Min Max Problems

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Problems 1. @) Youve 200 fet of fencing wo enclose arectngulr vegetable garden, What sould the Alimensions of your garden be inorder to enlos the largest oe? (©) Show dat you have Pes fecing avaible, the atden of eresest cea is qu, (What are the dimensions of the gest eoctangulrgardon you can enclose wit Pee ffoeing if one edge of the garden bres a sight rier and des wat eed oe fenced Jt inking —elculus will ot ep with hs one; What do you hin isthe shape of he argest _srden which an he enlosd wit Pee fencing if we donot oie he ead be sectngular? What o ou thnk she shape of th largest garden which can be enclosed with {eat fencing oe eof he gazden Notes aver and dos a eed 1 be faced” 2G) Youn 200 ctor fencing aval to construct a rectangultpe with a fence divider down ‘he mide (le Pig. 7) What mensions of the pon cnclon the largest ttl ea? (@) ify nod vier, wha mensions of te pon solos the ngs ar? {)_ What ace the inensions in pars) and (bi one ee of he pen bodes on sive and does aot ei any fencing? 8. You have 120 fest of fencing oconseucta pon with equa sized stalls Fes (@) te pon isectnglar ead shaped ike he Fp 8, what athe (©) The sate pon in Fig, ase 120 fet of fencing and enclose age res 40 square ft) than he est signin part (2) Design ape which uses nly 120 fet of fencing an as equal sess bt which encloses even sor tha 40 square ft (Suggestion: con use etalon aque) Fig. 9 43. Apliod Max/MinProblers Contemporary Calculus 4. @) Youhave a 10 inch by 15 inch piece of tin which you plan to form into a box (without atop) by cutting a square from each commer and folding up the sides (see Fig. 10). How much should you cut from each comer so the resulting box has the greatest Fig. 10 (6) lhe piece of tin is A inches by B inches, how much should you cut fom each comer so the resulting box has the greatest volume? 5. You have a 10 inch by 10 inch piece of cardboard which you plan to cut and fod as shown in Fig. 11 to form a box with atop. Find the dimensions of the box which has the largest volume, (@) You have been asked to bid on the construction of a square-bottomed box with no top which wil hho 100 cubic inches of water. Ifthe bottom and sides are made from the same material, what are the dimensions ofthe box which uses the last material? (Assume that no material is wasted.) (6) Suppose the box in part (a) uses ifferent materials forthe bottom and the ses. If the botiom ‘material costs Se per square inch and the side material costs 3¢ pr square inch, what a the

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