Daily Parade

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Feed back to the student

Loleta Montgomery wrote on 11/05/2014

I'm smiling and giving you invisible high five's just reading about this "daily parade." You are absolutely on point about education being a
relationship business, regardless of age or developmental level. Have you received any teacher feedback about improvement in student
engagement and attitude in the morning? I wouldn't be surprised!
Exp. Record #: 16451

Date submitted: 10/31/2014

Loleta Montgomery approved on 11/05/2014

Student Name: Youngkent, Jacob Daniel (336853)

Cohort: UEN 2013 B

Field-Based Internship Reflection Form

For Internship Experience
Standard 1: Visionary Leadership; Standard 2: Instructional Leadership;
Standard 3: Organizational Leadership; Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership;
Standard 5: Ethical Leadership; Standard 6: Political Leadership

Daily Parade

Standard and Criteria


Time Spent


5.b Demonstrates values, beliefs, and attitudes that will inspire

others to higher levels of performance


8 hour(s)

not sure how to put a "hour" value

on this, it happens every day for
nearly 30 min.

4.d Collaboratively establishes a culture that welcomes and

honors families and community and seeks ways to engage them in Elementary
student learning

2 hour(s)

Briefly describe this field-based internship experience, including your specific role (1/2 page).
Each morning our students enter our building through two doors. They are split into two groups, one group that eats breakfast and
one group that doesn't. Regardless of which group they are in at 8:35 every morning nearly our entire student body walks through our
main hallway on the way to class. Through discussions with our principal I was informed that last year the hallway could become
pretty wild because there was a lack of adult presence in the hall. I assured her that I could change that.
As I had at my previous school, I set out to make this "daily parade" a welcoming spectacle. My hope was that teachers would see
me, see how much fun I was having, see the looks on our students' faces, and then join in.
I have posted myself in that hallway nearly every day of this school year. I have said nearly 500 hellos and good mornings each of
those days. I have given countless high fives, low fives, fist pounds, and hugs. Gradually teachers have found their way to our
parade. We now have a group of 5 adults posted in a section of our hall way, each one of them saying hello, smiling, giving high
fives. Our students have loved it, at first I would get a few returned good mornings, now I literally get hundreds of them.
In addition to helping to establish a positive culture with our students and staff, we are also demonstrating to our parents our desire
for a positive school climate. In addition to the 500 students we see every morning, we also get to say hello to 10-15 parents. They
smile, say good morning, and hopefully trust that they have left their babies with people that genuinely care!
Reflect on what you have learned from this experience, from mentor discussions, and how you will use this learning in future
administrative leadership roles (no more than 1/2 page).
I spent 10 years at a middle school. One thing that was always a constant was that students had rough mornings. Unfortunately,
many times those tough mornings could have been avoided or a lot less rough. Early on in my middle school experience I made a
decision to make the morning the best part of the day. I had a blast saying hello, and the students enjoyed it as well. over the past
couple years I felt we had built a team of people that could really start our students' days off the right way; with smiles, compliments,
and positivity. Now, I can't imagine starting my day any other way. I am genuinely upset when I don't have an opportunity to get out to
our daily parade.
I have learned that this is a relationship business. Teaching and learning doesn't happen without first establishing a relationship. My
job as a building leader is to build and facilitate positive relationships with everyone (kind of daunting when you think about it), but I
am confident that it can be done!

02/05/2015 07:50:24 AM


Brad Schweppe
The date approved by his/her lead mentor: 10/31/2014

02/05/2015 07:50:24 AM


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