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To; Oftice of Mateseaneal Aud Buelgst TIS AT" Steset Nw washington, DC 20503 Fox: 702-375 - 2585 womb Cf pogos a thes Pax: [Rages Tela/ From | Phillipoo O Cloze RE: SF form IS Aldine: SF Poem 18), HIR IVY, S Cow. RBS.6 Presideal Onawta Slalewou? RE: SF Racor I] SlaFoS fay Phillip D. Glaze Ema! Adee: palur !/0® goail.csm US. of of Persone anagement ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION ‘Guise oPersaa Data Sanass | (Peau ead ne Prvacy Ae Stata’ andinsructens tee comeing em) Tia ak Fe i a) ‘Soaal Seaiy Narter ‘Bate orm and Yea Duel SET Ethnicty an race nfrmaton is requested under he authoy of 42 U.S.C. Secton 20600-18 and in com the Ofice of Marageront and Busgets 1007 Revisons ene Stanaras forte Clasiieton of Foceral Data on Race ‘and Etnicty. Providing the formation i volutory and has no mac on your employment sat, but i tha tance ‘Stmissing information, your employing agency wi tempt to ent you race and etn by wsul ocseration “Tie ntomaten i uses as necessary to plan for equal empioyment opportunty throughout ne Feseral government it {s alo used by tie U.S. Ofice of Personnel Management or employing agency maining te ‘ecards to leas Indiuats for patsonnel research or survey resporae and Inthe praducton of sunerary descriptive saisics and ‘nalyealstizas i tupprt of the funtion for which he eco ee colecied and Maina, oo eed woe Stes. Sexi Securiy Number (SSN) is requested unde he authorty of Exeatve Order $307, which roques SSN be used forthe purpose ofundorm srdery admin station of personal fears. Proving his neato vlitay aa tare to'do eo wil have no etfect on your employment stats W SEN fe not provides. however the ageny sours ay Be teed oobi “Specie isractons_ Tha ws gueaars below 8 Gonads Gly you Snsiy erarase Regardless your arawer to _ueston 1 goto moston 2 “Guestion Are You Hapans or Latina? (A poson 9 Gabon Wonisn Pasta Rian, Sauh & Canvl Aneicw 6 ober ‘Span cue og regu oace) (ives “Guesion2._Plate soc ne ai caagr or eagores Wo which yBu most doey Wry By psora TC He ER ‘on Cheat ar many 3 9999 EET, OEFINTION OF CATEGORY Tien nA Nabe] pan Teg rs ol Be ral pop. of map Som Ann pe ee eee ae eee ee Cred ‘A perc niger neyo te cro pene of te Fat Eat Sounenst ‘Aa, ort naan sobannent Wels, fr esaols, Cored, Chra, Po ‘Sete tere, ays Pata, the Pepe sande, Tela an irom CF Beck ranean Arencan ‘A ersonhaveg orgs any fine acral ours fA (7 Natve Havaan or Ons Pact lieder | A peicn nev orgs anyone cg peapesct Hewat Guam, Sano, ‘Sher Pao ins | 2 vote Apersonnaung ong nary le aga! pope ef Ewepe he Mis Et or Amman ‘oooh H. Res. 194 In the House of Representatives, U. S., July 29, 2008 Wherens miliims of Africnns and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and the 13 Ameri colo ios fron 1619 through 1865; Whereas slavery iv Ameen resembled 0 other form of inv cntary servitude Kun in history, as Africans wore cap- tured and sold at anion like inanimate objeets of wni- mal Whereas Africans foreed into slavery were brutalized, bumili- ated, dehumanizel, snd subjected to the indignity of Doing stripped of their names and heritage; Whereas enslaved families were torn apart after having been soli separately from one another Whervas the system of shivery and the vis eral racisin agai persons of Afriean deseont upon which it depended be ‘entrenehed i the Nation’s sueial fabric; Whereas shivery was not offieialty abolished until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constit jon in 1865 after the end of the Civil War; Wherwas after emancipation fiom 246 years of slavery, Afti- ceaneAmerien son sw the flevting political, sucial, and economic gains they mele during Reconstruction vis erated by virulent racism, Iynchings, disenfranehiser 2 Black Codes, and racial segregation lays that imposed a rigid ayntem of officially sametioned racial segregation in virtually all areas of lite Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as “Jim Crov,” whieh arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to ereate separate and wnesnal for whites and Afvican-Americans, was # divvct result of the racism against persons of Afvienn descent cng Wherens a century after the official end of slavery in jen, Federal action was required daring the 1960s climinnte the dejure and defaeto system of Jim Crs throughout parts of the Nation, though its vestiges still linger to this day Jere by slavery; Afrivan-Americans continue to suffer from tlie eon plex interplay betwoen slavery and dim Crow—long after both systems were formally abolished—through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including ‘the loss of human dignity, the fhustration of earcers and profesional lives, and the long-term loss of income and ‘opportunity; Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jurv sexregatin of Afriem-Amerieans and the dehumanizing atrocities ‘committed against them should not be purged from or vad in the telling, of Amoriean history, Whereas on July 8, 2003, during a trip to Gorse Island, Sen- cal, a former slave port, President George W. Bush ve- Knowledged slavery's continuing legacy in Amerivan life that oye slavery “was . . . one of the greatest evimes of history wh tind the nw to contron stated that ‘Phe racial higotsy fod by slavery did wot endl with e slavery or with scgrogation, And many’ of the iasnes that still trouble Amexien have roots in the bitter experience of oth fs sets liberty andj es, But however long the journey, on destiny tice for all"; Whereas President Bill Clinton also acknowledged the deep of re seated problems eaused by the eontinninye legacy iam against Alvienn-Amerieans that began with slavery’ ‘when he initiated «national dialogue about races Whereas a genuine apology is anv important ux necessary first step in the process of ravial reconetintion; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices « the wrongs committed! ean spocd rein healing and ree: ot erase the past, but confession of oneilintion and help Americans confiunt the ghosts of their past; Whereas the legislature of the Commonwealth of Virgin has recently taken the lead in adopting a resolution officially expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and other State logislatures have adopted or ave considering similar resolutions; and ‘Whereas it is important for this country, which legally 1 “oR nized slavory through its Constitution and is laws, to make a formal apology for slavery and for its suedosson Jim Crow, so that it ean move forward amd sok ree tion, justice, and harmony for all of ite citizens; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, ‘That the House of Representatives— (1) acknowledges tht slavery ix incompatible with the Dusie founding principles recogni in the Declare tion of Bi dependenee that all men an created en 4 Whereas the legislature of the Commonwealth of Virginia has Whereas it is recently taken the lead in adopting a resolution officially expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and other State legislatures are considering similar resolutions; and portant for this country, whieh legally recog ed slavery through its Constitution and its laws, to make a formal apology for slavery and for im Crow, so that it can move forward and seek ree- onciliation, justiee, and harmony for all of its citizens: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives — (1) acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty of slavery” and Deutality, and inhumanit Jim Crow; (2) apologizes to African-Amerieans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and (3) expresses its commitment to reetify the line ering consequences of the misdeeds eommitted ‘against African-Amerieans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future. i “passes §, CON, RES, 26 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Whereas during the history of the Nation, the United States has grown into a symbol of demwerney axl freedom, around the world, Americans is intercaven with Whereas the legacy of Attic the very fabric of the democracy and trucdom of the United States; dants. were Whereas millions of Afviewns andl their desea ‘enslaved in the United $ nies from 1619 through 1862 sates and the 13 Ameriean eolo- Whereas Africans forved into slavery were brutalized, humili- fated, delmmanized, and snbjeeted to the indignity of being stripped of their mumes sx! heritage ‘Whereas many enshaved files were torn apart after funily members were sold separately Whereas the system of stavery’ ind the visceral racism against people of Afviean descent pon whieh it depended became ‘enmeshed in the sovial fabric of the United States; Whereas slavery was not officially alblishee! until the ratifien tion of the 18th amendment to the Constitution of the United States in 1865, after the end of the Civil Wary Whereas after emancipation finn 415 years of slavery, Afi eameAmeriems sem sa the fleeting polite, social, and economic gains they mace dvinye Reconstruction evise {ed by virulent reiki, Ivuchings, disentiaichiveme Black Codes, amd racial segregation haves dat imposed a of oficial ssmetioned racial segregation in vig syste ively all ate ws of li, Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as Ay arose in certain parts of the United States nPtor the Civil War to ereate separate snd wnequal “im Crow, wh for Whites and AfvicancAmerieans, was a direct sult of the racism against people of Afriean descent ‘that was engendered by skevery; Whereas the system of sim Crow lives officially existed) until the 1960s—n century after the off the United States—until Congress tool aetion to end it, bout the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day; ial end of slavery in Wheras MricanAmericas continie to suffer from the con- of slavery and Jim Crow lays—long after both yed—throwgh enormous idudinge sequence systems were formally abolis lamage snd Toss, both tangible and intangible, ‘the losis of Inuman dignity snd Hiberty; Whereas the stony of the enslavement and de jure segregation of Afiem-Ameriems and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or imizod in the telling of the history of the United Stats; Wherens those Afkiom-Amerieans who suffered under slavery’ and Fim Crows laws, and their descendants, exemplify the strength of the Inman character and provide w mode) of ovent, and perseverance; Whe uly 8, 2008, daring: # trip to Gore Island, Sen ‘geal, 2 former slave port, President Geonge W, Bush ae- vssledged the eonstiontingg lege of slavery’ in fit iv the cox mB 7 United States andl the need to confront that legney, whew he stated that stavery “vas... one of tlhe greatest crimes of history... ‘Phe racial bigotry fed by slavery ‘or with segregation, And many of the issmes that still trouble America Ihave roots in the bitter experience of other times, But however long the r destiny is set: liberty and justice for all”; did not end with slave joumeey, 01 Whowas President Bill Clinton also ve sented problems caused by the continuing logney of re fxm against African-Americans th when he initiated a national dialoyae about race; nowwleged the deep- tt began with slavery, Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed and a formal apology to Afviewn- Amerieans will help bind the wounds of the Nation that fare rooted in slavery and can speed racial healing: and reconciliation and help the people of the United States understand the past and honor the history of all people of the United States; Whereas the legislatures of the Commonwealth of Virgini and the States of Alabama, Florida, Maryland, and North Carolina have taken the lead in adopting: resohu- tions officially expressing: approprinte remorse For slavery, and other State legislatures are considering similar resn- Intions; and ‘Whereas it is important for the people of the United States, who legally recognized slavery through the Constitution sand the laws of the United States, to mke a formal ‘npology’ for shavery ancl for its suecessor, move forward and seek reconciliation, juste, m Crs, 80 and harmony for all people of the United States: Nox, therefore, be it 4 Hesolve by the Senate (the House of Representatives 2 ewneurring), That the sense of the Congress is the fale 3. lowing ()) Apovody FOR THE EXSLAVEMENT AND. SEGREGATION OF APRICAN-AMBRICANS.—The Con ares (A) acknowledges the fandamental injus- tice, eruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slav- cry andl ity Cron laws; (B) apologizes to Afviea-Americans on be- half of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed aginst them and their an cestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow laws; and (C) expresses. its recommitment to the principle that all people are ereated equal and endowed with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursait of happiness, and calls on all people oF the United States to work toward inating macil prices, injustices, and dis crimination from our sovie (2) De (A) authori Arnie. Nothing, in this resolution — Sor supports any claim against the United States; or (B) serves ns a settlement of any elaim nwainst the United States Passed the Senate dine 18, 2008, Atest: S.CON. RES. 26

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