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Was it appropriate on the part of HMSI to pursue a no-union strategy? If yes, what went wrong with strategy?

No Union Strategy would have been appropriate if the HR policies

implemented were worker friendly instead of being autocratic

This was the case of HMSI, where the strategy was good but the
implementation was not in place
Things that went wrong
Giving of low valued Diwali Gifts to workers leading to their discontent
Strict timing rules, reluctant to change the shift timing of workers even in
emergency situations , denying leaves
Showing favoritism to some workers in postings, preventing workers to
meet top management to share their grievances
Denial of jobs to newly trained people who completed their internship
These grievances together added to further worker frustration of their
low pay and the lack of transparency in the system and led to the failure of
the no union strategy and led to the rise of Union formation in Honda

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