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ANIMAL WELFARE BOARD OF INDIA. (nat ot Envrotmontan Forts, ove ei) D. RAJASEKAR, IFS D.0. AWBI/ PCA’ Dated 3.3.08 Secretary TO WHOMSOEVR IT MAY CONCERN Anime! Welfara Board of India, a otatutery body wae corsttuted under the Prevention of CCtueity to Animal Act, 1960, an act of Failiament in order to promote of animal wefare generally ‘and for protecting animals ftom beng subjected to unnecessary pain of suffering. AWEI has been mplemerting venous animal Welfare schemes and enacting and implementing vanous acts ang rues flamed under Prevention of Crueityto Animal Act, 1960. ‘As you are aware that Govt of India Notified the Animal Bich Cartral (Dogs) Rules, 2001, under the PCA Act, 1080 vide tho Gazette of India: Extra Ordnery Parr See. 3 aub. li dated 24” Dec. 2001 to mplement sterlzation and veceination of stray / community dogs to ceento' the dag popuition. AS per the Department of Personne! & Training, Minsty of Personnel, Pubic Grievances ‘and Pensions, New Delhi ter ra.F.No 30/92005-WELFARE dated 25.5.2006, itis invormed that any Govt. Servant indulges in act of crusty to animass he will be making Rinse ible for ‘ction under Pravention of Crusty #2 Animals Act Besides, punishment under the Ast, e would falso make himself lable for action under CCS (Concuet) Rules for conduct unbecoming of a Govt Servant may be noted that for dealing with the probiem of stray animals, there are desgnated ‘agencies in Govt.local sef-covemment rganizations etc. Such Oroarisatiors regularly Undertake inoculations, sterizetion of female animals etc. Recognised Associations in Govt tclonies may appazen suen Institutions for redresaa! of their grievances All he problems of stay animals have to be handlec within the instkutonal framework available and no association, recognized or unrecocnized, shal take recourse to action on their ‘oun, ether themselves or through any person employed by them ike securty guards etc ‘Therefore, you are directed notte remava the community doge fram the any place ae itis ‘legal and viiason of above said rules. The amounts to ensclty o aninale as per PCA Aet and 15.4 punishable offence. However, itis suggested that you may take hep of recognized NGOS (Ust of AivO's i your state is avalabe in te weoste www.awblorg) conductng ABC Programme for taking up Sterizeton and immunization of stray dogs inthe plave to manage population and fo implement the provisions of Animal Eth Contol (Doys) Rules, 2001 in letter and sort ‘You are requested to eee proper insiuctione fo the concerned authority in thie regard Yours truly ume ices Sere Se os oo no sez 191, Thea Ssowarnone val nage, una, csnna 60 rmov:ca ds eas rs sane antiga ani en wb goon

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