Rhetoric Analysis Paper

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Gabriella Hernandez-H.
Professor Dudley
English 112
1 February 2015
Rhetoric Analysis
In Hilary Clintons speech delivered September 5 in Beijing China; addressing the U.N.
World Conference on womens issues. She in my opinion successfully addresses the issues and
unites the house with common goals given through her speech. Speaking to a higher class of
people, who are most likely women, and have most likely never had to endure some of the issues
Clinton affectively uses deductive reasoning and ethos to get her point across backing it up with
pathos to captivate the listeners
Speaking on issues of womens right such as access education, health care, jobs and
credit, and basic human rights, Clinton articulately and persuasively make us feel like we can
women all over the world accomplish these goals. As soon as she states these goals the crowd
breaks into a clapping frenzy, so she cleverly addresses the opposing view while starting off
strong to segway into her other points. Since she is speaking at a womens rights conference she
is speaking to a friendly audience who no doubt share her belief, so there is also no doubt that
there is a bias at hand her as well.
Even though she is well qualified to be addressing these issues, as she mentions
participating in the World Health Organization Forum and by attending the United Nations
Development Fund for Women, which all this gives her credibility because one can say they are
for womens rights but actively taking part in organizations such as these take time and a true
passion for what you do. She also invariantly builds more creditably for herself by naming only
some of the women she has met around the world coming from different backgrounds and social

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standings. She even addresses the challenges of giving women voices around the world who are
unnoticed and unheard, by this she leads into logos where she states a statistic. I wish she would
have put more statistically facts into this speech but I understand where that would be hard, but
she lacked in facts she made up for in real situations that would move one to tears.
She exploits this superbly through her use of repetition used throughout the speech. For
example discussing the abuses women face, starting each abuse out with it is a violation of
human rights to through repetition she expresses the seriousness of abuses to human rights
women face every day. Appealing to ethos by saying it is a violation of human rights, but also
backing it up with pathos in the crude way she phrases when babies are denied food, or
drowned, etc the heartbreaking image she portrays stays with us. Clinton uses this strategy
throughout her speech which is brilliant because it make us want to stand up and make change.
She also puts her self in her speech by referring to her country and using we and our
to make her self seem like she is part of the suffering people, to gain the trust of the audience.
Through all of these techniques Clinton gives a heartfelt, yet moral proposal to help our
fellow women with basics human needs.

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