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Method Project Course

H13 M Master

The Method Project Outline

Write a brief account (2-3 pages) of research question(s), chosen methods, why they are
chosen, how they will be combined, empirical data that will be used. List of relevant literature
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The Method Project Report
The Method Project course shall result in a method project report. The report shall include the
following (you dont have to number the different sections, use subheadings):
1. An introduction where you present the research question you are adressing, and a
presentation of the methods chosen, with a motivation why they are appropriate in relation to
your research question(s). You may also give us a hint of your theoretical frame or points of
departure, but that should be a minor part of your method project report.
2. A presentation of how you applied the methods, how they are combined, and of the
empirical data used.
3. A presentation of the results obtained, with reflections on the used methods relative
strengths and weaknesses. Compare the methods used, referring to the different kinds of
results you obtained from each,and what was gained by combining them. What did work
well, and what was problematic? How can the study be improved? It is not the results per se
that are important but how the way to produce them did work.
4. Appendices: Including interview guides, questionnaires, coding schemes, selections of
interview transcripts, (examples of) analyzed texts or pictures, and the like.
The text part (1-3) shall be at most 8 pages (12 p, double spaced).

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