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Infectious Diseases Worksheet

(follow along with the slides, and fill in the blanks)
What is an Infectious Disease?
Define an infectious disease.
A one-celled organism, capable of causing disease, that is found everywhere is
called _______________.
An extremely small organism, which consists of a protein coat and some genetic
material, is called a __________.
Yeasts, molds, and mildews are all examples of ____________.
A parasite is .
How infections spread
If a person gets an illness from contact with another person, it is known as
_______________ transmission. If a person is sick and takes a drink of water from
a cup, and another person gets sick from drinking that cup, it is known as
________________ transmission.
An epidemic is.
Bacterial Infections
How fast can a bacteria reproduce itself? _____________
If you have 1 bacteria, how many will have in 2 hrs based on the previous
evidence? ______
Bacteria ___________ need a host cell to reproduce.
Antibiotics are.
Penicillin works for every type of bacterial infection. True/False
What can happen to a bacterial infection if you do not finish your drug
prescription from your doctor?
Viral Infections
An extremely small particle that consists of an outer shell and genetic material
is a ___________.
Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot ___________________ on their own.
Most viruses dont have ______________ to fight them off.
Proper __________,______________,and ________________ allow your body to fight
viral infections.
Examples include ______________, _______________, and __________________.
Defenses Against Infectious Diseases
A system made up of organs, and special cells, to fight of infection is called your
Two types of cells that fight infection are called __________________, and
Physical barriers to help fight or keep out infection include ___________________,
________________, _____________________, ____________________, and
Common Bacterial Infections

An illness caused by the streptococcus bacteria is called _______________________.

Doctors will use a _______________________ to test for it.
________________________ is caused from a slow growing bacteria called
mycobacteria. This illness still kills about ____ million people per year.
When open areas in your skull fill with bacteria and mucus, it is known as a
Common Viral Infections
The average person gets 2 of these per year. _______________________
Symptoms include:
____________________ is also called the flu.
Symptoms include:
A ____________ is a substance that is used to keep a person from getting a
disease. It is an ________ strain of the disease that tricks your body into thinking
it is___________________. Your body begins producing ______________to fight the
disease.(Your body is ready to defend itself before it even gets sick)
Mononucleosis is
caused by the ________________________ virus, and is commonly referred to as the
_______________ disease. Symptoms include ________________________,
__________________, ____________________, and _____________________. It can last a
_____________ or longer. Be careful not to rupture your _______________, as it can
fill with infection and burst. About ____% of people show no symptoms.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Every year there are ____ million new cases. There are over _____ kinds of STDs.
They are transmitted through the exchange of ________________________ during
sexual contact. 1 out of ___ Americans may have one.
Common STDs
___________________-some people show no symptoms; especially women. Others
will experience a genital discharge that is cured with antibiotics.
Genital warts is also known as _____________________________________. No cure.
_________________________ are outbreaks of painful blisters. No cure.
HIV is
Once there is a certain amount of the HIV in your body, you are considered to
have ___________.
When a virus in a persons body is dormant (showing no signs), it is in its
__________________ period.
The first case was reported in _________________________ in 1981.
People think the virus may have come from this animal.
It is spread by: ____________________, _______________________, ________________,
and ___________________.
Which continent has the highest rate of HIV infected individuals?
Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease
List 5 ways you can help prevent the spread of disease.



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