Quetta Pakistan Semi-Arid Climate: Wear Shalwar Qamees and Turban

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Climate of Quetta

Quetta, Pakistan features a continental and semi-arid climate with significant variations between summer
and winter temperatures. The highest temperature recorded in Quetta was 42 C (108 F) on 10 July
1998.[1] The lowest temperature in Quetta is 18.3 C (0.9 F)which was recorded on 8 January 1970.[1]
Summer starts in late May and continues until early September with average temperatures ranging
from 24 C (75 F) to 26 C (79 F).Autumn starts in late September and continues until mid-November
with average temperatures of 12 C (54 F) to 18 C (64 F). Winterstarts from the first week of October
and ends in late March, with average temperatures near 4 C (39 F) to 5 C (41 F). Spring starts in early
April and ends in late May, with average temperatures close to 15 C (59 F).[2][3] Unlike most of Pakistan,
however, Quetta does not have a monsoon of sustained, heavy rainfall. The highest rainfall during a 24hour period is 113 millimetres (4.4 in) recorded on 17 December 2000;[1] the highest monthly rainfall is
232.4 millimetres (9.15 in), which was recorded in March, 1982;[1] and the highest annual rainfall recorded
is 949.8 millimetres (37.39 in) in 1982.[1] The principle mode of precipitation in winter is snow, falls mostly
in December, January, February and sometimes even in March.
Fruits of Quetta:

For the abundance of fruit, Quetta is rightly called as the Fruit Basket of Pakistan. It is famous
for its honey sweet apples and many other verities of fruit. Quetta abounds in various varieties
of apples and grapes. This city is producing about 90 per cent of grapes, cherry and almonds,
60 per cent of peach, pomegranate, apricot, 34 per cent of apple and 70 per cent of date.The
province produces 130 varieties of date.
Quetta dresses:
. The women put on loose dress and pants with sophisticated and colourful needlework, including a large
pocket at the front of the dress to hold their accessories. The upper part of the dress and sleeves are also
decorated with needlework, a form of artistry that is specific to the clothing of the Baluch women.
The traditional Balochi dress for women is a long shirt called Pashk reaches to ankles, with a wrap for
the head covering, shoulder and upper body. They usually avoided bright colors, but scarlet color is
famous among the marriageable age girls while widows use black color.
Balochi wear shalwar qamees and turban.

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