MM Internship Flyer

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MANDATED MINISTRIES is a nonprofit, outreach ministry in Marshall, TX.

We coordinate academic, social & spiritual enrichment programs that equip, empower
& encourage youths to live productively & positively. We will serve 200 youth this
MANDATED MINISTRIES Summer Interns, aged 17 to 97, will use their energies and
abilities to equip, empower and encourage our organization serve those 200 youth.
Interns will work 20 hours weekly for four weeks: June 1-26, 2015 or July 6-31, 2015
Flexible hours; work from home* or at our site^; reference letters provided
Internships may fulfill community service or educational course requirements.
Applicants must have the position-based skills. We will provide mission-specific training.
Internship roles, projects and areas:

Administrative Assistant(s) ^
Grant Writer(s) *
Computer Tech ^
Coordinator of Volunteers ^
Gardening Teacher ^
Activity Leader(s) ^
Life Skills Trainer(s) ^
Computer Class Instructor(s) ^

Fundraising Projects *
Website & Social Media *
Evaluation & Assessment ^
Accounting *
Marketing Campaign *
Photos & Videos ^
Outreach Ministry ^

Email a Vision Statement to In 200-500 words,

share how, why, and when you can help us fulfill our mission. Format: Word, #12,
Times New Roman, double-spaced. If selected, an interview, background check and
training will follow
Additional information may be accessed at
Key Dates:
1. March 15, 2015: Vision Statements and resumes are due by 10:00 pm
2. April 1, 2015: interviews and background checks completed & Interns selected
3. Internship Opportunity One: June 1-26, 2015
4. Internship Opportunity Two: July 6-31, 2015

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