following interaction {# adopted Gs ya Bs 3.39) here By, By, axe determines by curve fitting. For quadratic cross-setions By = By = 1.75 give satistactory resuite. § ie selected ao a8 to give ‘as possible Linear behaviour of the interaction fonction with respect to axial force and bonding. A xessonable valve is B = 3 1A torsion the effective yield etre flanges are reduced according to the formula fof the web and the Org + Oe(ICatom 2) 40) 2 aay Tha, hore Oy Ls the plastic capacity for the shear force, and a, se defined in Ba. (3.34) modified due to shear and torsion as follows Mee = GE a tayPomyy oS (retagtom2d) ey \USP0S theory Manvel a8 Plastic minges tetagton?11/2 6 oe 2am,2))3/2 Bast EE tayteaen® (3.8) an ramet t/t EN a qs tamty)2 Morea = Farm Cay NEE + TR AataPm AE 0.44) as) ‘Mie expression is not conveniant fron # numerical point of view due to multiple occurrences of potential singularities in the denominators By rearranging &q. (3.48) the folloving expreseion is found more suitable for computer implenentation G08) 2.49) (3.50) lustos-docyuston-ta-03:text/1992-02-01, Usr0s meory Hanvad as Implonentation of Idealszed Structural Unst Nathod 4) ImpLenenraTion OF THE IDEALIZED STRUCTURAL UNIT METHOD 4.1 General Description ‘The present descretizetion technique, called the Tdealized structural Unit Method, is based on the physical analogy that one numerical elenent is used for ‘cach real structure element. The asin objective is of course to minimize computer costs. Further, it is clear that thie type of discretization is woce oriented against conventional design philotophy since typicel eleneats in the rnunerical model correspond to components to be checked in conventional design lowever, compared to conventional finite eleseat models besed upon updated tagrangian formulation of socalled corotational formulation the idealized structural unit method saplies a coarse element representation in the sense that h clonont between real nodal pointe is modelling by one noserical element: ary to take in geonetric ue to this relative coarse discretization it is nec nonlinearities on local element level in order to pick up loctl collapte modes. ‘me present version of the program USFOS differs in the way of handling large Aisplacenents on local elenent Level and globel level. On elenent level Large deflection ie incorporated by additional second order strain terns while the slobal effects are taken in by updating nodal point coordinates. Thus, a total tagrangian formulation ie implemented on element level. However, the program ‘does not imply a complete total tagrangian formulation since the element reference axes are updated throughout deformation. usros-1¥/1992-02-01 SFOS Pheory Manvel Implementation of Idealized Structural Unit Nathod 4.2 Coordinate syetens ‘the global reference systems and the local els ‘te present section descr coordinate axes. The geonetric tronsforaations in extablishisg global losd- Aisplacenent relations are also explained. 4.2.1 spatial coordinates A right-handed cartesion system X, 1, % 48 being used for referenc system for Aodal aizplacenents, The corresponding translation components are denoted 5, ry Hy and the rotations @, 9. 9, Figufe 4.1 spatial coordinates aysten Pig. 4.1 shows nodal point P in undeformed configuration and the position P in deformed state. The displecenent vector és usras-rH/1992-02-01, sPOs theory Manval aa Implementation of Kéealized Structural Unit Method Denoting by X the position vector of P in underformed configuration the de Tormed position vector reads Kemek an ‘The global vector x a Bg. (4.1) with translation parameters only indicates ogether with Eq. (4,2) that rotations are aot considered when updatiag the geometry of tho structure. It 1e denonsteates later that the only vay rotetions of-treedon in the Load Gq Oy @, cone in is on incremental form as degre Aisplacenent relationship. the notation Z is being used in tq, (4.1) in order to make a distinction from the vector x of nodal parameters used on incremental form in the solution algorstha, Fe lt ryt Far Oe Oye 9) a ‘Te spatial coordinates ere being used as reference system for the global load asepias 12 that poreible incre mental elonent loads and displacements aze referred to systea x, ¥, 2 in the st equations on incremental form, This wet inal stigfness expressions for the total structure. Thus, after having calcu lated incremental stitta sat loads in a Local elenent coordinate system, the element relations undergo geometric transformation into the apatial and el before establishing interelanent continuity. ‘me spatial coordinate systen cones out with two fonctions a) To sesve as a reference eysten for the position of nodal points and thereby a reference systen for global frame geometry. ») to be a reference aystem for global lond-displacesent relstions. Interelenent continuity 1a established in the spatial aysten, This meats in practice thet together. Implonentation of Tdealszed Structural Unit Method 4.2.2 Local Element system Figure 4.2 Local element coordinate system Pig. 4.2 indicates @ boom element at sone staye of deformation. the end points fof the element are munbored 1 and j, respectively. the direction cosines of the ‘axis as roforred to the spatial eysten become 2c ay? say = pt say aye an 1m order to fix the local sy-plane a vector ¥° is defined, This vector can bbe defined by specifying tvo points in space or two nodal points. The dat product oni aa 4s evaluated vhere {, now is the unit vector along x ig (681K, C08 (2,71, 08 (2,21) ws SFOs Theory Manvel aa Iuplenentation of 1&elized Structural Unit Method ‘te unit vector 4, in the local y-disection is now found from yin th ’ « yea, hoa, Finally, the local z-direction {s detined by the unit vector ere aan ‘The above choice of vector y” should be taken under the consideration of 9. foe Y~ and H-type of possible predifined reference axes of bending, profiles. 4.2.3 Geometric teensformstions ‘Te transformations between local end global ref rence systens are in the Following desceined for elenents with eccenteic coupling to nodal pointe, see rig. 4.3. & Figure 4.3 Boom element with node eccentricity in spaticl eysten ‘te set of two by eix paraneters for each element ia shown in Pig. 4. ghia is Implonentation of 1dealized Structural Unit Nethod the general bean elenent in three dimensions with three translational paransters land theee rotational paraneters at esch node. dimensional bean element ‘The displaconent paraneters are indicated at end i of the elesent and the corre sponding forces ae node 4 Referring to Fig. 4.3 the gvonetric traneforaation is twofold First, the pat mmetere at the onds of the elenent are tronsformed into global axes and second, account is nade for eccentric nodes. stion between Local and global axon ia given by w | feorteny costae costezi] | x +] = feostre costr.2) contr.2i] | xf cana) . Joos(2.x) cos(,y) coaiz,2)| | ve aay ‘te transformation for the six paranate Implonentation of 1dealized Structural Unit Nethod wy . it tg e % y a % \ % Denoting by & the el nt stiffness matrix in local eysten the global matrix tee cas) were r-feercey (a.t6) In the proces fof equilibrium correction it is also required to transform equi- Librium element forces into global eyston, Denoting by 8 tre equilibrion 4 the corsesponding global components tars found trom forces in Local aya aan ‘There nov renains to account for possible node eccentricitie According to Fig. 4.3 the eccentricity vectors @ and e” are jefined as the vectors {za nodal point to bean end. The componente in global systen are denoted by 2,, ¢,, 0. St exch end of the elenent the folloving relation is Implonentation of dealszed Structural Unit Method x, 5 uaa) %| % | % % 9 element ond semen ~ ¥ Fnode te199 ona we Tia = ee (4.20) K ds the 12°12 elenent stiftness metzix in global system with eccentritios included 1 Tein}, te the transformation matrix due to eccentricity. The components Of the eccentricity vectors are referred to global syster from node ta between Local and glotal systens. 1F Ae the matrix of direction cosin K 4s the elenent atitinese matrix in local system with no eccentricity at onde. aan SFOS Theory Manuat ao Implementation of Idea1ized Structural Unit Nethod 8 the global 12:1 element vector of quitibrium forces with eccentricities Heruaea = fs the local 12:1 element vector of equiltbeiun forces with no eccentricity ‘Te above traneforaations have to be carried out for each el ont before intro ducing the interelanent continuity requirements 4.3 Increnontol stittness for Elastic Beas ‘Te present section concerns the formulation of incremental stiffness for the nee nt indicated in Fig. 4.4. The pure elastic element is first considered discussing alternative interpolation functions for the Aisplacenents. Modifications for plasticity are introduced by combining elastic with plastic properties described in chapter 3 4.3.1 varlational Forsslation ‘te basis for deriving incremental stiffness for the beam element is given in Section 2.3.2 and aost of the preent discuasion is davoted to choice of inter polation functions. The general description of displacement isterpolation is siven in Bg. (2.18) vere u(x) is axial ateplacenent of points on reference axis x, v(x) is deflection in y-dizection of points along the beam M(x) is deflection in z-direction of pointe along the bean Tt is assunod that the Local x-axis goes through the centre of gravity of the sro Theory Manual Implementation of Idealized Structural Unit Nathod ‘The incremental form of the First variation in potential enesyy can now be written according to Eg. (2.21) tin tf an, et 2 FE Yay, cP ae BS Oy, OE Oe FOE Ley aan ~ Oye, Ie Ow sate 7 By Py . + 007 f enm, yy oF, a Or + OFF fap, vt,00, bv zt 2 + oF [ me, v0 x bw 10 mya tat rai ai oo (4.22) Arranging the paraneters of the element in the order 9, ¥, w the stiffness matiix rey be ordered correepondingly. SFOS theory Menus) eefeo a sok wan) the following expressions for the ssmatrices enrye from Eg. (4.22) we athe 20 Bee PEG Me a” By Pra 2)0H (425) PY, sae ~ By YW afe,x) tomy arizing from &q. (2.19). The subsequent terns cones from large rotations and Se | Meta Ne am ‘Tose two are coupling matrices between axial and lateral defcrmation and Linear Finally, the diagonal submatrices for deflection k and k_ get additional contributions that are of second order in rotation MEE Peay ot a, 2 (4.29) vusres-rH/1992-02-01 Fos Theory Nanvat an Implomentation of Ideslized Structural Unit Nethod nt ee fey a (4.30) mite coupling matrices Between the two directions of deflections cone out of the to last integrals of Ea. (4.22) Ft a A a Bee on ‘Bge. (4.24 - 4.31) preserve symmetry in the final incremental stiffness mately, ‘me conteibutions from Bye. (4.27 - 4.21) give the correction of element stittness matrix due to large deflections over the element. In an updated or corotational formulation these extra terme are normally neglected and only the Linear secant eubuatrices in Ege. (4.24 - 4.26) axe normally esed. several rnunerical elements ars then needed over one real bean elenent. Torsion stittness is directly put into the stiffness matrix ir USFOS. 4.3.2 Interpolation Functions satisfying the Differential Equations ‘ho alternative choices of interpolation functions are incorpecated in usros. ‘me original vereion of the peogean Se based upon fonctions (x) and @ (x) eat aatisty the differential equations for # beam with axial forct m (positive in compression) and no lateral toad Yywcr Bry Yon 7? (432) 433) tn the following only deflection ¥ in y-Airection is considered. The deflection w in s-disection can be treated in a similar manner. However, ge. (4.32 -(.33) become aore complicated vhen deflection occurs in y- a s-disection simulate neously. This iz discussed later in this SFOS theory Manvel an Introducing now the notation wee § positive for compression 43) > ‘gives for M Lo compression the following solution of Fg. (4.2) WOR © Ayoomes 6 Ay = stm 6 ays Zo ay (435) and for 8 in tension wed ea PF ape ay Be ty (4.36) or equivalent YOR) = Ay comme + Ryosinhkx © ay Fo ay ean ‘The paraneters A, - Ay are trested az generalized displacements. Denoting by 4, the vector ay 7 Ay Ae Ay Bal (4.38) ‘the interpolation functions are collected in the vector yl) = (oomk,x, sink, £1 (4.39) for Min compression, an WE a 00 Wgyl2P= for N in tension. for both cases the interpolation of deflection v te weitten vont = 6h, (xa, way Similar expressions can be set for deflection y= ty Be BIT ay at H) = [coskge, sink,x, $1 443 Mult) = [o0sk,x, sink,x, 21) aay ‘or W in compression, and {sr0s Theory Nanval au Inplowontation of Tdeatized Structural Unit Method ey teh Ea rer for Min tension. The interpolation of w becomes wo + 6h Gay (Ly ‘me interpolation of axsal atsplacenent v(x) wae originally Linear. However, with the strain expression in fq. (2.6) seif-straining nay easily occur since by rigid body rotation the constant term u does not match the Higher order conte- Dutions in v2, and v?,. the game probien has been discussed by Sereide /16/ for the finite element technique based on total tagrangian Formulation we) «98, tg, oo = (ey C2 Cy C4)” (ary sion the interpolation resd lt) = (eonee, sinks, Z11 (08) ana for W 1 toneion My XP= (8% MEF 0 we Oe nt yea? (4.50) Tt 4s agen that the parsneters 4, B and ¢ are associated with rigid body motion only and have no stiffness influence. Therefore, the typical submatrices are of Aimonsion 3:3 in generalized aisplacenents. Referring to Fig. 4.4 the relations between generalized displacements and real Aésplacenents are ae follovs sro theory Manual Inplonontation of Tdeatized Structural Unit Method Deflection vi ta = ¥ or for in compression ee s ooo is Croom ye aimed tnd for 4 in tension y T ° a yak 1 ay neraett too | fan 4 ete ie gee to ala |ise ws (52) 53) asa 15 SFOS Theory Manvat a6 Implementation of 1dealszed Structural Unit Method and for Win tension om or oy le, 8 Ra Tea * : . vost fat. foe nN See eto 8, ‘Te axial interpolation undergoes static condensation into twe parameters v; and uy at cloment ends. The iret step in this procedure is to keep C) and C; still as generalized displacements and to introduce u; and uz instead of Cy and Cy in the following way a o 1 0 0 | fe 4 (56) 1 0 0 a} fo © = comets = sink whore u_ denotes the uncondensed axial displacenent vector Further detaile on stiffness evaluation are given in Section 4.3.4 usros-rH/1982-02-01 UsrOs theory Monval an Implonentation of 1dealized Structural Onst Method 4.3.3. Third order Polynonials as Iaterpotation Functions ‘the computer program also includes the conventional third order polynomiols for detection ee eT (4.50) ion now ace .quai for compression and tension Ba. (4.51) turns into oo 0 ay fa oo fa lee rot ay || cose Hoa oO au] [oe and ba. (4.59) reads o o-t 0 nl joy roars a {of (60) moo U Be ye ‘the generalized axial coordinates in terms of nodal parameters u and vp given by Bq. (4,57) become : ae hora elie Implementation of Ideslized Structural Unit Method 1.3.4 Fine stiftness natrix Tt Le easily verified that the three rigid body pas expressions (4.22). The 9x9 elonent natrix of a. and cy ao not enter into the stitine (4.23) can be evatuates in generalized coordinstes re x (2) with all submatrices of dimensions (3-3). ‘te transformation into parameters w implies the folloving operations on sub- matrices in fq. (4.62) ee ager! (oe) ‘wear (Fe"") quay (se Faequ * eo) Mage (4.65 the Gt matrix ke divided into 2:2 submatrices connected to parameters Cy, Ce and uy, up rc) rorther the aatrix Ki horisontally split ustos-1H/1992-02-01 SFOs Theory Manval a9 mplowentation of Iaealized Structural Unit Method od and correspondingly ewe | (4.68) ‘weaw om | a ‘Te axial mixed vector of Bas, (4.56, 4.61) is subdivided S (4.69) joctated with generalized par = be BE + Regyly + Regul) (4.70) Having vj, vy a8 the finsl parancters in axiai aisplacenent the work associated with be should vanieh. Thia reoulte in the well Enown procedure for static condensation. Be = = AE Ocgylly + Regul? am here x, + 0 4s incorporated sr0s meory Manvel 20 Implementation of Kdealized Structural Unit Hethod ‘The incremental virtual work associated with q, i nov Bays, = 64, (Raga t® * Rigylt any + Mavarllty * Favavly! Grahéning Rae. (4.7%, 4.92) given 8, 785,5 = 65,70 © Oy © Hayted Boge O° (09) + Mavau ” Feqy ted Feauly! hence leading to the modified submatrices = aE Mage 70 Kavae “eq ~ Ney Eb Kaw (75) A similar evaiuation of bats, leads to foes “age” Kay *d Foge (4.76) ee 1 et am Faway * Sarav ~ Foaw ae Noay * Fava ‘the Finaletransitions fron generalized coordinates q, and g, into nodel displace. ment parameters ¥ and w out as ay * Bagy BD a8) By BT Bayly aay Sow" Baga Fo!) (4.80) Inplomentation of Idealized Structural Unit Nethod Bye OTT Baggy (By) wan 4 (4.02) yt Before organizing the incremental stiffness matrix node-wiae the above aub- nnatrices are defined out of as, a ba 22 ay ae as, |=] Ke ow (60) oh rn as, ee Key tw com} ben ey ata} loan, For the full three-dinensional bean elenent the torsional rigidity associated 12 8 > has to be included. ‘The St. Venant elastic risiaity Grt/K ‘e with @ pot on'main diagonal and -Cr,/K on coupling terns ‘The final transformation into node-by-node order is a simple reorganization of Ba. (4.83) and As not given in dotest here, 4.4 Modstications for Plastic Hinges ‘te present section concerns the aodification of elastic stiftners matrix ave to plastitication. ‘As explained in Chapter 3 plastification 1s supposed to be con- ‘contrated at hinges. The present version of USFOS considers three alternative Locations of these plastic hinges for each element, nanely at the element ends and at midspan 4.01 Plastic tinge at Element Ends iret, so deformations in the vicinity of plastic hinge comments are given on the calculation of @ sr0s theory Manvat aa Implementation of Idealized Structural Unit Method igure 4.5 Rotations at bean end Fig. 4.5 shows a beam end coupled to a node with an the beam end. The node rotation is 8. due to concentrated rotation at the umes plastic hinge at plastic hinge a discontinuity occurs in beam rotations across the hinge and the folloving relation cones out Snoae * hinge * Sotastic (omy He is clear that vhen introducing interelement continuity 8 should be the onaracteristic pareneter at the bean end and not Ot nt parameters. Sinilar considerations can also be made for the other displace ‘Thus, by using the notation tov 8, 0, 81 fea (4.05) sitet (4.86) The elastic and plastic rotations are separated in the way en te and plastic (hinge) paruneters. Implementing the system of Bas. (4.05 - 05) azo for bean end forces usros theory Manus! oa Implementation of 1dealized Structural Unit Method kena (4.28) = 197 8:7 ro) tho incremental stiffness relation of #q. (4.03) can be written Ce is, - a (4.30) as} Lee, eee | Law i, ‘me only difference is now that the elements in fy. (4.03) hare been reordered consistent nodal force increnents (J, UG) tron consentratet and laterally Aisteibuted elenent loads ha also been included, ror the plastic hinge the defornations are given by the flov cule of Bt (84-6), oF by the new notation. with g, being the partial derivatives of plastic potential F vith respect to ‘each component at beam end no, 4 vg oe ar oe ar oe 9 Gh te ae (a2 Bq. (4.90) now turns into as, |] er ee |[ or | | esesi mess |] ons | | 08, H H : as 5, | | er Kez |[ Ove | | ers Hea9e || ore | | O82 cata (aay ‘Te consistency condition of fq. (3.10), stating that during loading the stress esultants reaaing on the yield surface, can now be expressed a: ‘sr0s theory Manval am Implementation of Ideslized Structural Unit Method tot «toy, = 0 (4.940) Inserting Equation (3.8) gives: sfios, - st + $5 as, (9) Substituting Equation (2.12) into (4.94) gives 9F (08, = REO cys Oyj) 20, 22 ‘Combining E93. (4.93-94) 1eade to the following equations for Dh; and Dy 7 (4.95) lss7Om.Trvers)937 9: sage || Or] over siTee | on] | 9s" ony i929) 92" Uezeeke2" 22190, laeTke1 9272 IL Ove} [52708 2 a2 (oa Hore iy and hy are the hasdening atcices associated with bean element end 1 dent that nib = HP = 0 and end 2 respectively. Prom section 3.6 it 4s also ‘me solution for Dh; end Dh; can be written ay whom | | on oh te : 5 (496) oe J* st eh | Love phy ok | Lo’: Fh ttaTomegeny! 2, sia Moe gk WaT esis: cTkoseeTs) 697 Ty = aye 92" Mkaaeks Cas )92)97Ri2 ~ (93"%1292182" ko) «4.98 FL tg, umpenst x aaa Ms ak WasToyiee ben is eTie: - (oeTegI97 RN 99) UsrOS meory Manvel 435 Iuplonentation of Ideatized Structural Unit Method BE = gag (9s eH FHCH4) 919K: ~ (597194191 7R2)) (4-100) Phy = gag (GF OnraekedCza)92 197 (to) . Phe + agg C97 Miz 199 ca.t02 (57 key 9397 (4103) Fe = ge oT mentee, : 4.108) Pie + agg (6E OnekiTeeix091)97 ‘ et = (9s eye FeCr 195) C92" Opa Re C2282 ~ (9sTRYe92)? (4105) For the case which not includes material hardening k;} = ky? = 0 and 8q8. (4.95) ~ (4.105) aze ainplitied accordingly. ‘Te quantities in paranthesis ( ) come out to be scalars. Each of the sub- n that there is a contribution vectors h, and p, has dimension 6-1. 18 ta 13 28 Ps to the plaitic inélenent fron both the displac well as trom nt increment ‘the consistent nodal force increment. ‘me elesto-plastic stiffness of the eloment is now obtained by substituting Ea. (4,96) into eq. (4.93). The result ts 5, KP ORB] | ow is 03, 2 * (4108) 8, KP oP] Lowe et AB, here £4. (4.106) now gives the incromontal elasto-plastic stiffness for the Dean element. The elasto-plastic submatrices KS? cone out as 3 SFOS theory Manual 426 Implementation of Kdealized Structural Unit Method a ~k, 7 (4.107; ay 7 Mag Mie Mey F : P= Oy eae, Re (4108) 1m ny. (4.107-108) Einsteins sumation convension is adopted and thus i is the onmy romeation index In the case of plastitication only at one ead of the element the above exprt Implitied. Denoting by index 1 (4 = 1 or 2) the thet is plasts- fed Bq. (4.94) is still valid and Bq. (4.95) reduces to iT, a 1, 1, on Ty rie Sily veritied by inteoducing Ege. (497-105) into Eqs (4107-108) that symetsy of the stiffness matrix is preserved through the elasto-plastic modifi cation During a finite load increment the stress state in fact moves tangential to the UsF0s Theory Manvat an Implonentation of Kéealized Structural nit Hethod yield surface. The deviation fron the true yield surface my be corrected for by introducing an eguivatent toad vector. Rearranging Eq. (4.94) the conaiat- fency condition may now be expressed sfoat 6 OF, 60 (12 1.2, aot oan over 1 wane nore OF, represents the deviation from tha yield surface at ond § Introducing #4. (4.114) into Eqs, (4.93) there cones out « contribution to the By [eel [e 2] [2] won tars ay litnertdsereinne) na tas gag Ca hia a2) (aan tar + ay Tone feeiney er ‘me equivalent model force vector contribution becomes eee “ ‘the elasto-plastic subvector t{P cones out a may 0 + teh c SFOs theory Manual ae Inmplewontation of Iéealized Stevetural Unit Method For plasticfication at only one end a similar sinplitication s valid, namely a HE tea (army land the determinant given by eq. (4.113) other elements vanish. Contrary to the consistent nodal force increment, the equivalent aodal force vector due to yield surtece deviation has # distinct sign and magnitude. ence, AE should not be scaled or reversed, as for example during glabal unloading, but only be taken into account during equilibriue iteration 4.4.2 Plastic Wings at Element niaepan ‘me check for plastification is also performed at elenent midepan. 2 the plastic capacity is reached at midspan the member is divided into two new enbers, 00 Fig. 46 Pretiatnary node. [19 oF condenses Deformed element New element original member Pig. 4.6 Subdivision of bean eleaent for plastic hinge at micepan ‘the ortentations of the tvo new elements 1-3 and 3 - 2 axe calculated on the basis of tne updated Local deformations of element 1 - 2. Nov local sccumvlated deformations are calculated for elements 1-2 and 2 - 2 as the difference between the doforned elonent 1 - 2 and the straight Lines 1-3 and 3-2. Thi is practically performed by introducing accumulated end rotations for the tvo Usros Theory Nanvat oe Implementation of Idealized Structural nit Method nev elements equal to the accumulated rotations for element 1-2 ia pointe 1,3, 2 ninus/plvs rigia body rotations 9. ‘the elestic stiftneates are found for elenente 1-3 and 3-2 with local 1asge- Geflection effects included. A plastic hinge is introduced in one of the to new etenonts at node 3 and the atitfness matrix for this alemnt ss modified. Finally, the stittness matrices for the two elesents are transformed into the original nenber system 1 - 2 and added. The extra node 3 is thereafter elini- nated by static condensation By the shove procedure the original menber 1 - 2 ‘a again the basic elenent to tase further in the global frame analysis. The process of static condensation it only performed at elenent Level and does not imply mich computer costs. 4.5 Accumulation of Stress Resultants ‘The procedure for calculating internal stress resultants in the structure is of ability of the solution algorithe ital inportance for the that the calculation of stress resultonts is consistens with the scheae for Xf not, flase unloading during iteration may occur. ‘Special care must be shown when using the Livesly expressions for stiffness combined with the load-dependent shape functions of Section 4.3.2. ‘The change fof shape functions during incronentation {2 here an extra source of problens. ‘Te incremental elasto-plastic force-displacenent relation for an elenent is given by fg. (4.83). Te basis for this expression is the ela stiffness in fq, (4.22), As pointed out in Section 2.3.1 the incremental stift- ese represents a Linearized version in the way that higher cider terme of Br, and Bi, are neglected. for the elastic axial strain increment the correct a (nas \UsP0S Theory Manuel «0 Implementation of Tdeatized Structural onit Nethod ‘Te last two terns are neglected by the Linearized incremental stiffness Nowever, when calculating change in strees resuitant 1 the couplet expression (4.123) ahovld be sneluded. . ‘me notation consistent nov means that for one element, withir one cycle of Aoading the terms of fq. (4.63) are the sane for calculating incremental atict- ‘at the end of the cycle, This means that for each element the local stiffness rnatrix may be stored and then updeted with the next cycle. ‘Me inclusion of the nonlinear increnental rotations in Ac aay be considered fas a tension correction of the effective axial deformation. tn the case where ‘the element undergoss increment in compression during @ step the two lest terms in Bg. (4.123) reduces the compressive Oc dye to sdaitional deflection flexibi- lity. For tension increment De the two taras give extra membrane stiffness ‘Te general effect of these terns is therefore to give a stifter elenent for tension and softer elenent for compression, ‘te elasto-plastic increnental 1osd-dtsplacenent relation on locel element Level piven by Bq. (4.03) is now used for calculations losd increments. The noditi- ction for noalinear strain terms is incorporated by substituting the axial Atsplacenent Ou, by ise ae Generally, with coupling terns in the stiffness matrix this gives corrections 4n Incremental axial force, shear forces and moments. substitotion via kgs, (4.96 - 91) 18 necessary so as to obtain the pure elastic sphasized that in order to perform the modification (4.124) back- Geformations. This backaubetitution has to he carried out in any case before the generation of new incremental stiftneas since v, and v, for the elastic elonent must be updated according to Eq. (¢.22) After calculating otr added to the previous values and a new cycle is performed, resultant increments by Ege. (4.83, 4.124) these are (sr0s Theory Nanvat an Implonontation of Iéealized Structural Unit Hethod ‘An alternative schone for calculating internal forces, is to ase the elastic secant stiffness in ge. (2.17, 19), 90 that 5 = Kee © Veras (4125) siete contributions, hore yee 42 the elastic stiffness matrix, containing land Vey, 15 the vector of total elastic, nodal displacements ‘Tis formulation has been implemented in USFOS and proved to perform well (ustos-doc|ustos-ta-o4:texts1992-02-01 SFOS Mmeory Manvel 4 Solution algorita 5. SOLUTION ALGORITHM ‘he present chapter gives a review of the besic munerical techniques implenented {in USPOS for solving the nonlinesr equation. Special attention is given to reliable techniques for collapse and buckling probleme. ‘To instability phenonona that are fzequently encountered in fonlinear structural problons are Limit points end bifurcation points, they are Htiuetrated in Figuce 5.1 Figure 5.1: Load-deflaction curve with a Limit point A and a bifurcation point B. IH an increnental-iterative solution strategy the traversal of a Limit point is characterized by a continuous decrease (Increase) of stiffness until a Local ‘naximun (minimum) of the load ‘2 obtained, The node of deformation is stable in the sense that the deformation components grow sonotonously. Xt the Limit point tions hold teve: aot (my = 0 i. x= 0 omeo usP0s theory Manvat 52 Solution Algeritm Hore Ky denotes the tangent stiffness matrix, © 4s the eigenvectors or tne tangent stittness matrix and Ht is the increment in the external Load vector, ‘Me current stiffness paraneter 5, is for a typical load atep aunber i defined by vy = feta pete PT actaat and has the initial valve -0 at step number 1, This makes &, to bo a normalized 1s along the deformation path. A point where the load displacement curve branches into two or nore solution paths is celled a bifurcation point. This ie indicated by point B in Fig 5.1 Beyond the bifurcation point the solution may follow any of the branches, Switching over to the correct path, being the path with the lover enersy, implies often & change in the deformation pattern, 0 that all deformation components do not grow monotonously. hia is characterized + a snap-back (2pring-back) type of deformation [AL the bifurcation point the following conditions apply get (my = 0 2 Or -0 ‘A bifurcation point may be turned into the a Limit point by introducing compo rents of the correct bifurcation path ae snail inpertections t» the systea ‘he structure to Gerorm along exe dashed Line in Fig 5.1 and the behaviour resenbles that of a Linit point. ‘me traversing of @ bifurcation point ia especially chalienging from» numerical FOS meory Manvel | Solution Algorite point of view, The prebuckling deforaations may Lack sufficient componente to allow svitching to the corzect path. Sometinas the solution alternates betwo ‘two branches, The correct path is aot knows apriori and can not he introduced fs initial imperfections unless a complete reanalysis ie performed once a bituzcation point is detected. Very often standesd piuvwuien fos eyuilibrium iterations fat! to converge at Limit - and bifurcation points. lowever, self adaptive solution schenes such as fare length methods have proved to cope veli with such problems. ove to its simplicity the method with iterations on the noraal plane ie referred 5.1 step-by Step Nethod ‘Te two sources of nonlinearity, namely material plastification and large ‘deflections, have deen implenented in the increnental lond/Aisplacement cela. ttlon. Thus, {t te satural to go for a step-by-step techaigue ‘The incremental atiffnoss is expressed by the following relation mytt oe! = ant 6.) where index "1" donot ‘Me and Or incremental losds and aieplacenents step ouaber. XK, is the incremental global stittaes respectively. ‘te total, load ater step nuaber { is accumulated trom the previous ateps in the vay: ets oe 64 land simllarly the aisplecenents Bie ett oe 1.5) TE ehould be emphasized again that the incremental matrix Ky generally s9 a Function of the current configuration of the structure, and for elasto-plastic problems, the satire deformation history ‘Te progran applies the simple Euler-Cavchy incranentation method, see also Pig. 5.2, The major deticiency by this technique Le the risk for rift off from the exact solution path, Corrections for this uncertainty is taker care of by in- cluding equilibriun corrections in the load vector at every step, see Pig. 5.3. exact specitieg solution ~ eure Load history Rig oF Leek fs Euter-cauchy Internat sical equilibria Truncarion\ | \ forces (a) displacenent space (©) Load space Figure 5.2 Diaplacenent and load histories by fuler-cauchy incre Solution algorsta applied nba Lanced igure 5.3 Load increment no. 1 with equilibrium correction ig. 5.2 indicates the pure Euler-cauchy increnentation technique in multidinen- ‘sional displacement and stress space, The external load ie specified by Load steps in Pig. 5.2» (Solid Line) and the corresponding exact displacenent curve 9 the solid curve in Pig. 5.28. ‘Te Buler-cauchy solution is illustrates by the dotted Line ir the displace space (Pig. $.2a) indicating a truncation error (dritt-off) related to the exact ‘Te history of the global vector of internal equilibeiun for int solution is dotted in the load apace sponding to the approxinated displace of Pig. S22b. It is indicated thet the vector of equidibriua forces may show a hignty nonzeyular variation during displacenent history, Fig. 5.3 Lilustrates the process of Buler-Cavohy inceementaticn combined with equilibrium correction. ust R!-! be specified external loads atter step no. {-1. Te current increment no. i of external loads goes fcom R!-! to a! At level no. i-1 comparison ie made between external loads and intarnal aquili- bbrium forces in global system, Ryq!"!. the unbalance R!-I-n,,!"1 ss eased an 8 correction to the specified increnent in external loads s0 thst the load incr went given in the program is RI sr0s theory Manual 56 Solution Algorite TE is easy to implement the above modification for equilibrium correction in UGFOS since Rey is available fron the stress state, The extra computer tine at 20h lod level 12 moderate: 5.2 Rquilibrive reeration A further extension of the process of equilibriun correction is to introduce ‘equilibrium iterations on the uabalonced load vector Ree, st tach level of specified extornal loads. For pure Nevton-Raphson steration tie iteration cycle Jat load level { is given by cf Tag. aged a where On'') 4g tne unbalanced toed vector on ‘The qualities of Nevton-Raphson iteration as applied to highly sensitive struc ture probleas are discursed in Ref. /17/. 2 2 (a) displacenent space (b) Load space Figure 5.4 Newton-Rapheon iteration in Aseplacenent and load space Usr0s meoey Manvel B? Solution Algorite ‘The process of equilibrium iteration is illustrated in Pig. 5.4 where it is indicated how the equilibrium configurations are updated throash the process: As shown in Pig. 5.4. the level of externel apecified load R! is kept constant uring iteration. again, the non-consequent diraction of the corrective toad vector nin") se snaicated ‘he pure Wevton-Raphaon steration requires an updated tangent stittness x,"'? for each iteration cycle, For aany problems computer costs are saved by 3 so" called modified Nevton-Repheon procedure where the stiffness :e kept constant over a nunber of cycles, The simplest version ie for ali iterstion cycles within f Load step to keep the stittness from the £iest cycle where the specified 1oed 1p is applied. 5.3 arch length control In the arch length method the increment size is calculated trem @ presceibed arc length in the 1oad-displacement space defined as an Mca 7 ae” (anh? aah) ca 10 whore fr"? is the displacengnt incre mont of the external load dn” int corresponding to the initial incre 4m the iterative phase the solution is forced to travel ia a plane normal to the increnent vector ag illustrated in Fig 5.5. FOS Theory Manvel 5 Solution Algorita A Pex an| af aght Figure 5.5: teration on a normal plate. ‘iLiteted by imposing the condition oe) petd scanty? gated og ia vwnere On'’? and Or’'? are the enange in the external load and displace uring iteration step j, respectively. ‘The iterative change in displacenents consists of two conteibutions, one due to ‘unbalanced forces Byqy4) and one due to a change Jn the increment of the external losd during iteration nusber j; an'3 opant® (5.10) ‘Thos the resulting sterative change of displ fren e anal S11 Brie? = Besnban * OP ase CAD whore ted « t3y anh? 213) eer) a Oe ynba ~ OR) snbal ) Usros meory Manual so Solution Algoritm Combining equations (5.9) and (5.11) there {e obtained cart ooh eae armen Ussher erat B14 (eh VF oe cant )F ant the aieplacenents and loads are given in different scales, the tera: in &q (5.14) are scaled againe the increments in displacements and toad in the first load step, Le. cet 3)F ached eh get EOF gh Scag F paid PF eh Scan tae T gehO ie OF ghd Bl = (5.15) TE is seen that the procedure implies that each steration ie golved in two steps. The first step is ap before the contribution from the vabalanced forces, ‘riven by Bq (5.13) and the second step is the contribution from a change in ‘te external Load vector given by Ege (5.9), (5.12) and (5.1). Thus, the Aifterence from the conventional iterative procedure describes in Section 5.2 4s that the external forces no longer remains £ixed during iteration, aay fai1 to converge when Under certain circumstances the iteration proc passing Limit - or bifurcation points. thie is illustrated in Pig 5.6. UsPOS Theory Manvel 5.10 Solution Algoritm Normal plane Pigure 5.6 rteration failure. Jn such situations the following procedure ia adopted: ‘The current stitfn land the determinant of the atittn pecaneter (with reference to the reference Lond pattern) matrix ore calculated at each iteration step. If either of them becomes singular or change sign the iterations are terminated, ‘The sign of the iterative change in external load and associated Gisplacenents (second term in Eq (5.11) are reversed. In the next step the vutual, This {e {llusteated in Pig 5,7. For further Getails, see USPOS Users Manvel section 4.2.3 SFOS meory Manvel sn Solution Algoritm Figure 5.7 Iterations beyond eritical points, 5.4 Convergence criterion 1 order to adequately terminate the equilibrium iterations convergence criterium must be incorporated. Principally, two groupe are available, namely fare based on cate of displace Aisplacenent criteria and force criteria. the ‘ent and equilibrium force change respectively. Due to the arbitrary variation fof the equilibriun force vector sone type of displacement norm is usually ‘me two alternative eriteria nets ae bef Oe bay) «taal a8 ry vea*1 nore On! 4 ana de!" are the 100d end displacement veclors of sterstion 3 of step 4 and r'*? ang ds'*” are the load and displacement increrents for step usros-1H/1992-02-01 FOS mheory Manvel 512 Solution algoritm or the program USrOS, the displacenent norm {e preferred and the convergence fcriterion for terminating the iteration process is written a Ory = ve (san) where €), is & prosonted Limit, normally in the range 1.0:10°' to 1.0-10"3 4m ordor to terminate the iteration for non-converging or eloviy-converging systens a maximum number of steration cycles per load step is imposed 5.$ Increment scaling Bt As indicated by the above description of numerical procedure that the trunce ton ecror may bring the solution far fzom the true path, Special care must be ‘token when abrupt changes occur in the structure eysten, e.g. by the creation of be difficult to reach the true soluten by equilibrium plastic hinges, Tt a sterations for cases where the specified Load increments are too large, tn mnt scaling Le imple order to guarantee for this problem a procedure for inert ‘ented. This is organized in the way that when plastification a detected @ucing an increment, the size of the increnent ie scaled dovn so as to just reach the failure surface at the point of plastification. By this technique a safer process of Lond increnentation is obtained since 1 are taken into the step-by-atep sche abrupt changes in structure atittn po early 5.6 iturcation analysis ‘men the condition in fq (5.2) te fulfilled, i.e, the inccemental matrix becomes singular while the current stiffness parameter is nonvanishing, bifurce- ton is takina place. To enhance the numerical atanility of the eolution, pertubation in the form of the assumed coreect buckling node is injected. tn practice it is aifticult end tineconsuming to find the exact point of singu- FOS Phooey Manvel 5.3 Solution Algorite larity, Hence, the bifurcation analysis is carried out once the determinant ‘changes sign while the change in current stiffness parameter may be lazger than 4 proscribed Level. ‘he eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the tangent stiffness matrix are defined by 10, = 8, (5.18) in vnich wy is the eigenvalue and ®, is the eigenvector: The eigenvalue calculation ie carried out by means of a standard routine for oubspas steration ‘an eigenvector corresponding to a negative eigenvalue represents a possible bifurcation branch. ‘vo alternatives exist for buckling mode injection, The eigenvector may be added to the total displacement vector or it may be handled ax an additional external Load. The latter approach ie chosen in the present formulation and for an Anternediate load step the incremental equations read: ntrt? . 06 (5.9 where c is a scaling factor. Unrortunately, the eigenvectors earzy no information about the ign. Tt {9 also noted that the eigenvector ¢ orthogonal with respect to the load vactor for proportionel loading a0 that the increnental work of the external load vanishes. 4m general thie Sa not the 6 for nonproportional Loading. 2 poses angle between the eigenvector and the total displacements should be ainiaun of way of calculating the signs is to impose the condition that the x70; > 0 (5.20) usros-rH/ 1992-02-01, UFOs meory Nenvsl 5 A possible approach Le to consider the bifurcation Load at a new Load case and perform the bitureation separately (analogous to simulation of fracture). In the present formulation the bifurcation losd is coneidered az a eepasate send on hich the user has to include manvaliy during @ zes:art analysis ‘ne procedure for generating bifurcation load data as well as control of ‘the subsequent restart analysis, is described in Section 4.7 of the ODELLING OF OENTED TUBULAR MEMBERS 5.1 Introduction This section deals with modelling the structural properties of dented and Aistorted tubular members. such damages are typically dun te impacts from supply vessels and dropped objects. For an accurate simulation of the behaviour of the damaged elenent & nonlinear, shell elenent modelling of the dented section would be required. However, it is very difficult to perform such analyses properly and they are often tine- consuming and costly. For this reason various simplified tectniques have been developed. some nethods are based upon the conventional finite e ue where the dent is accounted for by using empirical reduction factors for wield strength and material stiffness /23/. Other methods use the stress resultants directly. By idealizing the dent geonetry and strese distribution, analytical integration over the dented cross-section is made feasible /24/ ent techni The work discribed in Ref. /24/ has resulted in a computer pregram DENTA for residual strength assessuent of danaged tubular aembers. Tt combines nunerical/ analytical techniques with empirical relationships. It has been verified by conaprisons to a large number of experiments (108) with scale models of damaged ‘tubulars. On the whole, the same technique is also used in USFOS although some of the details have been onitted 6.2 Tdealization of Dented Te ‘Two damage nodes are considered, nanely ~ lateral distortion of tube axis; the cross-section remains intact = local denting/avalization of the croet Lateral distortion of the cross-section can be considered as an initial imper- fection. This has been considered in Section 2.4 and is not described further in the present section. It should be observed, however, that the procedure in oa Section 2.4 is based upon an initial stress free deflection. If residual stresses are to be included, the damage process itself must be simulated As shown in Figure 6.1 the dent is ascuned to extend over a finite Length of the beam with two adjacent undamaged sections idealized 20 as to consist of two parts Further, the dented section is ‘the dented part of the cross-section Figur 6.7 Idealized model of dented element The derivations are based upon the following assumptions i) The Length of the dented section is small compared to mether length. lence, the effect of the dent on the elastic elenent stiffness is neglected, both with respect to reduced flemural rigidity and eccentricity in the dented region, These effects are considered to be of winor imortance compared to the reduction in plastic capacity and possible lateral distortion of seaber axis. es ii) The dent influences the plastic cross-sectional capacities of the ctoss- section. The eccentricity of the neutral axis caused by the dent is accounted for Ali) The dent may occur either at midspan or at beam ends ‘These assumptions are very convenient with respect to implementation of the ented elenent nodal. Most of the revisions can be isolated in a separate module related to determination of plastic cross-sectional capacities. the Location of the dent at midspan or at bean ends is sonevhat restrictive. on the other hand, calculations show that the results are rather insensitive to ‘moderate changes in dent location relative to beam aidspan. 5.5 Plastic Potential for Dented Section The fully plastic stress distribution for the damaged section is shown in Figure 6.1, assuming the dent in coupression. By integration the folloving axial force- bending nonent interaction energes mH, 43 a +H ey sina- FE ine = 0 on bending, respectively Ny, My = plastic capacities in pure compression at n= R(sina/e-cosa) * », ae = arcos(t ® 1 Ae Capo yPettan? se )?-2n) Sap = 80°t/D Np signifies the plastic capacity of the dented, flat sectiot. It is assuned to'renain constant in the post-collapse region. It is derive from single flat, bent plate analogy. Cg, is an empirical correction factor. tt accounts for restraining effect from the undanaged part of the shell for D/t ratios less than 80. For D/t > 80 it reduces the strength, in order to account for second order bending effects for very high vall slenderness. By setting the dent depth D4 = 0 it is seen that equation 6.1 condenses to the ordinary plastic interaction relation for undamaged tube In the post-collapse range the dent starts to grow. On the bisis of significant experinental evidence it Ls found that the current dent depth, Dgy can be con- sidered to be a function of the noninal geonetry and the axial force level rela~ tive to the ultimate axial force, By regression analysis the following expres sion is obtained #619, My MD + 6,f6, 08, Rye MD (6.21 Gent depth at the onset of plasticity 6, = 2.54-10°? byt + 5.093-10°% (n/t)? ~ 3.465-10°7 (0/4)? > 0 6, = 3.056(a,/2)(0/¢) + 8.0246, - 29.246,” + 34.126,” - 0.8525 > 0 a0 mye fy = Dect = creamy = Baty 5 1m © = 0.25001 - Mysinc where lltimate axial force in the menber; it remains constant in the post~ collapse region Im calculation of the gradient to the yield surface the partial derivative of ent dept with respect to axial force is required. It is found practical to perform this nunerically due to the complexity of equation 6.2. 5.4 Extension to 5 dimensions The fully plastic interaction relationships becone signiticantly nore complex lunder general 3-dimensional loading. As indicated in Figure 6.3 the plastic neutral axis is generally not parallell to the resulting bending onent due to ‘the cross-sectional unsymetri caused by the damage. A najor task in the subse~ ‘quent derivations is to determine the inclination of the neutral axis with respect to the y-axis for a specified direction of the resulting bending monent 6s (specifies by the inclination #). Depending on the stress distribution, 12 Altferent cases need to be considered, in order to establish she complete Anteraction relationship, which generally takes the form /25/ 1 1 Ha Mad 1 fe GL? + Gi? - at + Bo 6.3) % te ‘he following quantities are defined a) 6.5) A and B are calculated as follows case Ts OC ga rraceee a) OC yer -la te, 40 vedere ead ae nin - £ (1 ~ 288) sin cos a $1 = 8 ina be d= 28 jinn sine belated ey Orley, Ho ty ante = S88) = ae ye Mtg eee ae ae $+ BBsiny = 1+ $8 since = 91 y y ber - By ccontere) + case ° a e a= $600 + Bbatny 6 (1 Bisinte + 9] r y BJO Bacortany + coo wey Cres 4 <0 eat ~ SAB) 4 (SBR My ‘ 3 cs = Bhsine cone-tte SAP sinyd 1 7 i7iae 31 sine stm case ae gcena a) OC yew ~Kat9), Ho ty Ay Bas case ta. bd Cat) Cy 6 eetyrad, m0 WA, Bas case th ° over m0 raem vega-& peo a) OC ye wate, mL <0 wy By Aas case ta 2) late) Cy eG H Usr0s meory Hanval Bp Temperature affects Incorporating bu fron Eq. (7.6) gives tau = (u + a0) - 60 EA, 80, & + renaining nonlinear terms in Eq. (2.21) 1 1 J n,1,008, bv, 0 + 8,008, u,, a J Bats OO8yOr gga + LRH OOO n ca 1 ~ F myroneer’y «+ > e , «fea to,se i rar] + baer t0egy + oir, BI igh gt : ox 4 FOBT, ge + OB5O¥ gem TOE Sus gx + higher order terns dun? = ote (7.10) SFOS theory Manvel 26 Temperature Effects ‘Tho incremental equations consist of three contributions, 1 + toromontai stiffness for isothermal deformation, identical to Ba. 2.24 IE + toad increments in bending nonents and axial force due to temperature ncrenent. Nonlinear terns due to bean rotation contributes to the increnental axiai teaperature force. TIT: Load increments due to change in elastic modulus, By introducing the epproxination oe ae, nt of the secant stittnee: : the modification in load 2 obtained by m natrix scaled by AE /E and moltiplied by the total displac 7.2.4 Modification dve to yield stress degradation ‘tho reduction of yield stress Por monbers vith plastic hinges this shrinkage will cause the st slovated temperatures causes a shrinkage of the viets surtect stress resultants to depart fron the yield surface. fovever, this effect can be accounted for, by including in the consistency criterion Bq. (4.111) an adai- ‘onal tenn, which represents the change of the yield surface due to the tonperature increment: Br + OP, constent * Mae + ® om The second term takes the fore 615 tryy = st OE ay 9 4s the vector of partial derivatives of the plastic potentiai with respect to fash force conponent (Bg. (4.92)). is the vector of stress rerultants as given Dy Ba. (4.09). isr0s meory Honval Temperature srrects Comparing Fa. (7.12) to Eq. (4.103) i¢ ie seen that the change of yield stress een be considered to produce a contribution to the increment of the consistent nodal forces equal to bo, = (3) 7.3 Plate Element Formulation ‘Thenmal Expand ‘Thermal expansion effets are accounted fr in a similar way as forthe beam element by introducing equivalent incremental temperature foes. ‘A linear temperature distribution between the nodes are assumed as shown in Figure 72. Tak foo re te a Tab Tate igure 72 ‘The objesive sto develope the equlvlent thermal nodal ores ew a tener inrement AT. ‘i the lrementalinlstrain mc consent with te temper increases wien a Jae] far, ar, aT, a7, se -[ae,]~ ela, a7, a7, a7, ln} [ooo 0 where the fcor © given by de be for plane stress sate (14+) oc for plane strain state is he Poisson ation and the thermal expansion coefficient which her is assumed independent of the temperature. r0s-1WV1999-04-01 ne Introducing the interpolation matrix of bilinear interpolation functions N, the inerementa nodal nal strain vector is given by ee repo nas ‘where the elasticity matrix for plane sess state i given by vo 10 tr os ‘The clastic modulus should be calculated on bal of the average plate temperature when geting Up the elasticity matrix Bs - rip om p-r| nan ° where fh o 0 | t-f> 0 0 4 7-38 lb 1 1 9 aun J ithe inverse ofthe Jacobian matrix and Py contains the delvatives ofthe shape factions N, ith respect othe natural coordinates (x,y) ay = Ta ay| a] vsros-myig9s-01-01 Im, 0 o ine ° Pym OMe | oN, ‘Yield Sirs Desradation ‘The yield stress temperature dependancy is govemed by the ECCS curve piven in Figure 7.2. [Equivalent 10 the team element formulation, the yiel stress decrement caused by an temperature Increment, is accounted for by introducing the load term AS,, se Figure 7.3. as'- “5 Sopra 10 ‘where Si the plate element ttl intemal restoring force vector, A is the yeld sss decrement de (o AT and 6, is the yield stress atthe curent temperature which Is taken a8 the element average ‘temperature, Figure 7.3 — ‘The equivalent load term given by (7:2) is only intratuced when yielding has oxured. ‘Blstic Modulus Depron ‘The elastic modulus temperature dependency is given by the ECCS curve shown n Figure 7.4 ‘usras-H/1993-04- ‘The equivalent load term dve to the change inthe elastic modulus i, a8 fore beam element, spproximated ast SE okey vt) ‘were kis the elastic stifness matrix the mda tal displacement vector and ¥the total nodal fee {temperature displacement vector, usros-1W/1992-08-01, SFOS Theory Manvel 712 Temperature Effects 7.4 Mechanicat properties 7.4.1 structural steel Experimental data of the degradation of elastic aodulus and yield strength ot elevated temperatures show « vide scatter: ‘Te folloving approximate relationships, proposed by RECS /26/, have been adopted ot) aycaay * ' * FET TaeTvTBOT, ee a BOD 21 4 15.9:10°Se = 34.5-10°702 «11.8: 10°8 = r7.ar0-teee 0 Se £ 600% amy ‘Te relationships are also depicted in Figure 7.4. vsras theory Manval naa Tonporature Erfects ew Eceay 1-9 yee 929 os Yield stress 0.4| 0.4] 0.2} 0.0! He Oo ee Temperature °C Figure 7.4 Temperature dependence of yield stress and elastic modulus according ‘te coefficient of Linear expension of steel shove a enall variation with respect to temperature. However, in the present version of the program it is yumed constant. usros-M/1993-08-01 SFOs Theory Manvat GA Linear Dependency 8. LINEAR DEPENDENCY 8.1. INTRODUCTION ‘Tis section descrines how Linear dependent dagcees of Ereedon (dots) are inpls mented in USP0S, The method is useful in modelling structures where there, for one reason, are information available indicating that one dof can be expressed a a Linear combination of other dofs. Such steuctures are for example jackets ith Internal piles in the Loge. The pile is free to sove axially within the eg, but constrained to follow ite interal displacentate, Also, internal hinges ccan be modelled. it t= » special cage of the general, Linear constraint ‘equation defining a slave dor. 8.2 DERIVATION OF KINEMATIC CONSTRAINTS Lindar dependency Le defined by one ala Getines vnich degrees of frecdon (dots) to be subjected to kinenatic constraints. ‘te actual coupling coefficient is calculated by the program, based on the 1oca- of the master elenent. The costti- node and a master elenent. he user” ‘tion of the slave node relative to the nod cents are updated for each load increment. Internal hinges aro modelled by specifying two nodes at the hinge and then of freedom thet are to be equél. In this case the ater node Located at the hinge. couple the degre ve dots are only coupled to the Figure 8.1 shows the coordinate aystons used to establish Linear dependencies, ‘the slave node is denoted by # and the Local coordinate system (19, Yq, tal of an elonent connected to codes ay, my constitutes the set of three orthojosal vectors 14 configuration reads position vector in defor (0.4 SPOS meory naval a2 whore af is the vector of pore translation displacements, The dtepiaceneat vector in local coordinate system with all nodal paraneters is defined by (6.2) (8.2) fand is a measure of the relative position of the slave node in the Local moxie, z & Figure 8.1. Coordinate systens for Linear dependencies ‘Te folloving Linear do nts of the elave node ndencies can be specified for the inccenental displace Usr0S theory Monval a Linear Dependency wn fon : (os) [ox] uh = tb) BY YS (8) te fly tH) Ly (7) Or bea Ob BY (8.8) oer| he 0.9) 1 Ae enphasized that the ‘the Local coordinate systen of the master element. If the slave node ia Located sly off the x-axis of the node is forced to move relative to the planes of node. For this reason, st dlsplacenente of the ‘the coupling to torsion in eqs. (8.5) and (8.6) nay be supreesed by the user: Formally, let € xeprerent the constraints imposed on the slave node such that Usr0S theory Manuel 8 Linear Dependency pee laa tog a ca.10) ‘Te corresponding relationship to the global degree of freedor is given by vere (3 on where T= [6p GyIGq Gy] is the matrix of direction cosines between local and obal systens for the “aastor* element and ty = [ity!, Eq] Sa the transforms. tion matrix due to eccentricity, Por an elenent end connected to a slave node, the aisplecenents in the Local must first be transformed to the special coordinate sys Tis ts by (any = [xe] Fe = [Pe %] ‘The stiffness transformation for element K now reads ee 18.13) wore SPOS Theory Manua! . Dependency ‘te transformation is indeed only carried out for the degrees of freedom of the slave node which are actually subjected to constraints. The renaining degrees jom are treated as independent and are solved in the Lccel coordinate USPOS Theory Manual p Local Flexibility 9 LOCAL FLEXIBILITY 9.1 Introduction ost of the franed structures used in the offshore petroleum industry consist of tubular neabers Tt is common to {dealize the structures to consist of beam elements only, and shell effects at the joints are neglected. ‘Mis ‘node flexibiLity" influences the behaviour of the atructures, and the force patterns change Except simple analytical methods, superele consider these effects, the tubolar joints are then modelled w int technique 19 the present tool to ing finite elements and each joint will represent one super At soctions in sufficient distance from the joint, the tube properties are transferred to a bean by using a Navier transforaation ‘are used between the tubular joints, and a realistic structural nodal is obtained. However, this technique is time consuming and costly, both with xespect to computer tine and to the aanhours to produce the required input for the finite n used wt analysis program. The technique described has bs for monitoring a build structure, 1m the following a technique for calculating # transition elenent between braces and chord 1e presented. the computer tine consumption vsing thie ‘technique is Less than 1/100 of what the supezelement techniave requir I addition, no manval nodeiling is required. The transison elenent takes care of the shell properties of the Joint, and makes an integrated shell/trane analysis possible. A complete shell analysis of each selected tubular joint is performed during the generating of the structure's aysten stiffness matrix. The shell anatyais results in the atiftnes properties of the actval tubular joint transition element. UsrOS theory Manvat 2 9.2 paste ‘te technique is besed on the solution of simply supported shells subjected to Iighty concentrated aistributed Leads. The loads are: Radial load, tangential Ye about Y-axke Donnell simplifications of the differential equations for the circular oad, monent about X- axis and mom ‘eylindrical shell are made, and a Gelerkin solution technique 2 used Aisplacenent functions sn the Y= and t= ‘trigonometric Atrections. the displacement of the middle surface in the X-direction is put rive ace suggested 2 fequal to zero all ove ‘and will then exclude the global bes 9.3. MODELLING OF A BRACE/CHORD CONNECTION Before introducing eny simplifications on a brace/chord modelling, it is neccessary to look at the basic load-carrying Behaviour of such a connection. Pig. 1 detines a Y-joint, the angle of inclination, 9, and the global octal case, @ = 1/2, defines the 0 called T-foint, the otreunterential Fig. 2 shows @ section through the T-foint and defin angie, @, in the Les Pigure 1 ¥-Joint UsrOs Theory Manvel 93 Local Plexibitity Figure 2 Section through "-joint ‘Te loads nave to be transferred from the braces, through the Joint to ‘the chord. the stiffness in the global z-direction of the chord surface is combination of radial and tangent stittnes At a point , @-0, only the radial stiffness contributes to the total stiffness in the gtBbal 1-irection. moving slong the arc perpendicular to the generatrix, contribution from tangont stiffness will increase. For @ ~ 1/2, only the tangont stiffness contributes to the total stittas 2 in the Z-Atrection. The tangent stiffness is assumed to be much Larger then the radial stittne! ‘Me local stiftness against rotation about the intersection curve sls0 contributes to the total stiftaess. this rotation atittanas varies along the Antersection curve. the resulting stiffness in globel 2-direction will then vary along the intersection curve between brace and chord. socal Flexibility Te following two eomptions are made: ‘# ™e stiftness of the brace wall in the global Z-dérection se much Larger than the stiffness of the chord aurtace in the sane global direction. Thus, Local Aefornations of the brace end in the z-direction is disregarded. © stittness properties of the brace ends are constant along the intersect ion As the brace diameter relative to the chord dismeter, the so zalled 6 increases tovards 1.0 or alternatively, the angle @ reduces, these axsumptions Decome tess valid ‘Te two ascuaptions imply that the intersection curve between brace and chord does not change ite shape. The intersection curve mover a a xigid body only. Tt is then poseibie to express the displacement in the global 2-2isection flong the intersection curve by the degrees of freedom in one reference point. 9.4 STIFFNESS MATRIX POR DEGREES OF FREEDOM ON THE CHORD SHELL SURFACE ‘A more exact tubular frame modelling requires extea degrees of freedom on the ‘A global chord surface node means a node that later will be wied in the global rane nodbiling ond defines a brace bean end. ‘Te dogreos of freedom in these global nodes, here called global degra freedom, will be inciuded in the total system analysis Only three dogress of freedom per surface nodal point are expicted to influence tthe behaviour of the franc. ‘© tronelation in the direction of the f-axts © Rotation about the x-axis tecal Flexibility See fig. 1 for definition of the global coordinate ayaten me theee re ‘ning degrees of freedom are assuned to be Linearly dependent on the chord centre dagees of feeedon. Fig. 3 defines the global degrees of freedoa on the chord shell surface. These ‘are assumed to be independent of the chord center degrees of freedom. Figure 3 Independent chord surface degrees of freedor in a K-joint cal degrees of freedom mean degrees of freedom on a brace/ctord intersection curve that is used in the local aheli analysis and will not be included in the total system analysia. the local degrees of freedom are eliminated, and the resultant properties of the brace/chora connection will be expressed by the mobal debe Pig. «shove the global degrees of £1 dom on the chord shell surface and Aefines the local degrees of freedom along the intersection curve, oseos-rmis Usros meory Manual s. Local Flexibility Figure ¢ Local degrees of freedom along the brace/ehced intersection dom curve and the global surface node degrees of £1 ‘Te connection between the Local and the global degrees of freedom will be expressed as follova: situated vere the brace tube Global chord surface node sa areuned to contre Line meets the chord shell surface, see figs, 3 and 4 Figures 5 - 7 describe the assumed rigid body aisplacenent of the brace/chord intorcection curve coused by axial losd , in plane moment and out of plane onent ifthe free end of the brace. SFOs meory Manual a7 Local Flexibility 2 YRetiayeX Figure 5 translation Figure 6 Rotation Figure 7 Rotation of Intersection curve of intersection cura of intersection curve compatible vith a 2 compatible with rotation compatible with rotation translation of the global of the global surface of ‘the gicbal surface surface node node about the Y-axis node about the Y-axis ‘The local Z-displaconent is expressed by the global degrees of freedom by the following relation, see £69 4 1m practice, the compatibility conditions for the displacements in the statied at discrete points along the intersection curve only, fig 8 Te intersection curve may in general be of arbitrary shape. SPOS theory Manual %. Local Plexibitity Figure 9 Simulation of a brace/chord connection Yor a tubular joint, a varying number of internel shell surface nodes take care fof the boundary conditions on the intersection curves. me inte, ction between all internal degre: fof freedom , expressed by a stiffness matrix, are established by inverting the corresponding flexibility nateLe. he elacaical shell solutions described above ace used for calculating the flexibility matrix. ‘The degrets of freedom at each internal surface node a: ¢ radial displacement ‘© rangent aisplacenent ‘¢ Rotation about the tangent to the intersection curre ‘Tho Linear dependancies hetween the degrees of tr dom at the global aurtace ‘and the internal degrees of freedom at the intersection curves make it of the possible to eliminate the internal degr intersection curves are then expr SFOS Theory Manvel a8 Local Flexibility surface nodes only, resulting in the stiffness matrix for the 40 called ‘shell property element Figure 9 shovs a K-joint ané £49. 10 describes the ruggested frame nodel that consider the ahell eftecte at the joints. Pigure 9 Real K-joint Pigure 10 suggested tubular frame model ‘tat consider the Local shell behaviour: 12 in the chord onus 14 by the four concentrated loads, radial oad, tangential Load, moment about the X-axis and moment about the Y-axis are calculated. The total stresses in the chord are obtained by superposition of contributions from the four load componente at each internal nod intoneity of the internet Loads along the intersection curves are calculated by solving equations based on the above assuned rigid body behaviour of the sntereection cur 9.4 EXAMPLES. ‘Tho behaviour of the nethod is itlustrated by some numerical exanples ‘The above described boundary conditions between brace and chord curve ace satisfied at discrote points at the intersection curve only. Figure 11 illustrates the effect on stiftness and stress when varying the number of internal nodes, porwr. In this example the 4/0 - ratio is 0.5. Other 4/0 -ratios used in practical design give similar convergence. usros meory Manval 9.10 ocal Flexibility ne numer of internal nodes is cnosen equal to 24 in ene folloving o7#Hp)se ss c-sSTRESS rigoce 11. seigcnese ond etree dependence on the number of sneer $oie ‘used to describe the brace/chord interaction tne roruitant ateplacenente in the chord at anction ¥ = b/2, due 49 Jeule 0 re reg peace end re iniostrated in the following, Figure 12 ane 12 cepresent sara conprensive corce and out of plane moment, cespectively- x _ ioore 12 isplaceaent along tne Figure 12 Displacemene 9108 the figure U0 oe to exe conpressioe curve, X= 1/2 aun t9 6 of BMS toad in the simulated brace end moment in the simulated Drace end app = 0.5 2/0 = 0.5 Usros sheory Manual ant local Flexibility Figures 14 and 15 show the displacement field along the generatcix @ = 0 due to axial force and in-plane moment at the free end of the brace, respectively ~n { ! ee sta, asin, Pigure 14 Displacenent along the Figure 15 Displacement slong the generatrix , @ + 0 due to axial generatrix , @ = 0 dve to in-plane force at the simulated brace end, onent at the eimulated brace end, ap = 0.8 apo = 0.5 ‘Te isplacenent fields have reasonable shapes Flexibility properties of 16 T-joints and 2 K-joints are compared with corresponding FEM-resulte obtained from the SESAM programme. The §-ratios are in ‘the range 0.25 ~ 0.95, and there is good accordance between the results from the Gr 10-45%). ‘Te reeultant stresses in the chord due to loads at the fren nd of the brace are caloviated for tve F joints with 4/1 ‘Te results from the above described techaique and conventional PEK solutions are compared. Figure 16 gives the element mesh used, UsrOS Meory Manvel 92 socal Flexibility Figure 16 Blenent meth used in the FEM lysis ‘the Oy distributions along the intersection curve are shova in figs 17 and 18 Figure 17 Stross aistribution along Figure 18 stress distribution along intersection curve. B= 0.25, intersection curve. f= 0.65 Ae Indicated in the Figures 17 and 18, the stress distributors match very well Mot spot stresses calculated, using the above described technique, are compered with corresponding rerults from PEK - solutions for 16 different T-joints. The SFOS theory Manvel on results are in good agreomont, within a range of +/- 10-15%. Finalty, an integrated she1i/feame enelysis of a deep vater jocket ie Pigure 19 Element mesh of the jacket ‘me 12 marked joints in fig. 19 are modelled use of the above described brace/chora traneiti: free vibeation analys to ai in connection with the quasistatic analyses. only the change in natural performed. The change rvctvral models are of interest Usros meory Nanuet oe ocat Flexibiity frequencies are examined in conaection with the free vibration analyses Wave data used in the quasistatic analyses are: Ite wave moves in positive X-airection. The vater depth is 340.0 a. ‘me frame analysis, included shell analyses of the 12 selected nodes requires about 15.0 minutes CPU at a Norsk Data's HD $70 computer, (3.Saipe) corresponding CPU tine-consumption uring the Superelenent tectnique, is about, 2 days, The difference in wodelling tine between the two methoss is of the same ofder ar the CPU tine-consuaption pitforent results are observed at both quasistatic and dysanic analys ‘me bending moments at the brace ends are primarily influenced by the node Flexibitity, (up to 4008 increase). Figure 20 describes & typical behaviour of the’ bending nonents during a wave periode, (step 1 to 13), for a bra ‘me solid Lines reprerent the conventional model, white dotted Lines represent end. the model that includes “shell property elements” Be] Figure 20 J: beace end situated 100e Below surface nding wonents Similiae aitterences in bending moments are observed at the other brace ends. Usros meory Nanvat 9.15 Local Plexibility A comparison of maxinua axial forces at the braces is made, axd the use of the “oholl property elements" results in only 4 few percentage reduction of the ‘Te global stiffness of the structure is 1 “shell property elements", and the dynamic properties are practically unchansed. 12 severely influenced by the use of 9.5. CONCLUSION ‘Te method described above ‘a effective, and makes integrated sheli/frane analyses po ‘the propertion of the transition 1 oll property sponding properties of Finite Element went, oF the 20 called element, are compared vith corr solutions, and there is good accordance for simple tubular joints ‘Te shove described technique determines the Rot spot stresses ax well as the ‘istribution in the chord with good eccuracy, bot needing lest than 1/100 of compared with Pinite Element solutions. Usros Theory Manual 10.1 Fracture criteria 10 FRACTURE CRITERIA 10.1 reTRODUCTION Progressive collapse analysis by means of USFOS sssunes inplisitely pertactly Auctile behaviour. i.e, rupture does aot taka placa at any Looaton ta practice the material endurance is limited, rupture may take place due to ‘excessive straining possibly accelerated by local cracks. tierce, the capacity as predicted by USrOS may be overestinated. 8 An USFOS Sa that no ‘An inherent problem with the plastic Ringe concept information is provided as to the strain level in the hinges. tn fact, sll atraing are concentrated at one point of zero Length, which eons that the otraine go towards infinity. 1m order to develop a fracture criterion it is necessary to obtain @ ateain sstimate, The purpose of the present study is to develop simplified model, where the total strain is related to the plastic deformations in the yield ‘hinge. The nominal strain {s then compared with a critical steain derived from chanics principles (Level 3 method). If the critical strain i jed the monber in question including its load effects should be cenoved sa fracture the subsequent analysis. SFOS meory Hanval 10.2 Fracture Criteria 10.2 ROTATION IN ELASTO-PLASTIC REGION 10.2.1 Rectangular cross-section 4 cr ayb——> | Py yo Le x bn + Figure 10.1 cantilever beam jection is elastic when 0 Consider the cantilever beam in Figure 10.1. The cross NC My. Once N= My yielding starts in the utmost £5ber. For incrs 1s tvoarde the neutral axis. At the ond bending moment the plastic sone spre . section is plastified and the bending moment attains the plastic whole oro bending moment. Figure 10.2 strain aistrinution usros-1H/1891-03-01 SFOS Theory Manvel 10.3 ‘Te distribution of strain in the elasto-plastic section ie sketched in Figure ssump:ton of Linear 10.2, Wen £4 2 €, the stress 0 = 0, according to the Glastic-ideal plestic bensviour. Te corresponding monent is : , wea fo ayonf EF} - wan i _ ay (10.3) She ‘™e rotation in the elasto-plastic zone from the onset of yielding to an arbitrary point, 02, from the and is given by PM Pte on where gq denotes Cy at OL. ‘Mis shows that the rotation in elasto-plastic sone for an ideal plastic material is bounded and eppronches asyaptotically the valve Gos 430.5) SFOS Theory Manual 10.4 Fracture Criteria inated from the total rotation conversely, the maxinun strain can be 6 1 10.61 aC (10.6) Figure 10.3. Stress distribution sn tubular eros Msteibution in case of cizcular Figure 10.3 shows the ection. The dist jasto-plastic stret exo nce to the fleet ylelding fiber is new described by the angle 8. ‘Te corresponding bending moment te given By tion the axial variation of the 1n the sane manner a8 for rectangular crot yield zone is determined by 8 ‘aiaty * £804 + (0.8 (SFOS hooey Manvel wo. 5 ‘Me total rotation ean again be found by integrating the curvature in the ‘elasto-plastic region (10.9) o-se[ (10.10) ws! (on SPOS heory Manvel 10. 6 10.3. ROTATION IN STRAIN HARDENING REGION For large rotations strain hardening will occur. In the following the model shown in Figure 10.4 is used a tate TE ‘te yield strain 2 assumed constant in the cange ¢, <€ < ey, For strains exceeding €, strain hardening takes place with a naxinun value, Qo,, for © = Gree + Cy where Engy Bignifies a reference atrain, ‘the hardening follovs a parabolic relation given by |b -= (10.82) ocelot 40.3.1 Bonding Yor 9 tubular eros jection the strain hardening contetbutes to the bending moment as illustrated in Figure 10.5. ett (90.15) ‘usPOs meosy Manvel 10.8 BE As interesting to see that the maximum attainable moment is tt = ac2et0, 2 - 3} .s2r2ebo, (10.16) wiven 4/09 * 0, Eo/Erey “1+ Te constant 3.62 ia, a8 expected, higher than 2.14, corresponding to a Linear stress distribution, but ameller than 4, corresponding to a uniform stress distribution over the cross-section. For a cantilever, the bending aoaent varies linearly. Introd.cing @ local coordinate systom x at the point of strain hardening initiatica, f(t) must obey the relationship 100) Fema? ~ Ay corm vere 1, denotes the Length of the strain hardening region The total rotation in the strain hardening region is ae (90.18) + Tae It io very difficuit to find closed form solutions to Equation (10.21) and approxinate methods will be resorted to. Rearranging, Equation (10.21) becones Perel » (10.199 were the paraneter p is given by Tiss} (70.20) usros-tns1991-03-01 Usros Theory Manual 9 nan is the maximum strain occurring et the sam ond, Figure 10.6 displays how ‘the nondimensional strain is distributed over the strain hardening region ie oe eros 00 ae Figure 10.6 Strain distribution over hardening region Relatively speaking, the strain intensity distribution is larger for moderate strain levels as compared with high strain Levels. 1A reasonable approximation to the integral in Equation (10.72) is offered by the expression Eat (0.21) ‘Usr0S theory Manvat 10.10 Practore criteria ‘the Length of the strain hardening ragion {9 found feom (10,22) 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.8 10 P Figure 10.7 £(Cyqu) versus the parancter p ‘Me following approxination is introduced nan) © tee foe faa) * 9.55 ae ‘Te rotation in the elastoplastic region is given by Equation (10.0) oa Oy * Sa 0.2) and (70.25) wsFos-1H/ 1991-03-01, SFOS meory Manvel 10.14 Combining equations (10.22, 10,24, 10.26, 10.27, 10.28) there ie obtained Rearranging, there is obtained a second degree equation in p 10.3.2 Monbeane Strain ‘Tho yield criterion formulated in terns of stress resultents takes the following form for a tubular cross-section Fim, ny = 0 (10.30) FOS theory Manual 10.12 Fracture Criteria where m= H/M,, m= 0/2 N/M are nondimensionsl bending moment and axial force, respectively, The plastic increments in rotation and axial d:splac governed by the normality criterion, i.e: ey « an 3 28 (10.31) 20, «an 28 88 (0.3) where 4h is the plastic increment scalar, combining, this yields = 3tfam , ann toa 80 = arjan aren (99,22) Lay (90.39) "Mis shows that the plastic axial displacement divided by the radius can be interpreted as an equivalent rotation. This cortesponds to distributing the at over the effective hinge Length. ence, the total rotation axial aisplac to be used in Equation (10.318-0) is 0030 eto a, + The presence of axial force increeses the effective hinge Length as ilusteated in Figord?10.8. Usr0s meory Honval 10.19 Practore ceiteria us, N yield surface with Qa N first yield Non) “t W = constant \ aM, Figure 10.8 axial fore bending aoment interaction le and elastoplastic zone 4s (90.35) (10.36) and the fully plastic surface Trey Fm? (20.37) vere Cy and cy account for the hardening in the bending - and axial direction respectively. This gives i wi fe (10.38) (ene Tem, 1 represent the Leagta from member end to the inflection point and ss obtained from the formula 1 : (10.39) usros-rH/1991-09-01, UsrOS Theory Honval yo.14 Practure Criteria here yey 8 the total element Length and My denotes the ending a opposite end. Combining Equations (10.¢1 and 10.42) there cones out 1 wow we. at (20.40 tee O68 TE '™e augmentation of effective yield hinge Length caused by the menbrane force cen then be obtained from Les/Inee TyTivent = p= OT oS (0.4 re ee 1+ cyeoe FE] rn Tey (+ W008 2 Tega, ‘Me bending peroneter is taken as aa, Cy = #Sqa4) (10.45) For simplicity Cy 1s chosen equal to Cy SFOS theory Honval 10.35 Practure cesteria 10.4 FRACTURE CRITERION [A number of mothods based upon feacture aechanice principles ere available for Getermining the critical strain, Nost of them are valid unde: pure elastic - or ~ rnoderats yielding conditions. tovaver, the advent of the Level 2 method /21/ allows fracture wont to be performed on work hardening natersal under- going large strains, and is therefore appropriate for our need. The method utilizes the crack tip opening displacenent (CTOD) as the fracture toughness input. The criterion is formated a2 follows (20.43) (10.44) ‘Te primary stross 0, is the result of the act force and monent acting on the stress-section, the effects of stress concentrations and crack-like flaws being ignores. ‘the stress intensity due to the prinacy stress is given by wy og nay tl? (90.45) ‘te secondary stre 2 which are selfequilibeating within the cross-section, being e.g. coused by reaidusl welding stress eeleulation they are ignored, 4. 1m the present obtained in uniatial tensile test. At the critical crop they attain the values [= Onaas fe ~ Emax FUFtRETMOFE, Op = Ogyy- Combining Equations (10.46, 10.47, 10.48) there cones out SPOS Theory Honval 10.16 Fracture Criteria Serie ee (10.46) Te As noted that for large straine Equation (10.49) ie completely doninated by ‘the second tern. ions sn Section 10.3. Calculate tyg, end corresponding Ogg, from exp: Assume appropriate flav eize, a, Calculate ight hand eide of Equation (10.49) land check whether > Seent (10.7) TE Equation (10.47) Je fuli¢itied rupture is assumed. (ustos-doc)uston-tn-t0;text/i904-03-08 Local Buckling of Rectangular cross-sections 11 LOCAL BUCKLING OF RECTANGULAR CROSS - SECTIONS 11.1 nerRopuctIoN ‘This section describes the methods mathod for taking into account the det imental effect of local buckling of one of the side walls on the plastic capaci ri ties for rectangular eros sections, The implementation ia bised on the following essuaptions: = The reduction in plastic load-carrying capacities of unstisfened rectangular cross-sections due to local buckling of one of the ride walls ss calculated. = Load buckLing of stiffened rectangular cross-sections ss rot taken into account unless this can be adequately described by the model used for the TE is assumed that buckLing takes place in one of the two grincipel axes of ending. Once buckling is initiated this is not allowed te occur in the other direction. ~ The buckle affects the bending capacity in one direction only, the other remains unaltered. + The interaction rusetion used for intact oro buckled state. ction is also valid for the =the aftect of "jamming", i between the two surfaces exterior to the Buckled section, ie not taken into ‘the strength increase due to aizect contact account. Kecnan /32/ has carried out extensive experiments with rectangular and square section tubes. Figures 11.1 and 11.2 show typical collapse modes obtained in ‘the large rotation range UsrOS Theory Manuat na longer capable tons. Similar concept. This caloulation of of Rectangular Cross-sectons feross-sections undergoing this Rind of Local failure are no of attaining the fully plastic capacities. For a reliable eimule fatso be reflected in the large displacement /large strain csicule sections it is proposed buckling effect 1s handled entizely within the plasting hinge {8 achieved by « proper reduction of the plastic capacities. The the reduced properties are based upon an assuned collapse pattern ichanism, which ie entizely governed by the plestic rotstion of the cross-section. ‘te proposed modeling of Local collapse behaviour includ = a buckling eriterion = eslevlation ~ moditicetion of elasto-plastic stittness of reduced plastic capacities under local collaps calculated reduced propertic ‘usros meory Manvel mn (a) @ « Figure 11.1 (a) A typical hinge collapse mechantsa with (®) eros section and (¢) longitudinal section usP0s Theory Manvel ns Local Buckling of Rectangular Ceose-cections 11.2, BUCKLING CRITERION The collapse mochanisn for the cross-section is triggered once local buckling occurs in one of the aide walls, due to excessive uniaxial corprersion and rota tion. For this purpose a buckling criterion aeeds to be introduced. "Te criterion may be based on conventional buckling formulas for plate elesents For thin-walled members buckling {2 predominantly elastic and a critical stress criterion may be used. For thick-walled elements shoving promunced elasto- plastic effects strain criterion is required. In this case the total rotation ‘and displaconont at node need to be transferred to an equivalent axial strain e.g. by the method used in the fracture control analysis. If this aethod is used the conservativeness in the code formulas should be appreciated. For our pue- poses the mean buckling stress is relevant. Conceivably, such a criterion is aot very accurate, especially for low elender~ nesses. Alternatively, it may be based on experimental evide ‘Te tests carried out by Keckan cover a large range of wal slendernessess and should constitute a good basis in this respect. Hopefully, these data can be provided Due to lack of experimental data, a simplified buckling exiterion will tempo- rarely be used, the present implenentation assumes that local buckling will ‘eccur as the force state reaches the bounding surface, This results in a con sevative solution ae the cross sectional capacity is Limited 2y elastic wall Duckting @r yielding, depending on the width to wall thickn 11.3 RESIDUAL PLASTIC CAPACITIES The collapse mode observed during tests ie by Keckan ide schanion as shown in Figures 3 and 4. Tt conatate of handing across statio- ized by a yield Line nary yiold Lines and rolling eforaation cross travelling hinye Lines, e.g HA, GA, by vsch @ part of the side wall becomes a part of the *top* flange. SFOS Theory Manvel Local Buckling of Rectangular Cross-sections Figuce 11.3 Hinge mechanion (a) at ages of evelopment (b)- In order to obtain the reduced energy absorbed hy plastic def: of @ contributions (for detail tion, confer Ref. /32/) Berean = mya O-8-H) Fae = myeaC) Bhavca > Mputa (TER) Enevatecnece * 2Mmpqh —— Tame? © tyre? usros-rw/a9s1-03-01, SFOS Bheory Manval a? cal BuckLing of Rectangular cross-sections Beavtasngeny © Pon ge UM erat 6 aq)!!? SMe eneunsinn = ape at B aroeg hy veers «poo 8 = (ote 8 cen ain $y sew tat tn 8 etn 8 cane ate By! on 2 a ty? 0) «(07 = ph epistent rotting atin, ‘te wave Tengen is selected as the inimm of the wiath/neight of the ex mn & 8) ‘The total enersy is found by eumation 8 B18) = FBO) a1 Usr0s Theory Manval 8 Local buckling of Rectangular cross-sections ‘™e bending capacity Le obtained by differentiation with xespect to 0 of the total energy. the deriveti of the bending monent is also needed, Because of the complexity of aitforentiation this is carried out munerictlly, hence: ny coy = OSB) 18.00 am8) | B46) = = £48.08: Hee 18? Tm calculation of the reduced plastic axial capacity in compression the Following assumptions are introduced: = the axial capacity in the bottom flange is not influenced by the mechanism. = using a finite strip approach the axial force in the top flange ia determined from force squilibriun of a theee Ainge mechanisn, = the axial stress in the side wall is assuaed to remain at yield, because the corner nodes A, constitute very stife points with significant in-plane Aefornations. The reduction of axial load-carcying ia thus only due to the seonctric effects. ‘The axial force in the lover flange 1s accordingly: land in the upper fiange, re nee OH To avoid nunericel problens this term is approsinated to a straight Line from zero rotation to the "Jamaing angle” SFOS theory Manvel ns Moran = 2 Oy-ty® coe (arets [ u (Ue? + tat rg) 2? ‘The total plastic axial force ie pt) = Mk» Re + Mecen ‘the reduced capacity of the upper flange causes an excentricity, which is given by ye ~ Hed oe le es (negative for present choice of axis system) ‘The gradiont of the plastic axial capacity 4s found by nunerical aifterentation 4g (8), mg (Ge08) — 150-00 . 38 ‘Te oxial force contributes to the bending sonent through the axcentricity Correspondingly, the partial derivative of the yield function vith respect to axial force becomes ‘The calculation procedure described above results in a singul: at zero plastic rotetion. In order to avoid thie ty An the alow lation of plastic capsciti problem a transition curve (a straight Line} is chosen to define the plastic hinge rotation, onent capacity from onset of buckling tos specific collay denoted 0;, see Figure 11.5. 0; wpewwwnts the plastic rotetion wen the straight transition Line pecones tangential to the moment capacity curves respectively defined ty the enexsy formulations in Section 11.3. This approach corrolates well wish experimental reeulte /32/. SPOS Theory Manual 11.10 Local Buckling of Roctanguiar Cross-sections Figure 11.5 Plastic monent capecity degradation curve due to local bucling. 11.4 TWTERACTION FUNCTION FOR STRESS RESULTANTS ‘The interaction function for the stress resultants for an intact cros 4s supposed to remain valid for a buckled cross-section, Thus, the only in¢iu- fence of the buckle is to reduce the available capacities in bending and axial ion (full capacity in tension). ‘Me plastic capacity for bending in the other dizection is asmuned to be un- afrectea By the buckle. This is reasonable for moderate rotations. Further, the initiation of & local buckle is so dramatic that it 18 Likely to govern the behaviour in the post-coltapse region. 11.5 ELASTO-PLASTIC CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS A basic assumption for the folloving derivations is that the buckling pheno- wonon i entirely confined to the hinges. The behaviour of the hinges are in turn governed by the plastic flow theory vhich states that UsFOS meory Honval nnn Local Buckling of Rectengular cross-sections POI Oye Ose Mar Myy Mad =O so as-0 av = og ‘The yield criterion may also be written as % Me My Me ble change of plastic cepacition in the consistency criterion. as - Eas, - Ss ag OF a5, SS - Ops Gaps Magy Mypr Map} 18 the vector of plastic capacities ‘usr0s Theory Manvat tocal Buckting of Rectangular Crose-sections eee ae ane ore vere ie i 1m accordance with the provious paragraph it ie assuned that tre chan plastic capaciti words by the change of plastic displacement (I: ‘mis yields on, i Hap ay of 1s governed by the kinematics of the cross section, in other tie eather than total aisplace- went to be @ logical choice. This elao cenders a simpler calculation) ocal Buckting of Rectangular cross-sections - Fe amy Introducting these equations into the consistency criterion ts Lo Ss obtained ar - gtas - aTcyav, = 0 25 = byav-dyg) ary = alg ar = gTeelav-ahs) - slang + 0 ah + (TO, )9)°# Tha tnd the redoced plastic stiffness aatrix €5 = (Sas) = Thy STS Oke G,9)°! Thy] de ‘Tis means that the contraction of the yield surface due to local buckling ‘enters the scaling factor, given by the bracket expri fas aoes tne naraering errect. it 48 noted that there are only two non-vanishing omens Sa Gee oe aE on, in the sa terms in C, for the present aechanias SFOS Meory Nanval ana ‘toca! Buckling of Rectangular cross-sections ‘Te portinl derivatives are to be determined on the basis of the reduced plate Properties derived in section 11.3. However, except for a fev terns they are Jn the prosent impleseatation of local buckling behaviour of rectangulas ions, cyclic material behaviour {8 not considered, This implies that repeated plasticity in the yield Lines of the local nechanisa due to sequences of Loading tnd unloading do not trigger rupture of the structural element. flovever, this option may be inplenented in a 1ater extension of the progran ‘Te introduction of rotation dependant Local buckling effects into the bean felenent stiffness formutetion is shown in detail in Section 4 (astor-aocjustonstecitstentsigai-os-a2 srOs meory Manvel 4 Deck Plating Elenent 12. DECK PLATING ELEMENT A four node menbrane element is implenented in USFOS. ‘The local node sunbering and locel coorainste system are described in tigure 12.1 ‘The clenent has 2 degrees of freedom per node and shovld be sed in Combination with beam eleseats (to avoid zero stiffaess terms) Figure 12.1 Membrane eles ‘mo element nodes may be eccentric connected to the aystes nodes. ‘Te midnode of the bean elenent is not consected to the eége of the membrane elonent, see Tigure 12.2, Pigure 12.2 Membrane elenent connected to bean with aidncde ‘The total element load, (pressure x area of element}, ie életributed to the element nodes, (1/4 to each node}, and transformed to the systen nodes. ‘The pressure is directed parallel to the current local Z-txis of the element, (non-conservative Load). 1sr0S Theory Manvel 2. Deck Plating Element ‘The element is elastic until Von mises yield criterion ie fulfslled at one ‘of the four nodes and will then become plastic, Buckling is not accounted (ustos-doc)ustos-tn-i2: text/1990-07-01, UUsPOs Theory Manvat Ship cottéeion 13. SHIP COLLISION 13.1 nernopuctroN Te collision response of fixed offehore strvctures can be divided in the following deformation modes ~ tocal deformation af the tube wall at the point of impact = bean detoraation of the hit menber = Global deformation of the structure calculation of beam deformation and global deformation of the platform ix Anctuded sn the ordinary USFOS calculations. 13.2 LOCAL DENFING OF TUBE WAL ‘The Load-indentation curves recomended by Da /22/is shown Figure 13.1 LATERAL Ponce (P/Pref) : Kone ET Yo ss 7 Ut aye oon 82 os 0 ols Figure 13.1. Lead indentation, Dav SFOS moder UFOS Meory Manual 12 Ship collision In USFOS, the curves vere paranetrisized, and the following fomulee were Amplenentea: aap ‘The resulting Load indentation relationships are shown in Pignre 13.1. ‘To account for the influence of axial force on the dent grovth, the following correction was introduced Fe, GEL ns Bee TG ross 610 (9.2) vere W ond My are is the axial force and the axial capacity of the member, respectively. Bffects of this correction ia indicated én Figere 13.2. | Gone Figuze 13.2. Coreection for meabrone action ‘Tis gives the folloving expression for dont depth as» function of Lateral Impact load and axial member force. ha le Tae wn 13.3 IMPLEMENTATION IN THE PLASTICITY FORMULATION ‘Te local indentation,and subsequent dent growth, cause a ahrinkage of the yield surface. For members vith plastic hinges resultants to depart from the yield surtac ‘this shrinkage will cause the stress Wowever, this effect can be fsccounted for, by including in the consistency eriterion Bq. (4.111) an adai- tonal torm, vaich represents the change of the yiei surface 4ue to the temperature increment: ar Mesconstant * Mag * 9 ‘Te second term takes the form yg - 3 3B ow 5 E28 on where P is the Lateral component of the impact load, and M ia the axial force in Comparing Bq. (13.4) to Bq. (4.103), it te sidered n that the firet tera can be con- a contribution to the elasto-plastic incremental stiffness, and the scond term as a contribution to the increment én consistent modal fore usos-1H/1991-03-01 (SFOS Theory Manual 14 Ship Collision 13.4. SHIP INDENTATION CHARACTERISTICS wgth and load-indentetions characteristics of the ship are based on the given in /32/. Figure 13.4 Figure 13.4 Load indentations curves for ship impact ‘Te curves apply to broad aide impact of # 5000 tonnes vessel. Post-coltapet @etormations of the ship are not included in the ship sepact algorithe, that 48, no enorgy absorbtion is calculated after the max ship impact force is reached. @ sie ada 14 DYNAMIC COLLAPSE ANALYSIS 14,1 Dynamic equations of motion "The dynamic equilibrium equation may be writen as Fins Pg Fun = AD ay where F() ~ MP vecior of inertia forss FAO = OF vector of damping forces FQ ~ Kr vector of structural restoring forces (liner case) R ‘vector of extemal loads 142. Mass matrix ‘The mass marx of he asreted sytem may be gen ether a a consent asso 3 mpd ‘mas. The consistent mass matrix is given by the expression : el me fat [oy way a, 142) ay where piste density and N the element interpolation polynomial Using third order polynominal shape fonetion the consistet mass matix takes the folowing form for 24 DOF beam element: i 0 0 7 0 0 0 156 -22/ 0 54 151 m-T|0 221 4F 0-191 97 (149) wp |7 0 0 “0 0 0 0 84 -191 0 158 201 0 19) -3i 0 22 ar ‘The lumped mass matrix reads: om 7 ww a-e , 210, a, 210, 210, ol? | (144) diag 210, 210, al", 210, ‘Concentrated masses may be specified at nodes. 143 Damping ‘Based on dstibued material damping propery a, the wel-known equivalent vicous damping model is given by: Foor (145) where the damping mati is given by et = ff af f c.wrnav a, (148) c d a on For computational reasons the damping maxis commonly expressed in terms ofthe Caughej- e-¥ aml! «any ‘where M and KC are the mass and sifess marx respectively, ‘This expansion duces to the Raylh-damping form when the sere is uncated after the to first terms. ‘Ta weight factors cy ar caleulates fom modal damping data avaiable forthe structure. 144 The o-method of time integration "The so-called HIT-c mod for time integration proposed by Hilber, Hughes sod Taylor /34/ is ‘opted. This method employs some sort of tine averaging of the damping, ties an load tema ‘xpresed bythe c-parameter. A beneficial feature ofthe method is tat it introduces artificial damping of higher frequeney modes without degrading the accuracy The governing equlibium ‘equation eas: Min, + (190) Ch, ~ OC + (140)Kigg = OK (t+0)R,4-aR, (14.8) boa = ty © MI © At (149) ‘The factors 7 and ar the free parameters in the Newmark method which, along with 0, @ sume tonto TE 49) ‘determine the stability an accuracy ofthe quadrature formula. In the orginal Newanar method (620) ys set equal to 05 to avoid artificial damping, Depenting on the value of ferent integration methods are retreved, such a second central diference method (Bt), linear acceleration (G-1/) and constant average acceleration (B=14). Only the iteration with eortant average acceleration is unconditionally sable, otherwise the metho is condionally sub. inthe HET. ‘method unconditional stability is obtained when the following contons are ste: teaco vf -29 B-i0-aF Incremental equations are developed as follows: MiB) +8 01AaF) + nF) = KBon Fags) (14.12) (14.13) Combining equations (14.11-13) yields Eagar] ar FY]? garg 1) [Afgg K= (1) (Rag FA) 0, ~ MI = CF, Kr, ‘holy town srg Calling anaown on ef han sie ys talk + (Hote 1 alan, = [omc ge +h lin (140g -R,) Ry “MP, ~ OF, -Kr, + fae aee HLF mbar pe (14:15) Inthe subsequent ervation proportional damping is assumed: CaM oak ‘Consequently, the governing equation canbe writen as Ho Alga = BBs where the effective sins becomes = 0) ft + SE) 6 (10) me f she 6 Kew aK + aC + aM 1a. (14:16) (14.47) (14:18) (14:19) ‘where the definition of aq. ys evident from equation (14,18). ‘The effective load veto takes the fom: AR gy = (140) (Bag ~ Ry © OG) + OM» R ~ Ct, ~ Key where again the definition of Ce and Cy is obvious from equation (14.20). ‘The toa acceration, velocity and dspacemen at sep n+ become: Ta “Ta Bl t, ats 7 1 Ia = he Ma = SE (1420) (1421) (1422) (1429) (1424) @ sume 145 Equilibrium iteration as In general, unbalance willbe ioduced during each load increment. To achive equlibtum the Following iteraive scheme is introduced Ah = Alga + Bch (14.25) AM = Atha + Be (1428) (1427) = Aly + where Atl, AC, AC, denote increments in displacment, velocity and acceleration during Ieratve step number H+. From equations (14.12-13) he following relationships are obtained: (1428) fe tals 1429) Be apg (1429) ‘The only unknown is the displacement increment, which is determined from: Ke Bs = BF (1430) ‘where K. is given by equation (4.18). The right hae side represents the unbalance erween extemal loads and intemal frces andi sven hy: APE = (100) yg -2, = Mig ~ (140) Oy + Oh, ~ (140) Ki + KE, = (190) (Fag Oly ~ Kg) ~ My = a(R, ~ OF, ~ Kr) (141) ‘As soon as egiitum i schived the Joa term vanishes. In practic, convergece is asesed on the basis of erative displacement increments in the same way as fr Satie anal. @ suue 146 ‘The predictor-corrector method ‘An altematve tothe above proelur is to use the predicior-comector approach. Thea the equations (149-10) are split into two pars: (1432) (1433) (1434) (1435) (1436) (1437) ‘The int port Phy and fy are called the profits. They depend upon alu tsp previous step and can be detemined without solving of incremental equation. Ths, the Aisplacements at stp m1 is fir estimated on the basis ofthe rectors (ply assuming the acceleration f,., equal to zero). Then, the corrector tems, fat and fa , which only pend upon the total acclration a step mH, Fy » ae detemied during epilitrum iterations 8 deseibed shove. The displacement, acceleration and velocity are upated as follows: (14:8) @ se 147 Time step scaling a7 ‘An important concept in he static solution agoritn is scaling ofthe step length o avoid large oversoting ofthe yield surface during load incementation. Wis considerably more complex to perform scaling in dynamic analysis. The natural prancter to seale i the time step AL. However itis cen from equations 12 and 4 tat bot the effective stifvess as well as the elective lal ae (nonlinear) functions of AL. in ato the various ‘omponsas ofthe displacement inerement vary non proportionally dering tho ine ep ‘A beter way to achive some degre of scaling and therehy prevent large overstooting of yield surfaces isto use the poco comer meth. Inthe predictor phase sealing of Ati easily be pesfomed by the same algorithm wsed in static analysis. AS noted above this volves slation ofthe dynamic equlibium equations. Once the scaled tine increment is determined, the ow plastic hinge is introdoced andthe dynamic equim equation is solved in th comecto phase ‘Keeping At constant. The comector displacements cause di-off fom the yleld surface of existing hinges and new hinges may also fom. However, repeated equlibium iterations ensue th the force stein yield hinges retum to the yield surface. @ sume 15 EXTERNAL HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE 15.1 Introduction ‘An option is inluded in USFOS to account for large hydrostatic pressures on he capacity of tubul beam elements. Such load sivation may occur for structural component such as bracing members of deep sa offshore platforms in which waters sealed of. ‘The extemal pressure excerted by water intoducss compressive sess inthe ccumretial ‘ietion. This action reduces both the cross sectional plastic capacities as well sistance to local val bucking. 15.2 Tube section interaction curves Figure 15.1 depos typical set of iteration curves with respect to axial force and bending ‘moment fora tube section with Df = 48, exposed to extemal pressure It is observed tht the presure increases, the size ofthe iteration function decreases. From numerical simulations /35/ it thas been concluded that dhe interaction functions for different levels of extemal pressure have almost, ‘dente shapes. Figure 15.1. Tube section interaction curves for vaious levels of extemal ressure Q @ sume ‘The plastic capeites with respect vo axa Force Py an bending moment Mr incuding the effect of extemal pressure, are piven by /39: Zz a MALO - AQ0.)"41 . Mal.0 - (QI) Fe= A°6, and Mp= Wy°0, are the cross sectional plastic capaclles without te eet of extemal Pressure, The nomalized presure is given by QO, where Q, Is te elastic eolapse pressure casa Avand A. are goometry dependent modiieation factors forthe axial and moment capacity, respectively, 35): A, = 018+ L0910%(DA# ass) Ae 15 + 4304001" yg and Myy ate pote in Figure 15.2 a a function ofthe relative pressure Q/Qa- Figure 152 Plastic capacities a «function of relative pressure Q/Q, @ sume + mi? =o as. where rom Eq 154 itis observed thatthe effect fom the extemal presure on the plist torsional capacity Mp is neglected. 153 Implementation in the plasticity formulation ‘The effect of the extemal pressure on te plastic ers sectional behaviour is implemented inthe ‘worsurfice model. The size ofthe bounding sufae coresponding to fll plastification ofthe cross section is reduced according o Bq 15.1. Tis for convnlency aso assumed tha the ize of the yield surface, comesponing fo inital yielding, is given by Bq 15.1, Figure 15.3 shows the yield and ‘ouning surface fora compressed member located st 300 m water depth ‘The effects of extemal pressure only enters the plasticity fommulation which imple thi the elastic behaviour of tubular components is unaffected, This is clearly lustre in gue 154 which shows the bucking load of two compressive members with slendemess of 60 ae 120 respectively, Fr the ‘column wi slendemess equal to 120, iis seen thatthe peak compressive load is the same for zero and 300 m water depth, respectively. ‘The extemal hydrostatic pressure is ealculted by USFOS at both ends ofthe team element as well 25 the mipan i atthe postions where a yield hinge may occu. The exteral pressure is calculated on basis of the inal geometry ofthe structure neglecting the pressure changes caused by sructurl deformations. @Qsume Figure 153, Ny Np Figure 154 11-0.9-0.7-0.503-0.2 0.10.3 0.5 0.7 08 1h wie Plasticity model including effet of extemal presse Jelo ete 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 “axial shortening {m) Axial force i axial displacement for columns with diferent sendemess uAPROWUNLIANEEBDONEWSI @ suse 15.4 Limitations Te shoud be noticed thatthe acelerating effect ofthe hydrostatic pressure onthe local dent growth {is not realistically modelled. This implies thst USFOS may predict the focal det growth tunconservatively forthe case when the tube section is exposed to extemal hydetatc pressure. eAROUNLLBNEERDONE WS

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