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United States Government Accountability Office

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Educational and Professional

Certification Information
Instructions: Only complete this form for college degrees and/or professional certifications that have actually been received. A
maximum of three (3) degrees and four (4) professional certificates can be recorded. If this information needs to be updated in the
future, the employee is responsible for submitting the new form. Employees should ensure that copies of the degrees/certification
forms are placed in their Official Personnel Folders (OPF's). This form must be signed before it is submitted.
1. Employee's Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
2. Social Security Number*

3. GAO Unit

4. GAO Date of Employment

(month, day, year)

Educational Information
5. Type of Degree (Specify master's,
bachelor's, etc.)

6. Degree Major

7. Date of Degree (month/year)

8. Name of School and Campus Site (if applicable)

9. Location of School (state, country)

10. Type of Degree (Specify master's,

bachelor's, etc.)

12. Date of Degree (month/year)

11. Degree Major

13. Name of School and Campus Site (if applicable)

14. Location of School (state, country)

15. Type of Degree (Specify master's,

bachelor's, etc.)

17. Date of Degree (month/year)

16. Degree Major

19. Location of School (state, country)

18. Name of School and Campus Site (if applicable)

Professional Information: List type of certification (e.g., Certified Public Accountant, Bar, Certified Internal Auditor, Certified
Professional Manager, Certified Information Systems Auditor. Include the state where the certification was obtained and the year
20. Type of Certification



21. Type of Certification



22. Type of Certification



23. Type of Certification



I certify that the information stated on this form is correct

Please return this form to:

U.S. Government Accountability Office
Human Capital Office
Room 1166
441 G St, NW
Washington, DC 20548

24. Signature of Employee

25. Date

26. Work Telephone Number

*Privacy Statement
Section 6311 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code authorizes collection of this information. The primary use of this form is to collect employee educational
and professional information.

GAO Form 202 (Rev. 4/02)

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