Cystoisosporosis in Dogs

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Toltrazuril treatment of cystoisosporosis in dogs under experimental and field conditions A. Daugschies', H.-C. Mund” and Valeria Letkova” ‘Institut fir Parasitologie, Binteweg 17, D-30539 Hannover, Germany Bayer AG, D-51368 Leverkusen, Germany “University of Veterinary Medicine, Kemenskeho 73, 04001 Kosice, Slovak Republic WE Coccicio of the genus Cjstoisospora cause mild to severe horthea in dogs. The effets of tota- url trectment on cystoisosporosis were studied under experimental and field conditions. Twenty-four puppies were experimentally infected each with 4-10" oocysts of the C-ohioenss- group. 3 groups of 6 puppies were trected 3 dpi with 10,20 or 30 mg/kg body weight of tora suspension (5%), the remcining 6 puppies served 2s nontreated controls, Tltrazu sus pension or mirogranulate were given once in a dose of 10 or 20 ma/kg body weight, respectively, to naturally infected puppies in conventional dog breeding facies depending on the coproscopical evidence of infection Ooeyst excretion and nical date were recorded. Under experimental conditions the non-reated puppies excreted oocysts beginning with 6 dpi cond suffered from catarthaic to hemorrhagic diarthea. Uni 12 dpi 4 of 6 nomtreated puppies had died. Irespective of the dose toltrazur treciment totally suppressed oocyst exaefion and no darthea or other signs of disease were observed inthe treated groups. Natural Cystosospora infections were regulary found during the third or fourth week of age in dog breedings athough not always astoci sled with darrheo. A single oral appl cation of tolrazutl abrogated oocyst shedding ond the treated. puppies remained generally coproscopically negative during the following 2 to 4 weeks. Cystolsospora is pathogenic for puppies ond can induce severe dis: ‘e0se. Notural infections are common in conventional dog breedings. Tolrazuril treatment is suited to control cysto- isosporosis under experimental ond field conditions. A single oral treatment cof puppies in the third or fourth week of age is recommended Introduction ME Coccidia of the genus Cystoisospora are increasingly regard- ed as important intestinal pathogens in dogs. Although oocysts of Cysto- ‘sospora spp. ore relatively seldom found in the feces of adult dogs they may couse considerable disease, sometimes lethal, in young puppies The occurrence and dynamics of co nine coccidia were investigated in com- mercial dog breedings in Germany cand the efficacy of different regimens of tolrazuril treatment was evaluated under experimental ond field condi- fons Study design WE Experimental trol: Tweaty- four puppies were allocated to 4 groups (A ~ D) of each 6 animals All puppies were infected with o single dose of 4x10° C. ohioensis-group ® oops. Group A individuals served os non-treated controls, the cnimals of the other groups received a single oral tohrazuril treatment in a dose of 10 (B} 20 (C) oF 30 (0) ma/kg body weight (BW) of tolrazurl suspension (Bay cox’, 5%) on day 3 post infectionem (da. Clinical ond coproscopicel dota were recorded. Field fils: Two parallel investiga fions were performed, In field tril 1 four commercial dog breedings with a total of 104 liters were examined. For coproscopical investigation, mixed fecal samples of each of the 104 iters were collected in weekly intervals unt at least 7 weeks of oge and, in most cases, additionally within 24h after tolrazutl treatment. Biches were ex mined before ond afer portation Standard coproscopy flotation with saturated NaCl) was used for pros tological examination. Soon after oocysts were detected all puppies of the respective liters were treated once with 10 mg/kg BW tolrazurt 58 suse pension (Baycox’) and fecal exomina- tion was confined for ot least 2 to 3 weeks after treatment. Puppies were sold alter weaning and therefore the number of litlers included in the study decreased from week 7 offer partir fion onword. The numbers oF liters available ot 8,9, 10 ond 11 waeks of age were 101, 69, 43 and 21, and fur- ther decreased to 11 and eventually | 3 liters until 19 weeks of age. In totcl, | #7 | 963 mixed fecal samples were ex- | a: see | comined. | Infield rol 20 total of 110 puppies representing 21 liters of one dog i breeding were individually examined | “[ Stimes a week ding 4 to & weeks cofter birth. Each ofthe liters wos divid- | 9 SNe ect aes ced into two groups of puppies when oll | puppies hod become coproscopically Fig. 1: Exe Positive. One group wos treated once an smaptcar 10 an meoer ap orally with 20 mg/kg BW tohrazurl 7 anova ites en 19 wee microgranulate (2%), the other served °° {3 non-treated controls. Fecal exami- rapidly regoined heclth and increased nation was continued for ot least 2 1 weight gain. Neither oocyst excretion 3 weeks after treatment nor dinicol disease was found in ony of the puppies of the treated groups Results throughout the experiment, irrespec- tive of the tolrazuril dose applied. No Tl The experimental infection adverse effects of fotnazuril adminis- resulted in oocyst excretion following a tration was recorded ot either dose prepatent period of 6 days in the feces (able 1 mip » ]ejele ‘ens ira bay wea Fer a ra en F610 nad os 82 ge FG) 7 Dares ge darheane6=128p) | 2 ery i "Fema cositony-0~noral 1 ~ pay, 2 ~ sig 3 wotary Teo poppin of gp A ere rated wih 30 g/g By wah ruc 2 dite asia aun Table 1, Etc20y of acminiravon ofa angle oral dose of totrazun Erpormetaly looted wih 0" Cystisospara anoense-goup OOeysls on) 3098 cof each group A puppy. Oocyst num: In the First field tril 80 to 100 % of bers pecked between 8 ond 12 dpi the liters exereted oocysts with an with 1182 x 10? OPG, the average average liter prevolence of 88.5 %. OPG wos 497 x 10’. Diarrhea was Approximately 3% of the bitches moderate at the onset of oocyst excre- excreted low numbers of oocysts. The tion but developed into hemorrhagic highest prevalence was recorded in lit- diarthea later on culminating in death ters of 4 to 6 weeks of age (median of 4 group A puppies on 12 dpi. The OPG: 5938). Some liters excreted remaining 2 group A puppies were oocysts in a lower number (approx. treated with 30 mg/kg BW to avoid 814 OPG) during a second period lethal outcome. Oocyst excretion and around 9 weeks after parturition. One clinical disease disoppeared 4 days of three liters that were sil available ‘offer treatment. Both puppies survived, 19 weeks after parturition showed o u third period of oocyst excretion (66 0G), Similar dynamics of oocyst excre- tion were found in the second field tril In most cases (93% of positive samples) oocysts were identified os belonging to the C. ohicensi-group. In both field tricks tolrazuril application almost immediately cbrogoted oocyst excretion (eg. til 1:99 of 100 treat- ced liters were negative the day after ‘reatment), No oocysts were found one week offer treatment and the treated puppies remained negative for at least 20 3 weeks. Discus: HE Orcysts of C. obicenss are not easily distinguished from C. bur- rows on a morphological basis and thus the applied isolate was designat- ed as C. chioensis-group. The isolate proved to be pathogenic pointing to the possibilty that high infection pres- sure resulting from poor hygiene may cause severe diorrhea and losses of puppies in dog breedings (Dubey et a. 1978), Although severe coccidiosis was ‘ot seen inthe two field tials the com- ‘mon occurrence imposes a permanent pressure on the health of young pup: pies, ond even moderate intestinal damage may considerably alter growth and development. The parasite is primarily spread within ond between liters by infected motes while bitches cre probably less important in the epi demiclogy of canine coccidiosis, ob though they potentioly serve a: In the experimental study tolirazuril therapy wos obviously beneficial in two severely affected puppies and is probably suited for treatment of ca rine coccidiosis. However, the common occurrence of Cystoisospora spp. ia puppies requires metaphylactic or pro: Phylactic measures to suppress oocyst excretion and thus reduce infection pressure. Improved hygiene and de- contamination with disinfectants active against Cystoisospora oocysts is cer tainly important but will not eliminate the parasite. Rommel et al. (1986) treated 10 dogs infected with 1 x 10° oocysts of C. burrows: daily from 2 to 6 dpi with 10 mg/kg 8W toltrazuril which resulted in absolute suppression of oocyst excretion while each of 5 non-treated controls shed considerable numbers of oocysts. The present field trials showed that even a single admin- istration of tolrezuri in « dosage of 10 or 20 mg/kg BW is suited to efficient ly control oocyst excretion. Both for- ulations (suspension, microgranviate) were without adverse effects, however, pplication of the suspension is less laborious ond thus preferable. The highest probability of oocyst excretion cond OPG volues were found in pup- pies of on age of 4 to 6 weeks and cogyst excretion was almost immedi- otely suppressed after treatment. Application of tolirazuri to oll pup pies 4 weeks offer parturition may considerably reduce contomination of liters with oocysts and thus be an effective means to prevent problems due to intestinal coccidiosis, The few remeining oocysts shed by bitches, before treatment or by older puppies ‘ore probably sufficient to immunise puppies and this is not expected to be affected by toltrazuril treatment (Rommel et al, 1986; Mundt and Haberkorn 1989). Tolrazuril has been dearly shown to be effective against (Qystoisspora under experimental ond field conditions. References Dubey JP, Weisbrode 5, ond Rogers W. A. (1978) Conne cocci eb 10 on lospor obverse orgasm: cae report J. A, el. Med. soe. 73, 185-191 ‘Mund! H.C. ond Haberhoen A. (1989) New experiences with oraz in the contra of pouty coeds In Yoo, P(E) Cocca and Intestino! Coccchomorphs, INRA, Perit, pe. 401-406 Rommel M, SchiederT, Waser rouse HD. ond Sioye M. (1986) The ue of ‘olrazuni-medicsted food to prevent he deve lopment of espera and Toxaposme oocysts n dogs and cat. Symp. Bol. Hung, $2, 445-449. Arwid Daugschies - Bown in 1957 Prof Dr. Arwid Dewgschis sched — Veterinary Medicine dem from 1977 1983 oh th Trine Hod she Shoo of Veterinary Main Hoover, Germany. rom 183 1985 he performed enorme fr is ocr hess chou he fle of Emer ows infcton on the doy od ten of inn on rine in coe: Tnefe he joined he croup of rote Michel reel the Inte forPorotlay of he Traratiche Hodhchle Hanover During he allowing Yor i iin iter in th Fld of prot roalogy were the pahophnisony of sro soto is ond cabs ond ug rs stance of citer coctin 19 fis abi fon thes abot he rl of eis n he Boley of he nencadeOnsohagottonum dtr wes eceped oe he wos awarded the vero agent the Trice Hock sb Honore The lec roe olin of so end specs ofp remotes and th eidenilogy ond rata endo porate n peice oc, in hen, is, dogs on cas re min topes in sro Aocta rie incolabraon wih scien trom Chr, Spi, ond Egon i bout e sathoshrislay of fclosn woter blo tnd soe. QS Bo tone chistion ‘Mund, BVM, born in + 1982, studied Ver cerinary Medicine from 197.19 1976 ot he Tierdratiche Hoch sehule [School of Veterinary Medne) n Honnover,Germony, In 1977 he ec ron from the German edt Boa of Spontocs 9 work athe Insitute of Miro biology nd Epidemics in Honnover “The doctoral hess wor Frithed in 1978, From 1978 to 1982 he wotked at «scx citar ‘tthe tite of Anal Nttion, Schoo! of Veterinary Medicine, Hanover ard did ived a sink eteorch mainly in the Flo com prion anime natin incug horses. 1981 he wos occredied os Veternaryspecalt in Animal Nutrition and Dietetics. Se 1983 he is working inthe Development Department of the Arimel Heo Business Group, Bayer AG. Valéria Letkové Va ceived her degre of Destorin Vaterinary Medeine 1970 ond A fied her th. ‘workin 1982 atthe Poesitologcal sie of Slovok Accdemy of Sconces, Kosice 1989 the became Asoc Pofsior end in 1990 Head of Department of Porasioogy, Diseases, of ih, Boos and Wild anindls, Univesty of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice, The main areas of research conducted inde pera helminths ond pratoroo of dams, {roo lving anima and pels, thei bilo, ep demiology, agnostics, heropy ond conta She supervised several grant presets, which resus have been publaed in many periodicals cd journal. Theo is ako avery close Colaboraton with many scenic into in Slovo and abroad She has cuthored textbooks on Veterinary Perostology ond handbooks for 52s. She is cho a aupervoe of porate slovak and foreign stents of weteinry mac De Lthows io member of ev ‘ond internation sine orgarizations,

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