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The Institution of Structural Engineers v4 Associate-Membership is Examination Isiructé Friday 21 APRIL 2006 Structural Engineering Design and Practice 9.30a.m. — Ip.m. and 1.30 — 5p.m. (Discussion between individuals is not permitted during lunch period). A period of fifteen minutes is provided for reading the question paper, immediately before the commencement of the examination. Candidates are not permitted to write in answer books, or on drawing paper or to use a calculator during this time, Candidates must satisfy the Examiners in ONE question, Important ‘The written answer to the question selected and any A3 drawings must bear the candidate's number and the question number in the bottom right-hand corner. Only the answer book(s) supplied by the Institution may be used. The candidate's name should not appear anywhere in the script. Notes to Candidates 1. TO PASS THE EXAMINATION, CANDIDATES MUST SATISFY THE EXAMINERS IN BOTH PARTS OF THE QUESTION ATTEMPTED. 2. Examiners will only mark work written by hand during the examination. 3. A fair proportion of marks will be awarded for the demonstration of an understanding of fundamental engineering concepts, as distinct from calculation of member forces and sizes, NOTE: In the calculation part of all questions, establishing “form and size” is taken to mean compliance with all relevant design criteria, i.e. bending, shear, deflection, ete. 4, In all questions 35 marks are allocated to Section 1 and 65 marks to Section 2. 5. The Examiners are looking for sound structural designs. It should also be remembered that aesthetics, economy and function are important in any competent engineering scheme. 6, Any assumptions made and the design data and criteria adopted must be stated. 7. Portable computers or programmable calculators may be used but sufficient calculations must be submitted to substantiate the design, and these should be set out as in practice. 8 Good clear drawings and sketches are required; they should show all salient and structural features to suitable scales and should incorporate adequate details. 9. Candidates will not be allowed to include any previously prepared calculations, notes, sketches, diagrams, computer output or other similar material in their answer books or AB drawings. Any previously prepared information submitted by candidates will be ignored by the examiners. 10. Stuictly no external electronic contact is allowed between a candidate and anyone outside the examination venue. Mobile phones must be switched off throughout the duration of the examination. 11. This paper is set in SI Units. Now read ‘Reminder’ on page 3 Associate-Membership Examination, a reminder from your Examiners ‘The work you are about to start has many features in common with other examinations which you have tackled successfully but it also has some which are unusual. As in every examination you must follow carefully the NOTES FOR CANDIDATES set out for your guidance on the front cover of this paper; allocate the available time sensibly and set out Your work in a logical and clear way. ‘The unusual requirement of the examination is that you demonstrate the validity of the training and experience that you have acquired in recent years. The Institution must be satisfied that you are able to bring all the various skills you are expected to possess to the effective solution of structural design problems ~ whether or not the problem is presented in terms that are within your actual experience. Incorporated Structural Engineers must have the ability to design and a facility to communicate their design intentions. Where you are required to describe your structural solution you must show by brief, clear, logical and systematic presentation that you understood the general structural engineering principles involved. In selecting and developing your design you should also remember the guidance given in the Institution’s report, Aims of Structural Design, and in particular: (1) “the structure must be safe”, (2) “a good design has certain typical features — simplicity, unity and necessity”, (3) “the structure must fulfil its intended function”. If you have difficulty in deciding the correct interpretation of a question, pay particular attention to. point 6. notes to candidates, on the front cover. The examiners will take into aeeount your interpretation — and the design you base on this ~ if this is clearly stated at the beginning of your answer. 1 coo | I ‘SPORTS HALL 300 ssl AT ou DY owen PI cauew Ff 80 7 2o},| Joo 201 | |s0 204, | LY 00 sno soo 4 PLAN 45, ic eee _— 0 dear 3 tbo 60 dear ‘bones fowcne| (30 pina roor tomes 2s| 55 SECTION AA NOTE: All dimensions are in meties FIGURE Q1 Question 1. Sports Hall Client's requirements 1. Anew sports hall with ancillary changing and gallery facilities. See Figure Ql, ‘The roof is to be of clear span radial roof construction with insulated composite steel cladding. ‘The gallery area is a column free space with a 1.2m high parapet to the elevation overlooking the sports hall. ‘No columns are permitted in the changing areas, ‘The external cladding of the building is to be of cavity wall construction comprising 102mm brickwork and 140mm blockwork with a 60mm cavity. The wall is to extend to height of 4.5m above ground floor level with, glazing above. Imposed Loading 6 Roof 1.OKNim® Gallery 5.0kNim= Ground Floor 7.5kNimt Imposed loading includes allowances for finishes and services. Site Conditions 7. The site is level and located on the outskirts of a large city. 8. Basie wind speed is 40m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 20m Note: The 3 second gust speed is used in the British Standard CPS and the mean hourly wind speed is used in the British Standard 6399, Candidates using other codes and standards should choose an appropriate wind speed. 9. Ground conditions: Ground level - 1.5m ‘Top soil and sl 1.5m -3.0m Alluvial deposits, C = 25kNim# 3.0m ~ 6.0m. ‘Sand and gravel, N varies linearly with depth from 10 at 3.0m to 20 at 6.0m 6.0m - 10.0m Firm to stiff clay C = 120kN/m* Below 10.0m Stiff clay C = 250kN/m* Groundwater was encountered 4.0m below ground level. Omit from consideration 10. Detailed design of stair and lift cores, although their contribution, any, to the lateral stability of the building must be explained in Seetion la. SECTION 1 (85 marks) ‘a. Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating a viable structural solution for the proposed scheme, Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of the scheme. Justify the reasons for your solution, (25 marks) }. Upon completion of construction, the client asks if itis feasible to extend the building by 20m at one end. Describe the implications this will have on the original design and construction using sketches if necessary to illustrate your ideas. (20 marks) SECTION 2 (65 marks) For the solution recommended in Section 1a): ¢. Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements including the foundations (30 marks) a. Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes. Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of (A perimeter hall column to roof structure connection. Gi) A perimeter column at first floor level (25 marks) e, _Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building, (10 marks) Extent of ‘existing toad 200 PLAN, Phase One ———~!__— phase Two 2.0m y \ I Fooad zone SECTION A-A NOTE: All dimensions are in meties FIGURE Q2 Question 2. Residential Development Client's requirements 1. Afive storey residential development is to be constructed over an existing road. See Figure Q2. 2. No structural elements are permitted in the road zone which is 20.0m wide and 10.0m high. The road is in continual use during the working day and is only accessible for construction plant at night. 3. Five floors are required including the ground floor. Bach floor is to have a 2.5m high clear height between floor and ceiling. 4. Minimum centre to centre spacing of internal and external columns is to be 6.0m. Each elevation is to be clad with brickwork but with 50 percent of the area glazed. 5. The building is to be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is to be completed as soon as possible while Phase 2 is to be started 12 months after the completion of Phase 1. Imposed Loading 6. Roof, LOkN/m# All floors 8.0kN/m? ‘Imposed loading includes allowances for finishes, services and partitions. Site Conditions 7, The site is level and located in an inland city entre. 8. Basie wind speed is 46m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 22m/s, ‘Note: The 8 seeond gust speed is used in the British Standard CP3 and the mean hourly wind speed is used in the British Standard 6399. Candidates using other codes and standards should choose an appropriate ‘wind speed. 9. Ground conditions: Ground level - 0.5m. ‘Top soil 0.5m -3.0m Sandy silt, N= 3 Below 3.0m Stiff clay, C = 150Nim* No groundwater was detected. Omit from consideration 10. Detailed consideration of stair and lift cores, although their contribution, if any, to the lateral stability of the building must be explained in Section 1 SECTION 1 (85 marks) ‘a. Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating a viable structural solution for the proposed scheme. Indicate clearly the funetional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of the scheme. Justify the reasons for your solution. (25 marks) b. During construction of the foundations for Phase 2 solid rock is encountered at 3m depth. Explain the effect this will have on the design and outline any resulting changes to your original proposel. (20 marks) SECTION 2 (65 marks) For the solution recommended in Section 1(a): Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements including the foundations. (30 marks) 4. Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes. Propare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of (Connection of a column adjacent to road to a member over the road, Gi) Connection of calumn adjacent to road to its foundations, (25 marks) fe. Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building. (10 marks) — Bridge HOTEL PLAN 7 T Granite SECTION AA NOTE: All dimensions are in metres FIGURE Q3 Question 3. Fire-fighting Platform Client's requirements 1, Anew fire fighting platform in the form of a cantilever bridge is required to project from a granite cliff face adjacent to a hotel. See Figure Q3, 2, The bridge is to cantilever 7.25m from the face of the cliff and is to have an overall width of 6.5m. The deck is 45m above the ground level of the hotel building. 3. The site of the bridge has good access from a nearby dual earriageway road. Imposed Loading 4. Vertical loading 20.0kN/m? with an alternative load for local load effects of 100kN uniformly distributed over a 0.8m by 0.8m contact area. Site Conditions 5, ‘The site is located in a hilly area on the outskirts of a large city. Basic wind speed is 46m/s based on a 8 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind spood is 22m/s ‘Note: The 3 second gust speed is used in the British Standard CP8 and the mean hourly wind speed is used in the British Standard 6899. Candidates using other codes and standards should choose an appropriate ‘wind speed. 6. Ground conditions: ‘The site investigation report indicates that the granite rock face of the cliff comprises coft weathered rock to a depth of 600mm, The underlying granite is very strong with a compressive strength of 150MN/m?. Omit from consideration 7. Detailed consideration of wind loading. 8 Detailed design of parapets. SECTION 1 (35 marks) a, Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating a viable structural solution for the proposed scheme. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of the scheme, Justify the reasons for your solution, (25 marks) b, The client proposes a change to the brief. This entails reducing the width of the support zone at the elif to 4.0 m whilst maintaining the overall width of the structure. Explain the effect this will have on the design and outline any resulting changes to your original solution. (10 marks) SECTION 2 (65 marks) For the solution recommended in Section 1(a): ¢. Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements ineltuding anchorage to the rock face. (80 marks) 4. Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes. Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of () The anchorage to the rock face. i) __A.connection between structural elements within the deck. (25 marks) fe. Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the bridge, (20 marks) 10 put 5 eth tooe once o we 2 oot N TREATMENT |g tte | te nera cokes «0 come) | wy tsttoor ising f {vs iene ACoeSS: i\e RECEPTION sr | oneal columns so 1/\ permitted) i Ground floor _y ee + Underground No columns: permitted in this zone Building line and edge of existing road: A L_ NOTE: All dimensions are in meties ao | SECTION A-A columns 7 atGround |, toortevei—| pocRoo-- Extemal access to all floors eee ee 300 PLAN FIGURE Q4 Question 4. Clinical Building Client's requirements 1. Anew five storey clinical building extension at a city hospital, incorporating reception, X-ray, treatment, offices and plant room. See Figure Q4. 2. The long elevation external walls at Ist, 2nd and 3rd floor levels are to be clad in precast concrete units ineorporating windows. The two short gable walls at the ends of the building are to have no door or window openings. The roof is to have a low-piteh profile with glazing. The plant room walls are to be windowless. 3. No internal columns are permitted within the reception or X-ray areas. The X-ray floor needs to be stiff and resistant to vibrations. A concrete structure is considered to be the mast suitable, 4. Floor to floor heights are 5,0 m between ground floor and 1st floor, and 4.0m between the other floors. A 0.7m deep servive zone is to be provided beneath the floors at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor levels and all floors are to have minimum clear headroom of 2.8m. 5. The new building will not have stairs or lifts, external access being provided separately: Lateral stability ‘must be provided by other means. Imposed Loading 6 Roof, O.75KNim* Plant areas 7.50KN/m* Other floors 5.00KN/m* Imposed loading includes allowanees for finishes, services and partitions. Site Conditions 7. The site is level and located on the outskirts of a large city. 8, Basic wind speed is 40m/s hased on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 20m/s. ‘Note: The 8 secund gust speed is used in the British Standard CP3 and the mean hourly wind speed is used in the British Standard 6399, Candidates using other codes and standards should choose an appropriate wind speed. 9. Ground conditions: Ground level - 1.0m Made ground and fill 1.0m 3.5m Sandy gravel, allowable bearing pressure 200kN/m? Below 3.5m Boulder clay, allowable bearing pressure 800kN/m* Groundwater was not encountered. Omit from consideration 10, Support for the external access and vertical distribution of services, SECTION 1 (35 marks) ‘4. Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating a viable structural solution for the proposed scheme, Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of the scheme. Justify the reasons for your solution, (25 marks) b. During the design process the client decides that an internal stairease is required between the treatment, area (2nd floor) and the offices (Srd floor), with an extension up to the plant room (4th floor). Suggest suitable dimensions, loeation and construction details for the staircase and deseribe with the aid of sketches how this change could he incorporated into the proposed design, (10 marks) SECTION 2 (65 marks) For the solution recommended in Section 1a): Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements ineluding the foundations. 0 marks) Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes, Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of: (@ — Aconnection between the floor structure at 1st floor level and a supporting column. Gi) Acolumn foundation, (25 marks) fe. Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building, focusing on falsework, formwork and concrete placement. (20 marks) n 30 x60 J stair cores 7 4 | — PLAN Boot 2nd oor st oor Ground love! ‘om Ground floor Adtional floors required (1b) ELEVATION A-A FIGURE Q5. NOTE: Al dimensions are in metres 2B Question 5. Office Development with Atrium Client's requirements 1, Anew three storey office building with a central atrium is required. See Figure Q5. 2, ‘The building is to be clad in stone faced precast concrete panels. 8. Acentral atrium area has a glazed roof and semi-circular end elevations. 4, The architect for the building requires a minimum tlumn spacing of 6.0m. 5, The depth of the floor structure, ineluding an allowance for deflection, is not to exceed 650mm, Imposed Loading 6. Roof, 1SkN/n* All floors: 6.0kNimt Imposed loading includes allowances for finishes, services and partitions, Site Conditions 7. The site is located on the outskirts of a town. Basic wind speed is 40z1/s based on a 9 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 20m/s, 8. Note: The 3 second gust speed is used in the British Standard CP3 and the mean hourly wind speed is used in the British Standard 6399, Candidates using other codes and standards should choose an appropriate wind speed. 9. Ground conditions: Ground level - 1.0m ‘Top soil 1.0m ~95.0m Clay, C = 100KN/mat 1.0 m inereasing to 250kN/m? at 35.0m Below 35.0m ‘Mudstone, allowable bearing pressure 1000kN/m* ‘The highest recorded groundwater level is 4.0m below ground level Omit from consideration 10, Detailed design of stair and lift cores, although their contribution, if any, to the lateral stability of the ‘building must be explained in Section 1a. SECTION 1 (85 marks) a. Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating a viable structural solution for the proposed scheme, Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of the scheme, Justify the reasons for your solution. (25 marks) b, After the design has been completed the client proposes to provide two additional areas of floor at first and second floor levels, within the 20m by 20m atrium. With this proposed arrangement the 20m by 20m area at ground floor must remain column free. Explain the effect this will have on the design of and outline any resulting changes to your original solution. (20 marks) SECTION 2 (65 marks) For the solution recommended in Seetion 1a): ©. Prepare sufficient design ealeulations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements including the foundations. (30 marks) d. Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes. Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of () A perimeter column to floor structure connection. i) A typical structural element supporting the semi-circular root (25 marks) fe. Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building, (10 marks) 18 Putin Lt ra Gollar tess well plate tt toor | =~ max atowabie fer zone 25 33) Ground level SECTION AA es, oa, Raters Colla use I Pasta Putin Collar ss 20 Existing full height 30) ‘opening | Colla russ 60. PLAN FIGURE Q6 NOTE: All dimensions ate in meties uu Question 6. Barn Conversion Client's requirements L Conversion of an existing single storey clay lump (clay straw blocks) barn into a two storey office building, 2. The floor area in the converted building is to he open with a minimum of obstructions. 3, Due to the fragile nature of the existing construction, no additional loads are to be transferred to the walls of the existing barn structure. 4, The maximum allowable thickness of the new first floor structure is 300mm, Imposed Loading 5. First floor 4.0kNim? Ground Floor 4.0k Nim? Imposed loading includes allowances for finishes and services. Site Conditions 6. The site is located on the outskirts of a large town. 7, Basie wind speed is 40m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 20m/s. Note: The 3 second gust speed is used in the British Standard CPS and the mean hourly wind speed is used in the British Standard 6399. Candidates using other codes and standards should choose an appropriate wind speed. 8 Ground conditions: Ground level - 0.4m Top soil 0.4m - 0.9m. Dense gravel, N= 40 Below 0.9m Chalk with an allowable bearing pressure of = 150kN/m? No groundwater was encountered. SECTION 1 (85 marks) @, Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating a viable structural solution for the proposed scheme. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspeets of the scheme. Justify the reasons for your solution, (25 marks) b. Upon completion of the design, the client proposes a change to the brief, increasing the required clear headroom at first floor level to 5.0m. Explain the effect this will have, in particular the possible additional work to the roof structure needed to achieve this, (20 marks) SECTION 2 (65 marks) For the solution recommended in Section 1a): 4 Prepare sufficient design caleulations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements including the foundations. (30 marks) Propare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes. Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of (‘The relationship of the new and existing foundations. Gi) The relationship of the new first floor level and the existing walls, (25 marks) Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the conversion. (20 marks)

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