MSC Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct Policy

Adopted: 1 May 2013

Code of Conduct Policy

The Monroeville Soccer Club (MSC) Code of Conduct applies to any and all persons
involved with MSC, such as a coach, player, referee, administrator, contractor, or in any
way associated with MSC. Our intent in implementing this Code of Conduct is to protect
the welfare of the youth in our program from harm. Additionally, this Code of Conduct
recognizes that such persons are more frequently than not considered to be role models
and must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. MSC is a club that may
restrict or remove membership and participation to those who violate its Code of
All persons will obey the following code of conduct while interacting with those in
conjunction with, traveling to or from, or participating in the MSC program or any
endorsed activities with its affiliates. Actions or events that occur away from the field of
play, at a time and place removed from league sanctioned events, shall not be exempt
from this Code of Conduct if there are considerations resulting from participation in
MSC. Any violation of this code will cause the person to be ineligible to coach, play,
referee or perform the MSC function that the person has been performing. MSC
reserves the right to suspend players from play and players and other persons may be
barred from being in close proximity to MSC events. Such restrictions will be in place
until such time that the case has been investigated, reviewed and a ruling made by the
MSC Board of Directors or its appointed officer or director.
Code of Conduct with respect to all persons
All persons will:
treat all other persons, including but not limited to coaches, trainers, parents, players,
officials, fans and other club members with respect.
not use of foul or abusive language.
not engage in physical or verbal confrontations.
not threaten, stalk or harass any other individual.
abide by the laws of the game as modified by PA West and MSC..
exhibit sporting like behavior including being gracious in victory and dignified in defeat.
accept the match officials decision in all cases and other than a coach or a player
captain, will not discuss or question the match officials decision.
All policies and procedures are subject to change in order to maintain the Monroeville
Soccer Club's compliance with PA West rules and regulations.
Monroeville Soccer Club

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Code of Conduct Policy

Adopted: 1 May 2013

Code of Conduct with respect to coaches

All coaches in addition to the Code of Conduct requirements of all persons will:
act as a positive role model for the players.
understand the laws of the game and instruct your players and their parents in their
instruct players to play within the written laws of the game and within the spirit of the
game at all times.
not seek any unfair advantage by teaching unsporting behavior to players.
limit coaching instruction during games and keep such instruction positive in nature.
not argue with match officials.
question calls respectfully and only with the intent of educating your players or yourself.
make no inappropriate advances at players, including but not limited to text
messaging, email, phone calls, verbal, and touch.

Code of Conduct with respect to referees

All referees in addition to the Code of Conduct requirements of all persons will:
act as a positive role model for the players.
make no inappropriate advances at players, including but not limited to text
messaging, email, phone calls, verbal, and touch.

Code of Conduct with respect to players

All players in addition to the Code of Conduct requirements of all persons will:
learn the laws of the game and play by them.
be supportive of your teammates and coaches.
play fairly and exercise good sportsmanship.
not initiate any conversation with match officials unless functioning as a team captain.

All policies and procedures are subject to change in order to maintain the Monroeville
Soccer Club's compliance with PA West rules and regulations.
Monroeville Soccer Club

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Code of Conduct Policy

Adopted: 1 May 2013

not argue with match officials.

participate in unwanted touching of other players outside of accepted soccer play.
not bully any other individual.
Code of Conduct with respect to Parents and other Spectators
All spectators in addition to the Code of Conduct requirements of all persons will:
not offer any instruction or coaching from the sidelines.
yell or utter any negative comments to anyone.
not initiate any conversation with match officials
be supportive of all participants of the game before, during and after the game.
work with childs coach if the child develops a behavior related problem that repeatedly
disrupts the team.

All policies and procedures are subject to change in order to maintain the Monroeville
Soccer Club's compliance with PA West rules and regulations.
Monroeville Soccer Club

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