Touchstone Arcade Level 3 Final - SPB

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Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 1 The way we are]
[Header:] DRAG AND DROP Manner adverbs and adjectives
[Instructions:] Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. There is one extra
[Answer Choices:] different




1. My life is very busy, and Im often in a hurry, so I do everything [quickly]. My friends

tell me I need to slow down, and I think theyre right. Im going to try_[hard]_ to plan my
time [differently] in the future.
[Answer Choices:] carefully




2. I dont like it when people drive too _[fast]_. Its just not safe. Im a _[careful]_ driver,
and I think people should drive slowly. I feel pretty [strongly] about it.

[Answer Choices:] patient




3. I take my job _[seriously]_. I never arrive _[late] at the office, and I always work very
hard. My only problem is in meetings. Im not a quiet person, so when I have an idea, I
say what I think [automatically], and sometimes I interrupt people.
[Answer Choices:] easily




4. My brother Tom and I are so [different]. Im very shy and quiet, but Tom makes
friends [easily]. Toms also a good singer, but when I try to sing, my voice sounds
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 1 The way we are]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Questions giving alternatives
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Do you hear a question giving an
alternative? Click on yes or no.
1. [audio: Do you learn new vocabulary quickly? Or does it take you a long time?]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
2. [audio: Do you always drive safely? Do you try to drive carefully?]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
3. [audio: Do you sometimes interrupt people when theyre speaking? Do you finish
peoples sentences?] [L3U01WL03.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
4. [audio: Do you do your English homework carefully? Or do you do it quickly?]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
5. [audio: Do you make friends easily? Or are you shy?] [L3U01WL05.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
6. [audio: Are you often in a hurry? Do you get impatient in long lines? ]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
7. [audio: Do you drive slowly? Or are you a fast driver?] [L3U01WL07.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
8. [audio: Do you want to take a vacation this summer? Do you like the beach?]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 1 The way we are]
[Header:] GUESS THE WORD Personalities
1. generous
Hint: You often give to others.
2. arrogant
Hint: Youre too proud.
3. easygoing
Hint: Youre laid-back and relaxed.
4. disorganized
Hint: You often lose or forget things.
5. honest
Hint: You always tell the truth.
6. selfish
Hint: You think only of yourself.
7. outgoing
Hint: Youre not shy.
8. reliable
Hint: Your friends can count on you.
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 1 The way we are]
[Header:] UNSCRAMBLE THE SENTENCE Adverbs before adjectives and adverbs
[Instructions:] Unscramble the sentence.
1. is / wonderful / absolutely / my teacher
[My teacher is absolutely wonderful.]
2. is / disorganized / my sister / totally
[My sister is totally disorganized.]
3. is / talented / that woman / extremely
[That woman is extremely talented.]
4. honest /my best friend / completely / is
[My best friend is completely honest.]
5. an / person / you are / generous / incredibly
[You are an incredibly generous person.]
6. unfriendly / hes / really / some people / think
[Some people think hes really unfriendly.]
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 1 The way we are]
[Header:] MATCHING Describing individual habits
[Instructions:] Match the responses to the statements.
a. Well, at least he doesnt damage them.

1. Hes always playing loud music. [*g]

b. Well, at least he pays for dinner.

2. Shes always borrowing my clothes. [*d]

c. Yeah, but at least he gets good grades.

3. Shes always coming home late. [*f]

d. Well, at least she returns them to you.

4. Hes always taking my CDs. [*a]

e. Well, at least you find them again.

5. Hes always falling asleep in class. [*c]

f. Yeah, but at least she calls first.

6. Im always losing my keys. [*e]

g. Well, at least its good music.

[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 1 The way we are]
[Header:] READING Julia Roberts
[Instructions:] Read the article. Then answer the questions.
Julia Roberts is an incredibly talented actor. Shes very well known for her leading roles
in Hollywood movies. Roberts may also be one of the richest female actors in
Hollywood. She earned $20 million for her role in the movie Erin Brokovich. But did you
know that shes also extremely generous? Julia works hard for organizations like
UNICEF an international organization that helps children around the world. She also
loves animals, and once she traveled to Borneo and Indonesia to make a film about some
of the endangered animals there.
Here are some more interesting facts about Julia Roberts:
1. If youre meeting Julia Roberts, dont expect her to wait patiently if you are late.
She likes to be on time for everything although as a mother of twins, it may be
harder now!
2. In high school, Julia was an accomplished student, both inside and outside of the
classroom. She was a member of the Spanish club and the tennis team. She also
played the clarinet well and was in the school band.
3. As a teenager she worked hard. She waited tables at a pizza restaurant and worked
at a local movie theater. See! Even movie stars have to start somewhere!
1. What is Julia Roberts well known for?
a) Travel films.
b) Working with children.
*c) Acting.
2. Why did Julia travel to Borneo and Indonesia?
*a) To make a film about animals.
b) To visit the local children.
c) To make the movie Erin Brokovich.
3. When does Julia get impatient?
*a) When people are late.
b) When shes waiting for her twins.
c) When she has to meet people.
4. What was Julia like as a teenager?
a) She didnt like to work too hard.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

*b) She was an accomplished student.
c) She stayed inside the classroom.
[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 2 Experiences]
[Header:] CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD Present perfect statements
[Instructions:] Click on the correct words or phrases.
1. I always loved / *Ive always loved traveling. I was / *Ive been to Canada several
times, and last summer, *I went / Ive gone to Europe with my family.
2. Last weekend, *my son went / my sons gone camping with his friends, but he
*didnt have / hasnt had much fun. Actually, he / *hes never enjoyed outdoor
3. Did you ever try / *Have you ever tried snowboarding? *I took / Ive taken lessons
last winter. My dream is to buy my own snowboard, but I didnt save / *havent saved
enough money.
4. Sonias parents *have never traveled / never traveled outside of Brazil.
Sonia / *Sonias always wanted to take them to Asia, but they didnt have / *havent
had any free time.
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]

[Level 3]
[Unit 2 Experiences]
[Header:] CROSSWORD Good and bad experiences
[Instructions:] Complete the crossword puzzle.
1. Have you ever

a trip to Egypt? [*taken]

2. Im very healthy. Ive never

the flu. [*had]

3. Have you ever ___ to a famous actor? [*spoken]

4. Jens a good student. Shes a perfect grade on every exam. [*gotten]
5. Have you ever

a talent contest? [*won]

6. Im very disorganized. Ive

7. Have you ever
8. Have you ever

a lot of important things. [*lost]

and hurt yourself while surfing? [*fallen]

an appointment with your teacher? [*forgotten]

[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007

Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 2 Experiences]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Present perfect and simple past
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Do you hear the present perfect or the
simple past? Click on the correct answer.
1. [audio: Did you go to the movies last night?] [L3U02WL01.mp3]
[ ] present perfect
*[ ] simple past
2. [audio: Have you ever tried Thai food?] [L3U02WL02.mp3]
*[ ] present perfect
[ ] simple past
3. [audio: Ive saved enough money to buy a computer.] [L3U02WL03.mp3]
*[ ] present perfect
[ ] simple past
4. [audio: I took a trip to China last summer.] [L3U02WL04.mp3]
[ ] present perfect
*[ ] simple past
5. [audio: Ive always wanted to learn Spanish.] [L3U02WL05.mp3]
*[ ] present perfect
[ ] simple past
6. [audio: I didnt win the competition.] [L3U02WL06.mp3]
[ ] present perfect
*[ ] simple past
7. [audio: Have you ever broken something valuable?] [L3U02WL07.mp3]
*[ ] present perfect
[ ] simple past
8. [audio: I got a perfect grade on my English exam.] [L3U02WL08.mp3]
[ ] present perfect
*[ ] simple past
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 2 Experiences]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Keeping the conversation going
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
You do? Isnt it scary? [*5]
No, but Id like to try it someday. Did you like it? [*3]
Yes, I have. Have you tried it? [*2]
Yeah, a little, but its really exciting. [*6]
Have you ever gone hang gliding? [*1]
Yes, I loved it. Actually, I go all the time. [*4]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 2 Experiences]
[Header:] READING Travel experiences
[Instructions:] Read the e-mail messages. Then answer the questions.
[Design as e-mail messages.]
Hi Naomi,
Sorry, I havent had time to write much during this trip. Mike and I are in Venezuela now.
Weve spent about ten days here, and weve done so many exciting things! When we first
arrived, we went to Angel Falls. Ive never seen anything so beautiful. We just got back
from Mrida a university town near Pico Bolvar mountain. There are some really
beautiful buildings and excellent museums. We had a great time on the cable-car ride to
the top of Pico Espejo mountain. Fortunately, there were no clouds that day, and we had
an incredible view. We havent had time to do any shopping, but weve taken a lot of
great pictures. I cant wait to show you all the great things weve seen. See you after
Your friend, Eric
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your e-mail. Im glad you and Mike are having a good time traveling. Im
having fun, too! Ive finally landed in Turkey, and Im having the most amazing time
shopping! Ive done a lot of shopping. The Grand Bazaar is amazing Ive never seen a
huge market like this before. There are over 4,000 places to shop and eat. Ive bought
some beautiful clothing and some silver jewelry for myself. Ive always wanted a Turkish
rug for my apartment, but I cant carry one home with me. Too bad! Turkish food is really
good. There are a few things I havent tried. Ive heard Turkish desserts are incredible.
Well, I have a few more days here, and Im sure Im going to eat (and shop) a lot more!
See you soon.
1. What did Eric and Mike do when they first arrived in Venezuela?
a. They went on a cable-car ride.
*b. They went to see Angel Falls.
c. They visited the museums.
2. What did Eric like about Mrida?
a. The university.
*b. The museums.
c. The shops.
3. Why does Naomi think the Grand Bazaar is amazing?
a. Its very busy.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

b. All of the shops sell silver jewelry.
*c. There are so many places to shop and eat.
4. What did Naomi buy at the Grand Bazaar?
*a. Some things for herself.
b. A Turkish rug to take home.
c. Some Turkish desserts.
[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 3 Wonders of the world]
[Header:] DRAG AND DROP Superlatives
[Instructions:] Choose the correct words and phrases to complete the sentences. There is
one extra word.
[Answer Choices:]





1. OHare Airport in Chicago is the worlds [busiest] airport. This airport has the [most]
flights every day. Each year, around 80 million people travel through it to cities around
the world. Unfortunately, Chicago has some of the [worst] winter weather, so many
flights are canceled.
[Answer Choices:] most interesting



most expensive

2. Japan is the [most expensive] country in the world, but its also one of the [most
interesting] places to visit. Tokyo has great restaurants and fun things for tourists to do.
Theres a lot of traffic in the city, so the [fastest] way to travel around is by subway.
[Answer Choices:] most


most famous


3. Whats the [smallest] country in the world? Its Vatican City in Rome, Italy. Only
around 800 people live there. Its also one of the places with the [most] tourism in
Europe. People come from around the world to visit the beautiful buildings and to see art
and paintings by some of the [most famous] Italian artists.
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 3 Wonders of the world]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Linking and deletion with superlatives
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen to the question. Then click on the phrase
you hear.
1. [audio: Whats the fastest way to get to your house?] [L3U03WL01.mp3]
*[ ] the fastest way
[ ] a fast way
2. [audio: Whats the nicest restaurant in your neighborhood?] [L3U03WL02.mp3]
*[ ] the nicest restaurant
[ ] a nice restaurant
3. [audio: Whats a popular movie for kids?] [L3U03WL03.mp3]
[ ] the most popular movie
*[ ] a popular movie
4. [audio: Whats the most famous city youve visited?] [L3U03WL04.mp3]
*[ ] the most famous city
[ ] a famous city
5. [audio: Whats the busiest time of day for traffic?] [L3U03WL05.mp3]
* [ ] the busiest time of day
[ ] a busy time of day
6. [audio: Whats a tall building in this area?] [L3U03WL06.mp3]
[ ] the tallest building
*[ ] a tall building
7. [audio: Whats the most famous monument in your town?] [L3U03WL07.mp3]
*[ ] the most famous monument
[ ] a famous monument
8. [audio: Which neighborhood has the most coffee shops?] [L3U03WL08.mp3]
*[ ] the most coffee shops
[ ] the best coffee shops
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 3 Wonders of the world]]
[Header:] GUESS THE WORD Natural wonders
[artphotosfrom SB3 p. 24]
1. river
Hint: [L3U03GW01.jpg]
2. rain forest
Hint: [L3U03GW02.jpg]
3. mountain
Hint: [L3U03GW03.jpg]
4. ocean
Hint: [L3U03GW04.jpg]
5. desert
Hint: [L3U03GW05.jpg]
6. volcano
Hint: [L3U03GW06.jpg]

[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 3 Wonders of the world]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Using superlatives for emphasis
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
It really is. I went there several years ago, and I had the best time. Have you ever
seen my photos? [*3]
It sure is. Ive heard that, too. It isnt too hot, and it doesnt rain too much. [*5]
We really should. It has the best beaches, and the rain forests are amazing, too. [*2]
Its the greatest country!
We should go to Thailand sometime. [*1]
Yes, I have. Theyre really great. So, when do you want to go? Ive heard the nicest
weather is in the winter. [*4]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[ [] indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 3 Wonders of the world]
[Header:] READING Australia: A country of world records
[Instructions:] Read the article. Then click on True or False.
Australia may not be the largest country on Earth its the sixth largest after Russia,
Canada, China, the USA, and Brazil but it is a country of world records. Here are some
of them:
Natural wonders
Uluru, previously named Ayers Rock, is the worlds biggest rock. At its widest point, it
measures 9.4 kilometers (5.8 miles) around. The best time to see Uluru is when it
changes color at sunrise and sunset.
Australia has the largest number of beaches in the world. There are more than 10,000
beaches. It also has the largest sand island, Fraser Island. Its 120 kilometers (74.6 miles)
long, and 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) wide.
But perhaps one of the most famous natural wonders in the world is the Great Barrier
Reef, on Australias east coast. It covers an area bigger than the United Kingdom and
Ireland, and it has more than 1,000 islands. Visitors travel from all over the world to go
scuba diving there.
Antarctica is the worlds driest continent on Earth, but Australia is the driest continent
where people live. Almost 35% of Australia is desert, and it has some of the smallest
amounts of rain in the world.
Most visitors to Australia want to see the kangaroos and koala bears. But did you know
the koala bear is the worlds sleepiest animal? It sleeps for 22 hours a day! What does the
koala do the other two hours? It eats the leaves of Australias famous eucalyptus trees.
1. Australia is the largest country on Earth.
2. Uluru is almost 10 kilometers wide.
3. Australia has the largest beach in the world.
4. The Great Barrier Reef is on the east coast of Australia.
5. Australia is one of the driest places on Earth.
6. Both koalas and kangaroos sleep for 22 hours a day.



[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 4 Family life]
[Header:] UNSCRAMBLE THE SENTENCE Verbs let, make, help, have, get, want,
ask, tell
[Instructions:] Unscramble the sentence.
1. wont / me / let / late / stay out / my father
[My father wont let me stay out late.]
2. clean up / get / I / my son / to / cant / his room
[I cant get my son to clean up his room.]
3. dinner / is going / me / David / help / to / cook
[David is going to help me cook dinner.]
4. their homework / early / them / finish / their parents / have
[Their parents have them finish their homework early.]
5. ask / have to / me / to / drive / my sister / everywhere / I
[I have to ask my sister to drive me everywhere.]
6. study /is / to / telling / law / Kates mother / always / her
[Kates mother is always telling her to study law.]
7. with / to / wants / spend / more time / her / me / my grandmother
[My grandmother wants me to spend more time with her.]
8. should / I / think / the house / make / their kids / parents /clean
[I think parents should make their kids clean the house.]
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 4 Family life]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Reduction of used to
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Do you hear the reduction of used to? Click on
yes or no.
1. [audio: My grandparents used to live with us.] [L3U04WL01.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
2. [audio: I used to hate jazz.] [L3U04WL02.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
3. [audio: We used to go to skiing every year.] [L3U04WL03.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
4. [audio: My cousins used to visit us every summer.] [L3U04WL04.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
5. [audio: My stepfather used to play on a soccer team.] [L3U04WL05.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
6. [audio: She used to visit her grandparents on Sundays.] [L3U04WL06.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
7. [audio: My brother-in-law used to live in Argentina.] [L3U04WL07.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
8. [audio: His best friend used to come over every weekend.] [L3U04WL08.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 4 Family life]
[Header:] MATCHING Used to and would
[Instructions:] Match the sentences that come next.
a. Hed sleep on my bed every night.

1. My grandparents used to live near the

beach. [*e]

b. Shed always ask me to play with her.

2. My sister used to love basketball. [*b]
c. Theyd never let us stay out late.
d. Shed make us do our homework first.

3. My mother used to cook a big dinner on

Sundays. [*f]

e. Wed visit them every summer.

4. Lisa used to live next door. [*g]

f. My whole family would eat together.

5. We used to have a dog named Charlie.


g. Shed always come over after school.

6. My teacher used to give us candy.[*d]

[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 4 Family life]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Giving opinions
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
Youre right. In the past, people usually got married right after high school. I think thats
too young, dont you? [*2]
Definitely. If you ask me, people should wait until theyre at least twenty-five. [*3]
It seems to me that people are getting married much later these days. [*1]
I agree. That way they have time to just enjoy being young. [*4]
Exactly. [*5]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 4 Family life]
[Header:] READING Jims blog
[Instructions:] Read Jims blog. Then answer the questions.
[Design as online blog. ]
When I was a kid, I used to have the greatest bicycle. It was yellow, and it had a big, long
seat. My older sister gave it to me when she got too big for it, and it was my very first
bicycle. Back then, my cousins used to live next door, and wed all ride bikes together
every day after school. Sometimes we used to ride to another town.
A few years later, I saved enough money to buy a new bike a black ten-speed racing
bike. It was pretty expensive, but in those days, you didnt need to buy helmets or special
clothing. My mom would let me wear a T-shirt and jeans to ride my bike. Shed make me
come home before dark every night, though.
Now that Im older, I still love to ride my bicycle. Of course, I have a new one now a
mountain bike. I bring it with me whenever I take a vacation, and when the weathers
nice, I ride it to work. I dont know where that old yellow one is now. Its too bad. Id
like to give it to my daughter.
1. Where did Jim get his first bicycle?
a. His sister bought it.
*b. His sister gave him her old one.
c. His cousins gave it to him.
2. Where did Jims cousins use to live?
*a. In the same town.
b. All over town.
c. In another town.
3. Back then, what did people use to wear to ride bicycles?
a. Special clothing.
b. A helmet.
*c. Nothing special.
4. Where is Jims first bicycle now?
a. He keeps it at work.
b. He gave it to his daughter.
*c. He doesnt know.
[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 5 Food choices]
[Header:] CROSSWORD Food expressions
[Instructions:] Complete the crossword puzzle.
1. I put a ____ butter in this dish. [*little]
2. Could you please buy a
3. There are two
4. I have a

of eggs at the supermarket? [*carton]

of bread in the freezer. [*loaves]

of soy sauce in the fridge. [*bottle]

5. We need about a
6. He keeps a
7. I only have a
8. Theres a

of hamburger. [*pound]
of hot peppers on the table. [*jar]
slices of cheese. [*few]
of soda in the refrigerator. [*liter]

[Footer:] This activity practices grammar and vocabulary from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 5 Food choices]
[Header:] GUESS THE WORD Ways of cooking
[A/W:] [pick up photos from TS SB3 p. 46]
1. baked
Hint: [L3U05GW01.jpg]
2. barbecued
Hint: [L3U05GW02.jpg]
3. boiled
Hint: [L3U05GW03.jpg]
4. grilled
Hint: [L3U05GW04.jpg]
5. raw
Hint: [L3U05GW05.jpg]
6. roast
Hint: [L3U05GW06.jpg]
7. steamed
Hint: [L3U05GW07.jpg]
8. stir-fried
Hint: [L3U05GW8.jpg]
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 5 Food choices]
[Header:] FILL IN THE BLANK Too, too much, too many, and enough
[Instructions:] Complete the sentence with too, too much, too many, or enough.
1. Im not hungry. I think I ate [too much] chocolate.
2. Eat your broccoli. You dont eat [enough] vegetables.
3. Mike eats [too] quickly. Hes already finished his hamburger!
4. I think Im too thin. Maybe I dont eat [enough].
5. I cant close the fridge. There are [too many] things in it.
6. Im always forgetting to eat lunch. Im just [too] busy.
7. Dont eat [too much] cake. Youll get a stomachache.
8. I dont like this dish. There are [too many] hot peppers in it.
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 5 Food choices]
[Header:] LISTEN FOR THE STRESS Stressing new information
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen to the conversation. Then click on the
stressed words you hear.
[Correct words are bolded. Distracters are italicized.]
1. [audio: A: Do you like boiled potatoes?
B: Actually, I prefer fried potatoes.] [L3U05CS01.mp3]
2. [audio: A: Have you ever tried raw fish?
B: No, Ive only eaten smoked fish.] [L3U05CS02.mp3]
3. [audio: A: Do you like pickled cabbage?
B: Ive never tried pickled cabbage. ] [L3U05CS03.mp3]
4. [audio: A: Do you like grilled vegetables?
B: Yes, I love grilled vegetables.] [L3U05CS04.mp3]
5. [audio: A: Would you like roast lamb for dinner?
B: Actually, Id prefer roast beef.] [L3U05CS05.mp3]
6. [audio: A: Do you ever eat fried chicken?
B: No, I only eat grilled chicken.] [L3U05CS06.mp3]
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 5 Food choices]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Deciding on dessert
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
Oh, no thanks. Im fine for now. [*2]
Are you sure? I just bought some ice cream. Im going to have some. [*3]
Its no trouble at all. Would you like chocolate or strawberry? [*5]
Would you like some dessert? [*1]
Oh, either one is fine. Whatever youre having. [*6]
Well, OK, if youre sure its not too much trouble. [*4]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 5 Food choices]
[Header:] READING The Japanese bento
[Instructions:] Read the article. Then answer the questions.
[Design as magazine or newspaper article]
Are you tired of having the same thing for lunch every day? Well, if you like Japanese
food, then you should definitely try a traditional Japanese bento. A bento is a healthy,
convenient meal that you can bring with you and eat anywhere.
A bento is served in a box that has several food sections. Theres one section for steamed
rice, and there are other sections for a variety of foods, such as vegetables, meat, eggs, or
fish. You dont usually find raw fish in a bento, because raw foods dont stay fresh for
very long. So, most bento meals have boiled, grilled, or fried foods. Pickled foods, like
pickled plums or vegetables, are also popular.
The Japanese prepare bento carefully so that the food looks good and appetizing.
Sometimes they even cut the foods into different shapes, such as a flowers or leaves.
They also cut the food into small pieces so that you can eat a bento easily.
Bento became a popular meal in Japan because people who worked away from home, for
example, fishermen or farmers, needed a healthy meal during the day. A bento was easy
to prepare and easy to carry. Around 1885, when rail travel became popular, the first
ekiben (train station bento) appeared. You can still find ekiben today at almost every big
train station in Japan. Its a convenient, quick meal for rush-hour travelers.
So, if you want to try something different for your lunch, or if you dont find most quick
meals healthy enough, then try a Japanese bento!
1. What is a bento?
*a) Its a kind of Japanese meal.
b) Its a traditional dish of raw fish.
c) Its a kind of pickled vegetable.
2. Why are most bento foods cooked?
a) Because they taste good.
*b) Because cooked foods stay fresh.
c) Because there are different sections in a bento.
3. Why did bento first become a popular meal?
a) It was convenient for people on trains.

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Touchstone Arcade Level 3

b) It was a cheap meal for farmers.
*c) It was a convenient meal for workers to take with them.
4. Why does the author recommend trying a bento?
a) Because its convenient.
b) Because of the variety.
*c) Because its different and healthy.

[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 6 Managing life]
[Header:] CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD Talking about the future
[Instructions:] Click on the best word or phrase.
1.*Im having / Ill have a party at my place on Saturday. Can you come?
2. Will you do / *Are you doing anything this weekend?
3. Maria cant meet us for dinner. *She has / Shell have her English class tonight.
4. Im so excited. Well / *Were going to spend two weeks at the beach this summer.
5. I didnt bring my lunch to work today. I think I go / *Ill go to Ricks Restaurant.
6. My guess is that we *wont meet / arent meeting our deadline on Monday.
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 6 Managing life]
[Header:] MATCHING Whats advisable / necessary / preferable
[Instructions:] Match the responses to the statements.
a. Youd better make a list of the food you
need to buy.

1. Im going to spend the summer in Paris.


b. You might want to make a list of the pros 2. I have to meet my boyfriends parents
and cons of different kinds of work.
this weekend. [*c]
c. You might want to make an effort to
dress nicely, and make sure you bring a

3. Im inviting 50 people to my party this

Saturday. [*a]

4. I had dinner plans with Dave tonight, but

d. Maybe you ought to invite someone else. he has to work late. [*d]
e. Dont make excuses.

5. I dont know what kind of job I want in

the future. [*b]

f. You might want to do some research at a

university there.

[Footer:] This lesson practices vocabulary and grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 6 Managing life]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Reduction of verbs
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Do you hear a reduction of the verb? Click
on yes or no.
1. [audio: You might want to change your shirt.] [L3U06WL01.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
2. [audio: Youve got to cancel your appointment.] [L3U06WL02.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no
3. [audio: You have to pay to park here.] [L3U06WL03.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no
4. [audio: You ought to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.] [L3U06WL04.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
5. [audio: Youre going to have to make a decision soon.] [L3U06WL05.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no
6. [audio: Youve got to choose your new classes today.] [L3U06WL06.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
7. [audio: You might want to see a movie tonight.] [L3U06WL07.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
8. [audio: Youd better not be late.] [L3U06WL08.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no

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Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 6 Managing life]
[Header:] MULTIPLE CHOICE Ending phone conversations
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation.
1. A Hi, John. Its Gina. Are you still coming over this weekend?
B Yes, of course Ill be there.
*[ ] Great. See you Saturday.
[ ] OK. Ill call you back.
2. A Hello, Pam. Is this a good time to talk?
B Actually, Im a little busy now.
[ ] All right. Ive got to go.
*[ ] OK. Can I call you later?
3. A Hi, Kim. Its Todd.
B Todd? Dont you have English class now?
A Yeah, the teacher just got here.
[ ] Bye now.
*[ ] Id better go.
4. A Oh, its 7:30. Im going to be late for work.
B All right. Ill see you later.
*[ ] Ive really got to go.
[ ] Nice talking to you.
5. A Hi, its me. Do you want to meet for a cup of coffee?
B Sure. Lets meet at Rose Caf.
[ ] All right. Ill call you later.
*[ ] OK. See you later.
6. A Well, thank you for calling.
*[ ] Sure. It was nice talking to you.
[ ] Yeah. Ive got to get going.
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 6 Managing life]
[Header:] READING Too much clutter?
[Instructions:] Read the e-mail message. Then answer the questions.
[design as e-mail]
Hi Carla,
You asked me my secret for getting rid of clutter. Well, I found a great Web site called
Recycle-It! You just go to the site and join the Recycle-It group in your city. Then, you
can list anything you want to get rid of on the Web site. You cant sell anything there. Its
only for things you want to donate or give away.
You said you wanted to get rid of your old chair and make more room in your house.
Well, go to the Web site and write a description of the chair. You might want to add a
photo, too. Then, if someone wants the chair, theyll e-mail you and ask for it. You decide
who you want to give the chair to, and that person comes to pick it up. Its really easy.
Ive gotten rid of all kinds of things clothing, old computers, books and it was
much easier than selling them at a yard sale. Im even thinking about getting rid of my
old car, but Im not sure yet. Ive got to make up my mind about that.
I have some advice for you if you decide to join. Everything on the Recycle-It site is
free, and youll see a lot of great things that other people are giving away. Youd better
not take anything, though. Youll just have more clutter!
Catch you later,
1. What is Jenny writing to Carla about?
a. Recycling in her city.
*b. A way to get rid of clutter.
c. Getting rid of her old car.
2. What kinds of things do people put on the Web site?
a. Things they want to sell.
*b. Things they want to donate.
c. Just clothing, computers, and books.
3. Why does Carla want to get rid of her old chair?
*a. She wants to have more space.
b. Her room is too big.
c. She wants to buy a new one.
4. What advice does Jenny give Carla about the site?

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Touchstone Arcade Level 3

a. Shed better decide to join soon.
b. She ought to look at all of the great things.
*c. Shed better not take anything.
[Footer:] This lesson practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 7 Relationships]
[Header:] UNSCRAMBLE THE SENTENCE Relative clauses
[Instructions:] Unscramble the sentence.
1. shes / can / a friend / trust / I / that
[Shes a friend that I can trust.]
2. who / call anytime / can / hes / someone / I
[Hes someone who I can call anytime.]
3. weddings / a company / Kaya / that / works for / plans
[Kaya works for a company that plans weddings.]
4. can fix / have / I / old cameras / who / a friend
[I have a friend who can fix old cameras.]
5. talks about / the things / my brother / hes doing / never
[My brother never talks about the things hes doing.]
6. I / who / a jazz band / know / plays /in / someone
[I know someone who plays in a jazz band.]
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 7 Relationships]
[Header:] MULTIPLE CHOICE Phrasal verbs
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation.
1. A Did you get my e-mail?
B Yes, I did. Ill write
*[ ] back
[ ] up
[ ] out

when I have time.

2. A Are you still dating Leo?

B No, the long-distance relationship didnt work
[ ] away
[ ] up
* [ ] out

3. A Do you get
well with your brother?
B Oh, yes. Hes my best friend.
[ ] away
*[ ] along
[ ] down
4. A Do you still live in your hometown?
B No, I dont. I moved
a few years ago.
* [ ] away
[ ] back
[ ] along
5. A Im thinking of getting married.
B Thats great. Youre at a good age to settle
[ ] back
[ ] up
*[ ] down

6. A Tim and I have been dating for five years.

B Wow! Thats a long time to go
with someone.
[ ] back
* [ ] out
[ ] along
[Footer:] This activity practices the grammar and vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 7 Relationships]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Softening comments
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Does the speaker try to soften the
comment? Click on yes or no.
1. [audio: My new neighbor is kind of noisy.] [L3U07WL01.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
2. [audio: My boss is really unfriendly.] [L3U07WL02.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
3. [audio: I guess your sister is just shy.] [L3U07WL03.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
4. [audio: This music is too loud.] [L3U07WL04.mp3]
[ ] yes
*[ ] no
5. [audio: Your friend Dave is a bit young.] [L3U07WL05.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
6. [audio: The class is maybe a little easy.] [L3U07WL06.mp3]
*[ ] yes
[ ] no
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 7 Relationships]
[Header:] MATCHING Though
[Instructions:] Match the responses to the statements.
a. Theyre kind of shy, though.

1. Its nice to have your own apartment.


b. You shouldnt date someone who is

older, though.

2. Tom and Laurie broke up. [*f]

c. Sometimes its a little lonely, though.

3. Ann moved away for college. [*g]

d. She doesnt get along with her, though.

4. Your new neighbors are really nice. [*a]

e. I think hell settle down soon, though.

5. Rick is always dating someone new. [*e]

f. They started going out again, though.

6. Mieko has a younger sister. [*d]

g. Shell come back during her vacations,


[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[ [] indicates correct answer]

[Level 3]
[Unit 7 Relationships]
[Header:] READING Old friends
[Instructions:] Read the letter. Then click on True or False.
[Design as a letter, not an e-mail.]
Dear Ken,
Thanks for your letter. I wanted to write back and tell you about something that happened
to me recently. Its a funny story that I think youll like.
Just before my birthday, I started thinking about Sarah remember the girl that I dated in
high school? We got along really well, but we broke up when I went away to college. We
called each other a lot the first year, but after awhile, we sort of lost touch. Then, on my
birthday, I got an e-mail from her! The message said: Hi, Jeremy. I just wanted to say
happy birthday. I wrote her back right away, and we made a plan to meet for coffee.
She looked just the same well, maybe a little bit older. We had a great time talking.
Sarahs the kind of person I can talk to about anything. We talked about all the things we
used to do, and a lot of great memories came back. Then I think I kind of surprised Sarah.
I told her that I thought I was ready to settle down, and I asked her to go out with me
again. Unfortunately, she said she couldnt. She works in London now, and she had to fly
back there the next day. She said she didnt think a long-distance relationship would work
At first, I felt a little sad about it. But then I knew Sarah was right. Now Im just glad we
got back in touch, and I had a chance to hang out with her for a few hours.
Well, thats my story. Write back when you have some time, and tell me if you have any
good dating advice.
Your friend,
1. Sarah and Jeremy went out together in high school.
2. Sarah and Jeremy stayed in touch during college.
3. Jeremy answered Sarahs e-mail right away.
4. Jeremy thought Sarah looked much older.
5. Jeremy wants to settle down now.
6. Sarah and Jeremy are going out together now.

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Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Footer:] This lesson practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 8 What if?]
[Header:] CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD Wishes and imaginary situations or events
[Instructions:] Click on the correct words or phrases.
1. If I wasnt /*were a better singer, I joined / *Id join a band.
2. If I *werent / couldnt be so busy, I had / *Id have more time to study.
3. If *I lived / Id live closer to work, I *wouldnt / couldnt have to ride the train for
two hours.
4. If you *were / would be less busy, you could /*youd be able to relax.
5. If my daughter *earned / would earn more money, she *could / can have her own
6. I wish we can / *could afford to buy a new house. If we moved, *wed be / were
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 8 What if?]
[Header:] MULTIPLE CHOICE Talking about imaginary situations or events
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation.
1. A What would you do if you broke a friends camera?
[ ] Id ask her about it.
*[ ] Id buy a new one for her.
2. A What would you do if a friend asked to borrow a lot of money?
* [ ] Id think about it.
[ ] Id remind him about it.
3. A How would you react if your boss gave you a gift?
[ ] Id lend it to her.
*[ ] Id thank her for it.
4. A What would you say if your mother forgot your birthday?
*[ ] I wouldnt say anything to her.
[ ] I wouldnt apologize to her.
5. A What would you do if your sister damaged your car?
*[ ] I wouldnt lend it to her again.
[ ] I wouldnt borrow it from her.
6. A What would you say if you were late to meet a friend for dinner?
[ ] Id remind him about the time.
*[ ] Id apologize for being late.
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar and vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]

[Level 3]
[Unit 8 What if?]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Intonation in long questions
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Then click on the part of the question you
1. [audio: What would you do if a good friend borrowed money from you and forgot to
pay you back?] [L3U08WL01.mp3]
*[ ] a. What would you do
[ ] b. What would you think
2. [audio: What would you do if you were walking down the street and you saw
someone drop his wallet?] [L3U08WL02.mp3]
[ ] a. if you were driving down the street
*[ ] b. if you were walking down the street
3. [audio: What would you do if a friend came for dinner and didnt like the food you
served?] [L3U08WL03.mp3]
[ ] a. and didnt eat the food you served?
*[ ] b. and didnt like the food you served?
4. [audio: What would you do if you bought a new MP3 player and you dropped and
broke it?] [L3U08WL04.mp3]
[ ] a. What would you say
*[ ] b. What would you do
5. [audio: How would you react if your date asked you to pay for the movie tickets and
buy the popcorn?] [L3U08WL05.mp3]
[ ] a. if your date asked you to pay for the movie tickets
*[ ] b. if your date asked you to buy the movie tickets
6. [audio: What would you do if you had an important appointment and you forgot to
go?] [L3U08WL06.mp3]
[ ] a. and you didnt go?
*[ ] b. and you forgot to go?

[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary and pronunciation from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 8 What if?]
[Header:] MATCHING Giving advice
[Instructions:] Match the advice to the problems.
a. You could travel or get a job and start
school next year.

1. Im not doing very well in my history

class. [*f]

b. You might want to borrow some money.

2. I transferred to a new office, and I dont

know any of my co-workers. [*c]

c. Oh, I wouldnt worry about that. Youll

make new friends soon.
d. Id move to an apartment near the
e. If I were you, Id wear it only when you
visit him.

3. I got accepted into grad school, but Im

not sure I want to go now. [*a]
4. My uncle gave me a very expensive coat,
but its not my style. [*e]
5. I wish I didnt live so far from school.
Id rather live closer. [*d]

f. You might want to ask the professor for

extra help.
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[ [] indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 8 What if?]
[Header:] READING Regrets
[Instructions:] Read the newspaper article. Then click on True or False.
[Art: design as newspaper column]
by Curt Marks
Do you wish you could go back and live your life over again?
Everyone has regrets. I have a few, too. Ive had a great life, but sometimes I wish I could
change some of the things Ive done. I studied hard in high school and got really good
grades. My parents would always try to get me to join sports teams, but I wasnt really
interested in any of those things. I was incredibly serious about my schoolwork. I didnt
have time for anything else. I studied hard in college, too, and I got into to a great grad
school. I studied law.
If I could go back to high school and live those days over again, Id definitely study a lot
less. I wish I had worried less about my grades and spent more time hanging out with my
friends. I wish I had dated someone, too. If I had had a girlfriend in high school, maybe I
wouldnt be so shy now. I also wish I had listened to my parents and joined a sports team.
If I had played sports and gotten more exercise, Id probably be much healthier now.
Theres one more thing I wish I had done. I wish I had thanked my parents and my
teachers for all their help and advice.
Fortunately, its not too late to change.
1. Curt played on a sports team in high school.
2. Curt didnt get into grad school.
3. Curt probably wishes he had spent more time relaxing.
4. Curt didnt date anyone in high school.
5. Curt thinks he is very healthy now.
6. Curt plans to change in the future.



[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 9 Tech savvy?]
[Header:] UNSCRAMBLE THE SENTENCE Questions within sentences
[Instructions:] Unscramble the sentence.
1. the problem /is / wonder / I / what
[I wonder what the problem is.]
2. know / Tom / I / dont/ what / should / do
[I dont know what Tom should do.]
3. how much / cost / I have / my computer / no idea
[I have no idea how much my computer cost.]
4. is / where / the battery / know / I / dont
[I dont know where the battery is.]
5. remember / is / he / the phone number / what / cant
[He cant remember what the phone number is.]
6. why / freezing up / I / dont know / its
[I dont know why its freezing up.]
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 9 Tech savvy?]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU SEE? Using technology
[Instructions:] Match the picture to the correct sentence.
[Pick up art from TS SB 3 Page 89.]
1. Turn it up. [L3U09WS01.jpg]
2. Hook it up. [L3U09WS02.jpg]
3. Print it out. [L3U09WS03.jpg]
4. Put them on. [L3U09WS04.jpg]
5. Look it up. [L3U09WS05.jpg]
6. Take it apart. [L3U09WS06.jpg]
7. Throw it away. [L3U09WS07.jpg]
8. Turn it down. [L3U09WS08.jpg]

[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 9 Tech savvy?]
[Header:] MULTIPLE CHOICE Separable phrasal verbs
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation.
1. A I wonder why my computer isnt working.
B Lets see.
*[ ] Did you plug it in?
[ ] Did you pick it up?
2. A You can borrow my CD player.
B Thanks.
[ ] Can you tell me how to take it apart?
* [ ] Can you tell me how to turn it on?
3. A That music is kind of loud.
B Oh, sorry.
*[ ] Ill turn it down.
[ ] Ill put it down.
4. A Its getting very hot in here.
*[ ] Turn on the air conditioning.
[ ] Take off the air conditioning.
5. A What does that button do?
*[ ] It turns up the volume.
[ ] It looks up the volume.
6. A I have no idea how to use this cell phone.
B Whats the problem?
[ ] I cant remember how to put it down.
* [ ] I cant remember how to turn it on.
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary and grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 9 Tech savvy?]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Giving different opinions
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
Well, maybe. On the other hand, I like to listen to music when Im working. It helps me
think. [*5]
Thats true. They do cost a lot. But dont you think it would be great to sit in a coffee
shop and do your work? [*3]
Yeah. I know what you mean. Theyre pretty expensive, though. [*2]
Im not so sure. It would be kind of noisy. Theyre always playing music. You know what
I mean? [*4]
Im thinking of buying a laptop computer. I could take it everywhere and do my work. It
would be really convenient. You know? [*1]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
Level 3
[Unit 9 Tech savvy?]
[Header:] READING Protect yourself online!
[Instructions:] Read the tips for safe Internet use. Then answer the questions.

Are you an online shopper? Do you do your banking online, play online games, or use
your computer to send and receive e-mail? Are you always a careful Internet user? Many
people have no idea what the dangers of using the Internet are, but everyone who uses the
Internet should know how to protect themselves. You dont need to be an expert.
Here are our tips for safe Internet use:
Do you know why you shouldnt open e-mail from someone you dont know?
If you get an e-mail message from someone you dont know, dont open it or read it. Just
delete it right away. The message may have a virus attached to it, and that virus can
damage your computer. Always use anti-virus software to protect your computer from
dangerous viruses.
Do you know why its dangerous to give out your personal information?
Someone may send you an official-looking e-mail, asking for your personal information.
The e-mail may look like its from your bank or a retail store, but you should never reply
without checking where the e-mail came from. It may be from an identity thief
someone who is trying to steal your personal information. Remember, most official
organizations dont ask for important information by e-mail. In fact, you should never
send any personal information through an e-mail. Instead, call the bank or store, and
check whether the e-mail is real before giving any personal details.
1. According to the article, who needs to know about the dangers of going online?
a) Only careful Internet users.
b) Expert computer users.
*c) Any Internet user.
2. What should you do if you receive an e-mail from someone you dont know?
*a) Use software to check that there are no viruses.
b) Read it. Then delete it immediately.
c) Open it carefully, so it doesnt damage your computer.
3. How do some identity thieves get your personal information?
a) They steal your computer and search for the information.
*b) They send e-mails asking for your personal details.
c) They get official organizations to ask you for it.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

4. How should you check if an e-mail is real?

a) Reply to the e-mail.
b) E-mail the bank or store and find out.
*c) Call the company and find out if they sent the e-mail.
[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 10 Whats up?]
[Header:] FILL IN THE BLANK Present perfect continuous vs. present perfect
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation with the present perfect continuous or present
perfect. Use contractions where possible.
[Brackets indicate correct answers; verbs in parens need to appear with the rest of the
1. A Hey, Josh. What [have] you [been doing] since I saw you last? (do)
B Well, I got a new job, so I [ve been working] a lot lately. (work)
2. A How many piano lessons [have] you [taken]? (take)
B Four. And I [ve learned] two songs so far! (learn)
3. A I [ve been seeing] a guy from work. (see)
B Really? How many times [have] you [gone] out with him? (go)
4. A [Have] you [known] Molly for a long time? (know)
B Yes. We [ve been] friends since high school. (be)
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 10 Whats up?]
[Header:] LISTEN FOR THE STRESS Reduction of have
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Do you hear the reduction of have? Click
on yes or no.
1. [audio: So, whatve you been doing lately?] [L3U10CS01.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no
2. [audio: Where have you been hanging out?] [L3U10CS02.mp3]
[ ] yes
* [ ] no
3. [audio: How long have you been studying English?] [L3U10CS03.mp3]
[ ] yes
* [ ] no
4. [audio: Whatve you been up to recently?] [L3U10CS04.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no
5. [audio: Whatve you been doing for fun?] [L3U10CS05.mp3]
* [ ] yes
[ ] no
6. [audio: What kinds of things have you made so far?] [L3U10CS06.mp3]
[ ] yes
* [ ] no
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 10 Whats up?]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU SEE? Types of movies
[Instructions:] Match the picture to the correct phrase.
[A/W: pick up photos from SB3 p. 100.]
1. a romantic comedy [L3U10WS01.jpg]
2. an action movie [L3U10WS02.jpg]
3. a musical [L3U10WS03.jpg]
4. an animated film [L3U10WS04.jpg]
5. a war movie [L3U10WS05.jpg]
6. a horror movie [L3U10WS06.jpg]
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 10 Whats up?]
[Header:] CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD Already, still, and yet with present perfect
[Instructions:] Click on the correct words.
1. A Have you seen the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie still / *yet?
B No, I already / *still havent had a chance to see it.
2. A Have you yet / *already returned the DVD you borrowed last week?
B No, I havent watched it *yet / still.
3. A Oh, lets go see this romantic comedy! I havent seen it * yet / already.
B Actually, Ive *already / still seen it three times.
4. A Have you been to the new theater *yet/ still?
B No, I already / *still havent had enough time. Maybe Ill go tonight.
5. A Have you heard about the new movie Funny Guy still / *yet?
B Thats not new. Ive *already / still seen it on TV!
6. A Im reading our English story about aliens. Have you read it still / *yet?
B Yeah, I have. Ive *already / still read it. It was great.
[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 10 Whats up?]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Asking for a favor politely
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
OK, thats no problem. Would it be all right if I e-mailed the notes to you? [*4]
That would be great. Ill give you my e-mail address. [*5]
Hi, Jenny. I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. [*1]
Well, I have a job interview tomorrow, and Im going to miss class. I wanted to ask if you
could take notes for me. [*3]
OK. Let me just get a pen. . . . All right. Im ready. [*6]
Sure. What can I do for you? [*2]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 10 Whats up?]
[Header:] READING Movie review
[Instructions:] Read the movie review. Then answer the questions.
[Design as newspaper movie review.]

Movie pick: The Pursuit of Happyness

Although I dont usually cry in movies in fact, I havent cried in a movie for years I
did in this movie. Its a real tearjerker perhaps because its based on the true story of a
father and son. Will Smith plays the father, Chris Gardener, and Chriss son is played by
his real-life son Jaden Smith. Even though Jaden has never acted before, the eight-yearold gives an amazing performance. Maybe its because he is working with his own father,
who is an incredibly talented actor himself. In fact, I think this movie might be his best
performance ever.
Chris Gardner has been having a difficult time in his job and in his life in general. His job
as a salesman is not working out, his wife is extremely unhappy, and even though he tries
to make things better, Chriss wife finally leaves him.
Chris takes a job at a big company, but the job doesnt pay any salary (the company hired
twenty people without pay, and promised only one person a job after six months). Since
Chris isnt making any money, he cant pay his rent. He loses his house, and he and his
son become homeless.
For a while, Chris and his son sleep in train stations and homeless shelters, but then
things change. Im not going to spoil the ending for you. Ill just tell you its a happy one.
If you havent seen the Pursuit of Happyness yet, then go and buy yourself a ticket. Oh,
and dont forget to take a box of tissues with you!

1. Why does the reviewer think the movie is a tearjerker?

a. Because its a love story.
b. Because the actors are father and son.
*c. Because its a true story.
2. What character does Will Smith play?
*a. A man who is having a hard time.
b. A man who owns a big company.
c. A man who wants to be an actor.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

3. In the movie, what happens to Chris Gardner and his son?

a. They start to work together.
*b. They lose their home.
c. They leave Chriss wife.
4. What happens at the end of the movie?
*a. The reviewer doesnt spoil the ending.
b. Chris and his son live in a train station.
c. Chris cant pay his rent.
[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]

[Level 3]
[Unit 11 Impressions]
[Header:] MATCHING Modal verbs for speculating
[Instructions:] Match the responses to the statements.
a. He may be finished already.

1. The woman in this picture looks like

Janine. [*d]

b. She cant have a lot of friends here.

2. I think I hear your cell phone. [*f]
c. He might be sick.
d. That must be her mother.
e. They could be dating.

3. Jennifers always hanging out with Peter.

4. Min Hee just moved here a few days
ago. [*b]

f. It cant be mine.
5. Carlos didnt come to work today. [*c]

[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 11 Impressions]
[Header:] WHAT DO YOU HEAR? Linking and deletion with must
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Is the ending sound in must linked with the
following word or deleted? Click on the correct answer.
1. [audio: You must be a genius.] [L3U11WL01.mp3]
[ ] linked
*[ ] deleted
2. [audio: They must enjoy studying.] [L3U11WL02.mp3]
*[ ] linked
[ ] deleted
3. [audio: Your sister must work really hard.] [L3U11WL03.mp3]
*[ ] linked
[ ] deleted
4. [audio: John must love his new school.] [L3U11WL04.mp3]
*[ ] linked
[ ] deleted
5. [audio: Her parents must be out of town.] [L3U11WL05.mp3]
[ ] linked
*[ ] deleted
6. [audio: Alex must have a lot of friends.] [L3U11WL06.mp3]
*[ ] linked
[ ] deleted
7. [audio: Her professor must feel proud.] [L3U11WL07.mp3]
[ ] linked
*[ ] deleted
8. [audio: They must study English every day.] [L3U11WL08.mp3]
[ ] linked
*[ ] deleted
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 11 Impressions]
[Header:] CROSSWORD Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
[Instructions:] Complete the crossword puzzle.
1. I spilled juice all over my teacher. I felt so ___. [*embarrassed]
2. My computer keeps freezing up when I check my e-mail. Its so ___. [*frustrating]
3. I was really ____ during that movie. I fell asleep! [*bored]
4. This is such an ___ book. I cant stop reading it. [*exciting]
5. I dont want to go hang gliding. Im ___ of heights. [*scared]
6. South American history is really
. It was my major in college. [*interesting]
7. I didnt know that you would be here. Im really ___ . [*surprised]
8. Ninas an hour late, and Im a little ___ . I hope shes OK. [*worried]
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary and grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 11 Impressions]
[Header:] MULTIPLE CHOICE Showing you understand
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation. Show you understand the situation or feelings.
1. A I just won a competition.
[ ] You see, youre proud.
*[ ] You must be proud.
2. A Jack never calls me. I always have to call him.
[ ] Really? Is it annoying?
*[ ] That must be annoying.
3. A Ive finished all of my homework, and Ive even done some extra reading.
[ ] I see. That must be scary.
*[ ] Wow! You must be motivated.
4. A Ive been cleaning my apartment all day.
*[ ] You must be very tired.
[ ] That must be exciting.
5. A Ive started to make my own animated films.
*[ ] That must be interesting.
[ ] That must be embarrassing.
6. A You see, Im meeting my girlfriends parents for the first time tomorrow.
*[ ] I see. You must be nervous.
[ ] I see. You must be jealous.
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[ [] indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 11 Impressions]
[Header:] READING A letter to the editor
[Instructions:] Read the letter. Then click on the correct information.
[Design as newspaper letter]
Dear Editor,
I was pleased to read your article about the volunteer programs that are available in
our city. It seems to me that young people these days have a lot of free time. Im always
surprised to see them hanging out in groups at the shopping center near my house. They
must be bored now that its summer vacation. When I was in high school, I had to work
after school. You see, my parents owned a store, and Id come back and work there for a
few hours every afternoon. I didnt mind it at all. In fact, I was excited to earn my own
I understand that some of the kids are too young to work, so I think joining a
volunteer program is the perfect idea for them. Volunteer work can help young people
decide what kind of job theyd like to have in the future, and I believe it can help keep
them motivated at school, too.
It was fascinating to read about the opportunities for volunteers to clean our city
parks, help older people (like me), or build houses for people who need them. Young
volunteers should feel proud. They might have to work hard, but the positive feeling
theyll get from helping people could be more valuable than any amount of money.
Norman Johnson
1. Norman read an article about volunteer programs in his city.
2. Norman thinks the young people are bored.
3. Norman did volunteer work in high school.
4. Norman is an old man.
5. Norman thinks young people should try to make more money.




[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 12 In the news]
[Header:] FILL IN THE BLANK The simple past passive
[Instructions:] Complete the conversation with the simple past passive of the verbs.
1. A Hey, Jake, I heard your wallet [was stolen]. (steal)
B Yeah, I was lucky, though. It [was found] by some kids in the park. (find)
2. A I dont know if we should go camping this weekend. Some bears [were seen] in
that area. (see)
B Really? I hope no one [was hurt]. (hurt)
3. A How was your trip?
B Good and bad. First, our flight [was delayed] for five hours. (delay)
A Oh, no! Was the beach nice?
B It was beautiful. We went swimming the first day, but then on the second day, the
the beach [was closed] because of a storm. (close)
4. A My house [was broken] into last night. (break)
B Youd better call the police.
A I will. Fortunately, nothing [was stolen]. (steal)
5. A Todays baseball game [was canceled]. (cancel)
B Really? How come?
A Several of the players [were injured] in an accident. (injure)
6. A This road [was closed] yesterday because of strong winds. (close)
B Yeah. I heard a car [was hit] by a falling tree. (hit)

[Footer:] This activity practices grammar from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 12 In the news]
[Header:] LISTEN FOR THE STRESS Breaking sentences into parts
[Instructions:] Click on the audio icon. Listen. Then click on the stressed syllable or word
in each part of the sentence.
[Underlined syllables are answer choices. Double underline indicates correct answer.]
1. My new car / was broken into / a few weeks ago. [L3U12WL01.mp3]
2. The subway station / was closed yesterday / because of an accident.
3. A laptop computer / was stolen / from the professors office. [L3U12WL03.mp3]
4. University classes / were canceled / when two bears were seen. [L3U12WL04.mp3]
5. A large snake / was caught last night / in someones yard. [L3U12WL05.mp3]
6. Five thousand dollars / was found this morning / in the back of a taxi.
[Footer:] This activity practices pronunciation from Lesson A.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 12 In the news]
[Header:] GUESS THE WORD Natural disasters
[Instructions:] No DL.
1. tornado
Hint: Its a strong, turning wind.
2. hurricane
Hint: Its a strong storm from the ocean.
3. hailstones
Hint: Theyre pieces of falling ice.
4. flood
Hint: Theres too much water.
5. wildfire
Hint: It can destroy a large forest.
6. earthquake
Hint: It makes the ground move.
7. thunderstorm
Hint: Its a noisy rainstorm.
8. lightning
Hint: It makes the sky bright.
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[Level 3]
[Unit 12 In the news]
[Header:] UNSCRAMBLE THE SENTENCE The simple past passive with by +
[Instructions:] Unscramble the sentence.
1. the falling tree / was / by / seriously / no one / injured
[No one was seriously injured by the falling tree.]
2. was / by / the wildfire / completely / the forest / destroyed
[The forest was completely destroyed by the wildfire.]
3. by / were / the flood / damaged / many homes / seriously
[Many homes were seriously damaged by the flood.]
4. destroyed / was / the town / partially / the tornado / by
[The town was partially destroyed by the tornado.]
5. were / disrupted / the earthquake / by / university classes / temporarily
[University classes were temporarily disrupted by the earthquake.]
6. delayed / by / were / the thunderstorm / temporarily / some flights
[Some flights were temporarily delayed by the thunderstorm.]
[Footer:] This activity practices vocabulary and grammar from Lesson B.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[* indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 12 In the news]
[Header:] PUT THE SENTENCES IN ORDER Telling news
[Instructions:] Put the sentences in order.
Oh, yeah. I heard the airports were closed for several days. [*6]
Why? Was his trip canceled? [*4]
Have you heard about Garys vacation? [*1]
No, I havent. He went to visit his girlfriend in California, right? [*2]
Well, guess what? Thats where Gary spent his vacation. [*7]
Well, you know about the hurricane in New York last week? [*5]
Yeah, but the thing is, he never got to California. [*3]
[Footer:] This activity practices conversation strategies from Lesson C.

January 5, 2007


Touchstone Arcade Level 3

[ [] indicates correct answer]
[Level 3]
[Unit 12 In the news]
[Header:] READING How do you get important news?
[Instructions:] Read the article. Then click on True or False.
What do you do when you need information about emergencies and other important
current events? Do you go out and buy your local newspaper, turn on the TV or the
radio, or do you go to your computer and check out what the online news Web sites and
blogs are reporting?
A study was done in the U.S. to find out how people prefer to get news about important
current events. In the study, 1,500 people between the ages of 25 and 64 were surveyed.
The people were asked which news sources they trust the most to provide information
about emergencies and other important events in the news.
It was found that traditional news sources such as TV and radio are still the most popular
ways of getting information in an emergency situation. About half of the people in the
survey said they watch major television stations to get news immediately. 42% percent of
the people said they also rely on radio, and about a third of them go to local newspapers
or cable television news stations. One out of four people said they use newspaper Web
sites. Only 6% said they use blogs or other Internet user groups as a source of immediate
Blogs and Internet sources, as you can probably guess, are used most often to get
information about less important types of news such as fashion, lifestyle, and
entertainment news.

1. The article is about how people get entertainment news.
2. The study was done in the U.S.
3. Both young and older people were surveyed.
4. Traditional news sources are the most popular.
5. About a third of the people use the Internet as a source
of immediate news.
6. The Internet is used for less important types of news.



[Footer:] This activity practices language from Lesson D.

January 5, 2007


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