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Billionaires and Richest Business Mans

1. William Henry Gates (Bill Gates) is the leading and top billionaire. He is making $56
billions Per Annam and is the top buisness man in all over the world. Bill Gates is 53 year old
and living in US (United State). Bill Gates is running world popular software company
MicroSoft, and is the richest man in the world.

world richest man

2. Warren Edward Buffett is the second top billionaire and making $37 Billion Per Annam.
Wareen Buffett is 78 year old and is the most popular investor in all over the world. In 2006 he
was awarded The Richest Man in the world with estimated income of $62 Billion Per Annam.

3. Carlos Slim Hel is the third richest man in the world. His income for the year 2009 was $35
Billion. He is running Telecommunication business and is the world popular business man.

4. Larry Ellison is the CEO of Oracle Corporation and making $22.5 Billion Per Annam. Larry
is the 4rth richest man in all over the world and third richest man in America. He is 64 year old
man and is the top business man in the world.

5. Ingvar Kamprad is living

in and running his business in
Swedish. Total income for the
year 2009 was $22 Billion.
Ingvar is the living in sweden
and is running IKEA company.

6. Karl Albrecht is living in germany and running ALDI business. He is the 6th world richest
and top business man in all over the world. His total income per Annam is $21.5 Billion.

7. Mukesh Ambani is the top indain leading business man. He is making$8.5 Billion from his
business Reliance Industries.

8. Paul Allen is the eighth richest man in the world. His total income for the month 2009 was
$22 Billion. Allen is also running running his business with Microsoft.

9. Al-Waleed Bin Talal is a saudi Arabian business man. His income for the year 2009 was $20.
Billion. He is 55 year old and running Kingdom Holding Company in Saudia.

10. Kenneth Thomson is listed in the world popular and richest business mans. He is living in
Canada and running The Thomson Corporation. His total income for the year of 2009 was
$19.6 Billion.

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