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BioBee Sde Eliyahu LTD.

Bio-Bee mass produces and implements beneficial insects for

agricultural purposes, including natural enemies for biological pest
control, bumblebees for natural pollination in greenhouses and open
field crops and control of the Mediterranean fruit fly using sterile
males. In the field of biological control, Bio-Bee's products serve both
conventional and bio-organic agriculture, and constitute an
indispensable component in Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which
aims at reducing the use of harsh chemical pesticides. Through its
subsidiary, Bio-Fly, Bio-Bee mass produces sterile males of the
Mediterranean fruit fly, for release in various agricultural crops using
Sterile Insect Technique (SIT).

BioBee Develops:

-Natural enemies for biological pest control.

-Bumblebees for natural pollination of greenhouses and
open field crops.
-Control of the Mediterranean fruit fly using sterile males

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