Amaranth: Age: Class: Fighter Level: 21/1 Prestige Class: Godling

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Drow Elf , Former Chaotic Good Goddess of War

657 yrs
Class: Fighter
Level: 21/1
Prestige Class: Godling
Light Med Heavy Max Drag
STR: 52* +21 40 101 266 665 t 1662.5 t
DEX: 24 +7
CON: 21 +5
INT: 19 +4
WIS: 19 +4
CHA: 19 +4

747, Fishing Trawler

Movement: 30ft
Languages Spoken: Undercommon, Elvish, Hobgoblin, Common, Orc, Draconic, Dwarf, Goblin
Initiative: +15

Ranged: +29/+24/+19/+14
With two weapons she gets technically 8 attacks in Melee per round. Ouch
Regen: 3 per round
AC: Dex +7, Tumble +7, Ring +5, Armor (Mithral +5) +11, Dodge (I foe) +1, Mobility +4
Total AC is 30, 31 vs 1 foe, 34 when moving through a threatened area
Saving Throws
Base +






Skills (Climb, Jump+2, Ride, Listen+2,, Swim, Spot+2) Level +3
Bluff (Cha)+12
Disable Device (Dex)+8 Divine Aura (Cha) +20
Hide (Dex)+31
Perform (Cha) +15
Search (Int)+16
Sense Motive (Wis)+10

Wilderness Lore (Wis)+6

Special Abilities
Godly Strength- Amaranth inflicts barehanded damage equal to a Huge creature (3d6), can use up to
Colossal sized weapons/objects two handed, +12 (virtual size category) to Grapple checks.
Permanent immunities:
Petrify, polymorph, lycanthropy, poison
Magical Item Identification- 60% chance to identify general properties and bonuses
Darkvision 240ft
Voice Mimicry: Base 45% + 5% per exposure to that voice
Saves vs magical fire for or No damage
Godling Abilities: All Divine Aura checks get +10 when physically present with followers
Aid Worshipper- DC 10 Divine Aura check to give each follower a +1 to attacks for 1 hour, 1 x per hour
Blessings for the Faithful- DC 15 Aura to grant each follower within a 60ft spread Cure Light Wounds
Death Curse- If a cleric of 5th level or higher in the godlingss service dies in combat, DC 25 Divine Aura
check to Bestow Curse on the slayer as if a 12th level cleric
Divine Interaction- Can cast up to a 5th level against the religions enemies, DC 20 + 2/spell level
the godling is treated as a 10th level caster
Inspire Fanaticism- DC 15 Aura check to inspire Rage in 5 x godlings HD worth of followers
Protecting Hands- DC 15 to teleport without error a 5th level or higher follower to an area familiar to the
godling (home plane, temple, other cult site)
Smite Heretics- DC 10 Aura check to send a cause light wounds when beseeched for aid by followers to a

random enemy
Divine Power- Choose any one cleric spell of a level equal to godling rank and cast it as a spell caster of
godlings total level
Watchful Eye- Scry (at will)on site consecrated to the godlings worship
Object of Worship- May grant spells equal to characters godling level and select two domains associated
with the godlings cause
Weapon Focus Short Sword
Weapon Specialization Short Sword
Weapon Grand Mastery Short Sword
Danger Sense
Improved Initiative
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
Spring Attack
Whirlwind Attack
Quick Draw
Improved Critical Short Sword
Combat Reflexes
Deadly Strike (Short Sword) All criticals automatically confirmed
Lightning Initative +4 stacks with improved initiative
Epic Toughness
Two Weapon Rend- If both weapons strike in the same round, character may automatically rend for base
weapon damage + 1.5x Strength mod ONCE per round
+5 Keen Vorpal Short Sword Dark Bane
1d8+29 15-20,x 2
This weapon and its mate are holdovers from her adventuring days in Faerun. They are enchanted
to teleport to her hands if misplaced dropped or stolen. She rarely uses the vorpal quality and few know
that her sword is capable of it.
+5 Keen Sharpness Short Sword Silverwing 1d8+29 15-20, x 2
Like its mate, a holdover from Faerun which accounts for its rarity. Also rarely used, as the
sharpness quality ignores object/weapon hardness.
+2 Shocking Burst Longbow
1d10 +2+ 1d6 shock , 20, x 2 +2d10 electric
Capable of casting true strike 1 per week.
+3 Dagger 1d4+24 19-20, x 2
Girdle of Many Pouches- 64 pouches that hold up to 30 lbs each
Bracer- Can sacrifice 2 attacks to catch missile weapons without breaking or discharging their effects.
Ring of Force Shield- Large shield shaped wall of force, gives +2 to AC
Earring of Improved Invisibility (at will)
Brooch of Clothing- forms any needed nonmagical clothing
Ring of Protection +5- Gives +5 to all saves
Figurine of Wondrous Power- Elephant -Statuette can change into a full sized elephant 4 times per month
for up to 24hrs per summoning and is fully obedient to the summoner.
Trample (Ex)- Ref save 25

Mithral Shirt +5
Black Orb- Allows for darkvision even in magical darkness
Gloves of Gripping- Cannot be disarmed or fumble weapons held in the hands
Amaranth has about 109, 920 gp in liquid assets ( about $164,000,000 US) or about the cost of a large
popcorn and drink at the movies.(if she doesnt get Milk Duds)

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