Reflective Wiki

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EDCI 564 Reflective Wiki | Quinlisk, Melanie J.

When I first began teaching, my idea of using technology in the classroom

was using Word to create essays. Then I was introduced to the SmartBoard
and I enjoyed incorporating interactive activities into my classroom. I did
allow collaboration on certain projects, but I didnt understand the full impact
of collaboration on the learning process. That was in 2008. Now I
understand how collaboration really works, and what my actual role is with
collaboration in my classroom, I love incorporating it.
The same pattern holds true for using video in my classroom. Ive had
students create PowerPoints and other visual presentations. Last year I
accidentally had my students create a play, then make a video of their play.
I say accidentally, because it wasnt my original plan. A student asked if
they could make a video of their play and I thought it was a great idea. Who
says teachers dont learn from their students??
I give all that as background because I really enjoyed chapter 9: Visualizing
with Technologies. Between television, video games, and youtube, kids
today spend a lot of time watching videos. Why not use that to our
advantage in the classroom? The Aha moment I had while reading chapter
9 was; Why not replace a narrative essay assignment with a collaborative
digital storytelling assignment? Students will still get the benefits of learning
how to write a narrative, but they will also get the benefits of learning how to
be a director, actor, videographer, and editor. Their creative thinking skills
and problem solving skills will also be challenged and ultimately honed to
higher order thinking skills. I love giving students the opportunity to
become curious and excited about learning.

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