BCH and Reed-Solomon Codes

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BCH and

Reed-Solomon Codes


Minimum Distance of Cyclic Codes

The BCH Bound

Theorem 1:

Parity Check Matrix for BCH Code

Design Procedure for BCH Codes

Types of BCH codes

Example: Binary BCH Codes of Length 31(1)

Example: Binary BCH Codes of Length 31(2)

Example: Binary BCH Codes of Length 31(3)

Example: Binary BCH Codes of Length 31(4)

BCH Codes: Remarks

Example (1)

 Generator polynomial

Reed-Solomon Codes

Constructing Reed Solomon Codes

Example: Reed-Solomon Code over GF(8)


Example: Reed-Solomon Code over GF(8)


Minimum Distance Reed Solomon Code

Theorem 2:

Maximum Distance Separable Codes

Decoding BCH and Reed Solomon Codes

Reed Solomon Parameter:

Block length: n = q 1,
Number of parity check symbol: n-k =2t
Dimension: k = q 1 - 2t
Minimum distance: dmin = 2t +1

What is the generator polynomial, if m=4, t=2. and the

Let be a primitive element in GF (2^6)
constructed based on the primitive polynomial
p(x)=1+X+X^6 with t=3.

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