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Colegiul National Moise Nicoara Arad

Scoala de provenienta

Test de verificare a cunotinelor la limba engleza

14 iunie 2012
- clasa a V-a Varianta 1


Change to the plural (1point)

1. That is a box.
2. He is a man.
3. This is a thief.
.4. It is a foot.
5. She gives a party.
Fill in: ON, AT, IN (1point)
1. I have English ____ Monday.
2. It often snows ____ winter.
3. We wake up____ 7 oclock.
4. Christmas is ____ 25th December.
5. He comes home_____ noon.


Put the verb in the correct tense. (1point)

1. Listen! Someone ____________ ( sing ) .
2. The baby ____________ ( not / sleep ) at the moment.
3. ______ you _______________( play ) tennis every weekend?
4. They ______________ ( leave ) tomorrow.
5. Mother always _______________ (wash) the dishes.


Turn into the plural (1point)

1. butterfly 2. potato -


3. wife 4. sheep -

Find the mistakes and correct them.(1point)

1. This bag isnt my.
2. They has got a nice house.
3. How much bananas do you have?

5. boy -





What is the cat? Its in the garden.

He do not love animals.

Circle the correct word.(1 point)

1. Is this Tims / Tims bag?
2. The wind is / its blowing at the moment.
3. What / Which is your name?
4. Whos / Whose car is this?
5. Those bicycles are their / theirs.
Underline the correct variant.(1point)
1. The dog is lying in front of / between the sofa.
2. Are there any shops under/near your house?
3. The cake is on / above the coffee table.
4. I put my notebooks in / at my bag.
5. The cinema is between / below the school and the hospital.
Fill in the gaps with the following words: grass, man, water, house, hair.
(1 point )
I have got four long legs, two small ears, two lovely black eyes and long
________ on my head. Im a big animal. I dont live in a _______ or a garden, I live
on a farm. I like eating ________ and apples. I drink _______. A woman, a ______ or
a child can ride me.
Write must/mustnt/can/cant. (1point)
1. You ___________ talk during tests.
2. ________ you speak English ?
3. You _______ respect your family.
4. I do not feel well. _________you call a doctor?
5. She ________ play with dolls. She doesnt have any dolls!

~1 point officially

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