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U30 LO2

Planning Booklet

Product you will be selling:

Nail Polish

Budget: How many people are likely to view this advert /

what is the realistic figure this company will spend? Look at
other adverts they have and how much money was spent on
Barry Ms other adverts for their nail products look like they could cost
quite a bit based on the fact that a whole film crew and editing crew would
have been needed, celebritys havent been used in previous adverts
therefore making it cost a bit less. However the bright costumes and
backdrops again would bring up the cost. I have worked out that my
budget would be 15,575 as I would want my advert aired during Keeping
Up With The Kardashians which attracts 2.5 million viewers on E!. Having
my advert aired on ITV would also be a good channel as they show quite a
lot of shows that would attract a family.
Similarly to this advert, I
have seen adverts such as
Rimmel nail polish being
advertised on the same

Information on product / client (what is the product who

makes it how large is the company etc)
My product comes from the company Barry M. Barry M is a UK based
brand renowned for its high quality nail polishes and make up. It is
incredibly popular in the UK and the US (theyre based in America). This
graph shows Barry Ms most popular product being their nail polishes and
nail care products. In 2013 2.44 million people used their nail products.

Barry M has been around since 1982 and gets all their resources from
Great Britain; this brand is applauded on their patriotism.

What resources will you need to complete this advert?

Nail Polish
Green Screen
2 actors

When is your deadline for this advert?

30th January

Issues: What issues could you encounter? Legal and ethical

ASA (Advertising Standards Agency) are the company in charge of making the
rules for advertisements. They look for/at any harmful and offensive material,
environmental claims, racism, misleading claims, and scheduling ads for
appropriate times. I will make sure my advert doesnt breach these rules as well
as OFCOM rules. OFCOM are the regulatory body for all of the media and
broadcasting, they ensure that the UK have a wide range of high quality
television and radio programmes, that there isnt any harmful and/or offensive
material being broadcasted. Another issue I could face is the use of misleading
information. The plot of my advert being on a catwalk, viewers could take this as
this is what the nail polish makes you feel like, if consumers fail to feel this way
then I could encounter an issue.

This is the ASAs form of a

responsible advert. I am
intending to follow this form by
making sure my advert doesnt
contain any misleading
information and make the
consumers aware that this
product doesnt actually make
you go on a catwalk to avoid
complaints. I will ensure my
advert is of appropriate form and
content also to avoid complaints.

Who is your target audience? From Internet research and

other adverts by the same brand. Link to these adverts and
My target audience is female teenagers and women up to 25. This is Barry
Ms target audience ( ).
Research has shown that my secondary audience is men wanting to buy
this product as a gift for their daughters/wives etc. This doesnt mean
others wont be interested in this product, but that is the specific age and
gender I will be targeting for. Other Barry M ads have managed to attract
their specific target audience. For example this lip gloss advert
( This advert includes
bright colours and faster cuts to appeal to the younger audience as it
gives the advert an exciting feel which is what younger people enjoy.

Other companies similar to this such as Rimmel have a similar target

audience, however they also target a slightly older audience as well. (
Rimmel have managed to appeal to their target audience through a
variety of things, for example in their ads, similarly to Barry M, they
include bright colours, upbeat music and faster shots to appeal to the
psychographics of the audience. (
For their older audience they have still been able to appeal to them, for
example in this mascara advert (
v=WVYhovCGwBg ) Rimmel have chosen a more low-key, sophisticated
theme and tone to attract the older audience, in comparison to the other
advert which included fast shots and cuts and less low-key.

Target Audience from your own research: Questionnaires

and Focus groups. Upload completed questionnaires and
notes from focus group.
I put together a survey in order to find out what people thought my target
audience would be. The responses varied and are shown at the bottom of
this booklet.
From my questionnaire it is clear to see that people agree with the target
audience (female teenagers, however some people suggested perhaps my
advert would appeal to younger teens rather than teenagers/young
There were mixed results on the sexual orientation this advert would
appeal to as a majority of the participants said this would appeal to
heterosexuals, however some people said it would attract both
heterosexual and the gay community.
All participants said the target audience to be female, which is what I
expected to find, however I want to try and make my advert slightly
appealing to men as well so they have the aspiration to by the product for
a wife/girl-friend/sister etc. I will do this via the music choice and be very
particular that I use a well-known popular by all song. The reason I am
doing this through the music is because I believe it would be quite difficult
to get the male attention of a typically female product.
All participants also said that this advert would attract a mainstream
audience. This plays a huge part again in the music choice. Mainstream
audience is an audience that tends to follow trends. The music is
important to this, as it would have to be something that a majority of
people know, preferably in the charts at the moment.
In terms of geodemographics my results are fairly mixed, with city and
country both having 2 responses. This will have an influence on my advert
as I will have to try and relate to both of these. This could be difficult as
they are two opposite places, however if I try and use something they can
both aspire to rather than have similarities to, then they can both relate to

it. For example the use of a New York skyline backdrop. New York being
one of the fashion capitals of the world, therefore girls can aspire to this.
Brainstorm of ideas 1

Brainstorm of ideas 2

Chosen Idea:
Using Survey Monkey or other forms of questionnaires find
out from your peers which advert you should use. Upload
your completed answers here.
I used a focus group in order to get the reactions of both my advert ideas.
From this focus group I found that both participants preferred my first idea
(nail polish) rather than the hairspray advert as it was more original. They
thought the hairspray advert was too close to the Elnette Gold advert.
They believed the nail polish idea was fun and would relate to the target
audience well.
(Focus group video on weebly)

Market Research: Other adverts / products similar to yours.

When and where are they aired? When does your TA watch
TV? Are there any occasions when your product will be
better off aired
Other adverts promoting the same product as mine such as the Essie
2010 ( ) advert show
similarities to my advert. For example the use of bright colours to
emphasise the colours of the nail polish. Another example would be the
Rimmel 60 seconds nail polish television advert
( ). This advert works a
little more closely to mine as the target audiences are about the same.
The upbeat music works well with the specific audience as its music they

will like and can relate to. This is similar to my advert as I also plan to
have upbeat music to relate to my audience. My audience relate to more
upbeat music, as this is a majority of whats in the charts (pop music). The
younger generation have a very good knowledge and use of technology
and music in the charts, particularly pop music, can be accessed all over
the Internet and pretty much anywhere, anytime. This indicates that
younger people spend a lot of time listening to music and constantly
keeping them selves updated in the mainstream world. My target
audience being the mainstream market I need to research closely into
whats popular at the moment. Research shows that teenagers spend on
average 31 hours a week online (according to Telegraph ). Other research shows that teenagers
spend 7.5 hours a day consuming media, this involves watching
television, listening to music, generally browsing the Internet social
networking and gaming. (
) This proves my audience are constantly being updated on whats popular
and whats not at the moment, with my music choice having to fit this in
order for them to appeal and enjoy it.
The Rimmel advert (60 second nails) has been aired during shows such
as Keeping Up With The Kardashians on E!. This shows their programme
profiling is correct as Keeping Up With The Kardashians will have a
similar female target audience as Rimmel do. This sort of programme
profiling would work well for my product as it has a similar target audience
to Rimmel and shows such as The Kardashians. Women aged 15-30 tends
to watch 3 hours of linear TV a day and 2 hours of commercial TV.
Thursdays (according to thinkbox research) are when the most TV is
viewed from women in this age group, meaning this would be a good day
to show air the advert. I would need to air my advert on days where there
are shows with a similar target audience (for example on E! when The
Kardashians is aired) or perhaps older, this is because older people might
see the advert and want to buy it as a gift

Proposing idea: Discuss the USP, the style, the message it

sends and the relevance to your target audience
My advert is for Barry M nail polish. The plot of the advert is peoples
fingers will be shown walking down a catwalk whilst wearing the different
nail polishes. The backdrop will be as if it is an actual catwalk show, with
bright lights shining mirroring the colour of the varnish. There will be
upbeat music in the background and a backdrop of a premiere style. My
advert is a surreal advert in a humorous form. I am hoping it is the kind of
advert that viewers will remember. This will play a part in the adverts USP
(Unique Selling Point). My primary USP however is the iconography,
fingers to represent legs, this will hopefully stick in peoples heads. One

of Barry Ms major USPs is the wide range of available colours. Barry M

produce 52 colours of just standard nail paint with an even bigger variety
when it comes to effects nail polish etc. The slogan being walk your own
way, this represents the product as by saying your own way means
painting your nails is always down to you with whatever colour you want,
suggesting the brand have a variety of colours and leaving it down to you
to choose what one. The walk part of the slogan is a reference to the
fingers acting as legs. This advert is relevant to my target audience as it is
not only a product they enjoy and are interested in but it is being
advertised to them in a way they will enjoy and will take an interest in.
The music will play a huge part in relating to the target audience as it has
to be something they will enjoy. I am deciding to use upbeat music as that
promotes the product well as it works well with the theme of the advert.
But also the upbeat music will engage the younger audience. The slogan
relates to the target audience as well as especially the younger people in
my audience will like the subtle idea of freedom it gives. This is because
as the slogan suggests it is your choice what colour to paint your nails,
suggesting the slight concept of freedom.
Technical Resources:
For this advert I will need to use the studio with the green screen. I will
also need to use lights, a camera and a tripod. I am building my set which
is quite small so that wont cause any issues however wires from the
portable lights could be a problem as I dont want people to trip on them.
These lights will allow my advert to give it more of a catwalk feel as they
use incredibly bright lights. I need to ensure the set doesnt move when
changing between actors as that would mean my shots are slightly off.

Audience Profile:
The target audience for my advert is women aged 15-30. This is because
Barry M tend to do bright colours and I think this is the age group where
brighter colours are more popular. Other adverts for this product dont use
celebrity endorsement, I also wont be doing that to stick to Barry Ms
Demographic You can encounter advertising all the time, for example
seeing an advert on the television, listening to an advert on the radio but
also print adverts. For example a poster at a bus stop. You always know
when an advert has had the right effect or when an advert is good,
because it sticks in your head. One advert in particular is the St, Johns
Ambulance advert, this advert involves small objects that a child could
choke on (the chokables), they give information on how to treat your child
if they choke. This is a memorable advert as its clever the way they used
the chokables to explain the process of helping your child. I believe
adverts have an effect on our personal interests because people who
arent into cars at all arent going to enjoy a car advert as much as

someone who loves cars. We are interested in the adverts that we can
relate to and that relate to our daily life or our aspirations.
My audience would most likely fit into the category C2 skilled working
class, skilled manual labour as well as C1 lower middle class,
supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional. I
believe this because the nail paint costs 2.99 per 10ml bottle. This would
fit the people in those categories, as it isnt as affordable as something
such as the 1.50 Seventeen nail collection.


1: (Nail polish)
6 different colours
The fingers walk as if theyre legs down a mini catwalk
Upbeat music playing in the background, fingers walk to the beat
Lights in the background as if an actual premiere/catwalk
Ending with the logo and the different nail polishes used


2: (Hair spray)
Female protagonist
Hair looking good
Slow, quite soft music
Woman walking through the street and in her home
Happy expression
Ending with a silhouette of actor spraying her hair with the hair

Target audience questionnaire responses

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