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1. Article Title:
Boeing Spares Distribution Center - A worldclass facility achieved through partnering

3. Source (Binder Sect #, or Text Pg #,

4. Student Name: Joe Tatta

5. Brief Resume (main points) of material contained:
Boeings rapid response and replacement parts are a key element for customer
support, which made them a very successful and reputable organization. Although
Boeing had some project challenges, like siting issues and noise mitigation which
were dealt with in a very constructive way to be environmentally sensitive to the
residential neighborhood .Technical challenges like material handling was a goal that
Boeing had identified and purchased and installed reliable material handling
equipment to achieve a low-risk startup within budget. Boeing new Spares
Distribution Center - A world-class facility achieved through partnering, creating a
cost effective and integrated material handling system that was extremely reliable.
This also created a win-win relationship, by having a total project team commitment.
But most important, for the new Spares Distribution Center had improved the
business and material flow for the distribution of parts.
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6. Brief explanation of how this article does (or could) relate to you and/or your project
Having worked in the airline industry, I have experienced similar issues when dealing
with equipment sparing which is crucial and very important when dealing in real time
issues. Each individual company will have different sparing setup and policies, which
will either hold or not it reputation on the front end support. So in this case for Boeing
It worked well allowing total project team commitment to the partnering concept in
order to create a win-win relationship, allowing a low risk startup approach for the
material handling control systems.

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