Workshop 2

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Workshop 2

Classroom Management = Managing students behaviour to

o Climate where learning flourishes safe, learning & respect.
o Establish boundaries & teach normative social behaviour.
Students a giant bundle of unexpected variables prepare to be
o Techniques not from a book; develop with time/experience.
o Successful teachers have toolbox of skills thats always

Different theories/approaches





o Transactional analysis (Harris), Ginott Model, Control &
Reality Theory and Positive Discipline Model (Jones).
Positive Approach emphasise +ve over ve, sustained
reward/praise use, teaches students social skills and redirect to
success not highlight mistakes.
Teachers attitude towards students underpins effectiveness 3
broad styles;
o Hostile/Aggressive teaching = battle to be won, students
need control
Tell students, threaten punishment and eject from






o Best Friend students need nurturing, nice/friendly, plan &
Ask > negotiate > plead > frustration > anger
Leader unclear, uncertainty = insecurity so motivation
o Tough Fair you set boundaries, students test them and this
is normal
Behaviour = choice, hold accountable, redirect, no




Always keep your own emotions in check, must lead class by
Relationships are key Cant lead as well without, ways to
foster include;
o Meeting and greeting children/caregivers by the door
o Show an interest in students as individuals
o Listening to their point of view & giving responsibility to

Maintain students dignity & self-esteem when things dont

go to plan
o Treat each and every student with respect
o Make effort to forge respectful/positive bond with harder
Consider purpose & triggers of behaviour, learn about
o Use strategies that target causses of behaviour, keep class
REMEMBER Always focus on the behaviour NOT the
Bump Theory = Bennet & Smilanich, deescalate using low
key responses.
Low Key Responses = no/minimal verbal, quick & quiet,
deter escalation.
Proximity, Touch, The Look, Using Name, The Gesture, The
Pause, Ignore.
Transitions = students move, breeds misbehaviour;
Rules = Set guidelines, your use dictates efficacy &
consistency critical.
I found this area, at least so far, to be what worried me the most.
Management of the classroom is an easy thing to describe, but it
requires all the other moving pieces to slot together correctly.
Modifying the behaviour of students must be done ethically with full
consideration of every students individual context. It requires
proper communication and constant reflection because as Dewey
(1938) states education is essentially a social process. This was
really made apparent when we all chose the techniques we would
and wouldnt use and there was such significant overlap. Clearly we
dont just differ in what we think is most effective, but also in what
is least effective. There were some obvious things everyone steered
away from, like anger and emotion, but beyond that I had to admit
there was merit I hadnt pondered in many of the methods I didnt
Managing the classroom is crucial both for learning and teacher well
being (Kosnik & Beck, 2011) and yet theres no best way with the
uniqueness of students. There are some clear ideas of what doesnt
work, including many of the things we identified as a group. What
links these poor management styles is that they interrupt the flow of
a lesson, interest is rapidly lost if kids have to keep stopping and

starting. So the overarching concern needs to be getting past

problems in the most frictionless way possible. While I may not
know how to do that yet, knowing that this is the primary goal,
rather than say punishment or retribution, allows me to focus on
whats important. We must always be mindful to target the
behaviour and not the child, deescalate and avoid power struggles.
This means low-key responses, which are acquired through time and
It was once we discussed scenarios and potential solutions that I
identified some personal issues. I felt strongly that I had an suitable
way to resolve a scenario, but when I shared it, my use of terms like
obey was highlighted to me as not ideal. When we discussed our
answers I was extremely cognizant of modulating my tone and
volume, but this doesnt extend to my choice of language yet. As we
learnt previously, we invite unsuccessful communication when
elements of it, like tone and language, dont match (GroundwaterSmith et al, 2015). This lack of success could translate to a poorer
managed classroom and therefore a less conducive learning
environment. This further deepens my nervousness, which, Im
hoping, stems mostly from lack of experience. It also gives me
specific things to be aware of and try to address; perhaps I can even
engage my future students in a discussion on this very topic to
mitigate damage and help them correct me!

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