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Throughout the first trimester our class tried to witness both

sides of an argument in order to decide which argument was most

convincing in our opinion. For example, we looked at both the British
and the colonists opinions and arguments about the laws and taxes
imposed upon the colonists. This insight regarding both sides
arguments greatly helped us avoid bias on a topic and I believe it is
this that I will take away from this unit: Whats the Purpose of
Government. I believe that looking at both sides of an argument will
help develop ones opinion on a topic and it will help avoid ignorance
and bias on a topic. I have noticed how many arguments such as in the
hart textbook and in politics, mainly state their argument in an
ignorant manner and a way that is biased using personal opinion. This
unit will help me avoid the bias and the ignorance used in many
arguments. This insight also helped forge my own opinion on events
leading to the American Revolution. Before this unit I believed the
British were imposing laws and taxes on the colonists out of anger and
frustration and that they were malicious in doing so, as this is how
many forms of media portrayed them. But as I studied the events
leading to the American Revolution, I noticed the ways that the British
were justified in the taxing of the colonists, such as the French-Indian
war, this helped generate my own philosophy in regards to the events
leading to the American Revolution.
In this class, I learned that I have a keen focus of attention to
detail. This sometimes aided me, such as in my final PEER outline in
which I used some evidence that strengthened my argument indirectly.
Although it also inhibited progression within a project, as I would
constantly look over my work repeatedly. Also during my final
presentation, I added so many details my presentation was three
minutes over the time limit, when I was practicing. Overall though, I
believe that this quality will help me by being attentive to flaws and
discrepancies within my work, even when it may hinder work
The work I have completed in this class has helped me to fulfill
the requirements of the Del Mar graduate by meeting the expectations
of becoming a creative problem solver, motivated learner, effective
communicator, and engaged citizen. My work meets the expectation of
a creative problem solver as during class discussions I had to think on
my feet and use improvisational skills to overcome my classmates
arguments. This class also fulfilled the motivated learner requirement,
as I had to do hours of research and work, using different forms of
media to complete assignments. Being an effective communicator was
also satisfied during the duration of this class because of the multiple
class discussions, which forced me to communicate effectively. It also
fulfilled the engaged citizen requirement, as during the final

presentation we had to find a real world problem and either support or

oppose it according to our philosophy of government. Overall this
trimester has been a great success.

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