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R OOM 11

February 2015

Up coming
February 10 - Book Orders are

February 13 Measurement Quiz

February 13 - Pink and Red
School Spirit Day
February 16 - Family Day
(No School)
February 19 - Science Test
February 20 - Report Cards
go home
February 24 - class trip to
the Chicopee Tube Park

For the month of February, the students are busy finishing their
magazines. By the end of the unit, the students will have written
a couple of pieces for their hard news and a couple of pieces of
writing for their soft news.
In math, the students are focussing on the unit Measurement.
students will estimate, measure and record quantities, using the
metric system. They calculate perimeter and area of a
parallelogram and triangle. By the end of the unit, the students
will be expected to solve problems related to time, calculate and

Parents, please

develop formulas to find area and perimeter of shapes.

In Health, the students are researching and learning about

continue to encourage
your child to read

illicit drugs. They will be making commercials and talking about

every day for at least

the dangers of drugs. planets

In Science, the students are learning about the outer. They will

20 minutes. Students
are encouraged to

look at how Canadian Astronauts have contributed to space

bring their books home

For Social Studies, the students are learning about Heritage and
Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present. They will
look at various groups in Canada that have helped to shape
Canadas Identity. Students will learn about First Nations People,
European Settlers and the federal government.
In Phys. Ed, the students have just finished up their unit on
basketball and have started playing floor hockey. Safe, play,
active participation and cooperation continue to be our focus.

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