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December 15, 2014


Robert B. Bell, City Manager


Brandon Gilmore, Management Analyst


Terence Kyaw, Assistant Public Works Director


Clean Lakes Inc. Contract Approval for CEQA Review of the

Redwood Shores Lagoon System

Authorize staff to enter into a contract with Clean Lake Inc. in the total estimated
amount of $38,300.
On June 18th 2014 The City accepted bids for a Redwood Shores Lagoon Aquatic Plant
Management and Environment Engineering Services RFP. Water Works Inc.(WWI) was
found to be the lowest bidder and therefore selected. Per the request of Redwood Citys
(City) Attorneys office, the City should perform additional environmental review prior to
renewing a contract with WWI. Public Works Services Department (PWS) requires
further assistance with review of the State Water Resources Board (SWRCB) Policy
regarding PWS compliance with CEQA. It is necessary to determine that the discharge
of aquatic pesticides do not have a significant effect on the environment in order to fulfill
CEQAs Initial Study, Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Notices of Determination for the discharge of algaecides and aquatic herbicides to
comply with the exception requirements of Section 5.3 of the policy.
PWS has approached the companies of ICF International and WWI with the intent of
requesting assistance with necessary CEQA procedure. However, these companies
were not viable options. In our search, Clean Lakes Inc. was deemed the best fit and is
the only corporation that is willing and able to provide all encompassing documentation
that will result in necessary SWRCB approvals including CEAQ Document preparation
identifying the water quality and/or biological environmental impacts of the project to
determine whether the identified impacts are significant.
Reject a contract with Clean Lake Inc.

Redwood City PWS has available funding for contracting Clean Lake Inc. existing in
account 216-65161-50.

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