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Project Report

Digital Oscilloscope using Microcontroller

Author: Kiran B.V
This Digital Oscilloscope is built using EK-TM4C1294x Launchpad, a high speed 200MSPS ADC
(ADC08B200) and a 4.3 Inch TFT 480*272 LCD. The Launchpad has a tm4c1294ncpdt microcontroller
with a Stellaris ICDI debug interface. LCD is controlled by SSD1963 LCD controller which provides a
maximum of 1215KB of image memory.
This oscilloscope is designed to have a maximum analog bandwidth of 20 MHz. It has a single channel
which can be used to measure signals in the range of -15 to +15 volts. Various internal triggering modes
such as positive edge, negative edge, positive level and negative level are supported.

Some of the features implemented in this project are:
-15 to +15 v input range
Maximum sampling rate of 200MSPS
4.3 inch display
Single channel
Record length of 1024 points
Internal triggering modes : edge and level
Cursor function
Calibration signal of 3.3V square with variable frequency
pause and run
waveform inspection (pan and zoom)
100ns to 5s time base
Variable volt/div
Image post-processing (brightness, contrast and saturation adjustment)
Variable frame rate hence waveforms per sec is also variable (only at higher sampling rates)

The prototype was built on first week of November 2014. It was showcased in the ELIXIR science fair
2014 conducted by the electrical and electronics department, NMAMIT. The prototype performed well
and it was built without attenuation and level shifting circuits hence it has an input range of 0 to 3.3V.
The pictures shows the oscilloscope in operation. The calibration signal produced by the oscilloscope is
fed to a series RC circuit and the input to oscilloscope is connected across the capacitor. In one image the
calibration signal was directly fed to oscilloscopes input.

List of References
The Impact of Digital oscilloscope blind time on your measurements (Application note) - click here
Low cost, audio speed digital oscilloscope By Morgan D. Jones click here
Embedded Systems- shape the world (EDX online course) click here
Details about LCD was obtained from this website click here

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