Instructions: Watch The Link To A Video Advertisement and Then Answer The Two Questions

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Instructions: Watch the link to a video advertisement and then answer the two

KitKat Dancing Kids

the techniques you think were identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
logo kitkat
emotion funny babys
memorable images_ dancing babys _____________________________
Pepsi Monks

A. Highlight the techniques you think were identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
Memorable Images top of the can
logo pepis
humour top of can on there forhead
Squirrels cutting coupons
A.Highlight the techniques

you think were identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
Memorable Images talking squilre
logo sears
emotion mad squirles


Geiko HumpDay
A.Highlight the techniques you think were

identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
, Memorable Images camle
humour talking camle
catchphrase 15 mins can save you 15%
Cadbury Gorilla Playing Drums
A.Highlight the techniques you think were

identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
Memorable Images monkey playing drums
humour monkeys plays a drums
emotion sad monkey

Evian dancing babies
A.Highlight the techniques you think were identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
emotion happy babys
catchphrase live young

humour rollerskating babys


IKEA Say No to Gnomes
A.Highlight the techniques you think were

identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Catchphrase/Slogan, Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
was impactful?
emotion angry gnomes
memorable images fling gnomes
humour died from water
Crest No candy Halloween
A.Highlight the techniques

you think were identified in the video

Appeals to Senses, Persuasive Language, Memorable Images,
Humour, Celebrities, Emotions, or Logos/Symbols
B. Pick the top three and explain where in the video it was shown and how it
wa s impactful?
humour throwing up kid
emotion upset kids that want candy
memorable images kid kicks the man

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