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Liceul Teoretic Ion Creanga


Pagina web personala la tema :


A realizat: Vlasov

Clasa 12 B(real)

In ceasta pagina web am inclus principalele date despre
mine si majoritatea preferintelor mele cum ar fi desenul si
chiar am inclus citeva in desenele mele proprii, si flori care le
Deasemenea am inserat si citeva cideo care m-au
impresionat si de la care am invatat cite ceva pentru
mine.Pagina mea web mai contrite doua gadgeturi :unul cu
ora si altul cu meteo.
Continutul paginii prin limbajul html:


<title>Preferintele mele</title>
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direction=right loop=true behavior=alternate>Bine ai venit pe pagina mea!</marquee>
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<span style="color: Orange"><H1>Despre mine</H1><div align="left" ></span><UL>
<LI><span style="color:white">nume: Vlasov Daniela</span>
<LI><span style="color: white">data nasterii : 25.09.1994</span>
<LI><span style="color: white">locatia : s.Pirita,r.Dubasari,Moldova</span>
<LI><span style="color: white">studii : Gimnaziul Pirita; </span>
<span style="color: white">Liceul teoretic"Ion Creanga"s.Cosnita<A
HREF="">Link catre liceu</A></span >
<LI><span style="color: white">mail: </span>
<LI><span style="color: white">pasiuni : pictura,muzica,flori,basket s.a.</span>

<LI><span style="color: white">blogurile mele :<A

HREF="">Link catre 1 blog</A>;
<A HREF="">Link catre 2 blog.</A></span></UL>
<span style="color:red "><H2>Citate</H2><div align ="left"></span><UL>
<LI><span style="color:red">"Ceea ce nu traim la timp, nu mai traim niciodata."
(Octavian Paler)</span>
<LI><span style="color: white">"Mintile luminate discuta idei; mintile mediocre discuta
evenimente; mintile mici discuta oamenii."(Eleonor Roosevelt)</span>
<LI><span style="color: white">Invinge durerea, razi cat se poate, caci tot la zi ajunge si
cea mai lunga noapte...
(William Shakespeare)</span>
<LI><span style="color: white">"Toate hotararile importante trebuie sa le iei singur, din
adancul individualitatii tale, fara influen?a altora."(Titu Maiorescu)</sapn></UL>
<span style="color:orange"><H1>Pasiuni</H1><div align="left"></span>
<span style="color: red"><H2>Desen(creatie proprie)</H2><div align="left" ></span>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\
740.jpg" widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\
054.jpg" widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\LK.jpg" widh=300
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\chisinau.jpg"
widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\
737.jpg" widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\
\html\floare.jpg"widh=200 height=200>
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\html\anonimus.jpg"widh=200 height=200>
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(8).jpg"widh=200 height=200>
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(11).jpg"widh=200 height=200>
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(84).jpg"widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\getImage
(10).jpg"widh=200 height=200>
<span style="color:orange"><H1>Flori</H1><div align="left"></span>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\crin1.jpg"
widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\_floarei-1502.jpg"
widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\floare
(1).jpg"widh=200 height=200>

<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\flori.jpg"widh=200

<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\
\html\alstroemeria.jpg"widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\flori
5.jpg"widh=200 height=200>
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\flori-primavara670x370.jpg"widh=200 height=200>
<div style="font: 10px Tahoma;padding:3px;"><a style="color:red" ;text-decoration:none"
href="" ><H2>Prognoza meteo</H2></a></div>
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<td><span style="color:pink"><H1><i>Vlasov Daniela</i></H1><div
<IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\ \html\DSCN2347.jpg"
widh=300 height=300>
<span style="color:red"><H2>Video preferate</H2><div align="left"<div style="textalign: right; margin: auto"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<param name="movie" value="" />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="">December
Longboarding with Carl Knight</a> </div></div>
<div style="text-align: center; margin: auto"><object type="application/x-shockwaveflash" style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<param name="movie" value="" />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="">Get valid
XHTML YouTube embed code for your website</a> </div></div>
<div style="text-align: center; margin: auto"><object type="application/x-shockwaveflash" style="width:400px; height:400px;" data="">
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<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href=""></a>
</div></div><div style="text-align: center; margin: auto">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<param name="movie" value="" />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href=""></a>
<div style="text-align: center; margin: auto"><object type="application/x-shockwaveflash" style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<param name="movie" value="" />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href=""></a>
<div style="text-align: center; margin: auto"><object type="application/x-shockwaveflash" style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<param name="movie" value="" />
<div style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href=""></a>
<H4 ALIGN=CENTER style="color:orange"><i>Vlasov Daniela </i></H4>

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