Social Media

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Social Media-the buzz word among the corporate companies across the world from the past

few years. Majority of the companies are focusing on various social media platforms, trying
to comprehend all the action happening over there. Ever since the evolution of social media,
there is a wide discussion as to how companies can leverage on it.
There is a radical change in the marketing budget allocation as companies started focusing
on social media platforms. For companies and to the customers there is a mutual benefit by
engaging on social media. The brands can gather customer information and can attract the
customer. The customers on the other side get offers, discounts, better sales services etc.
The discussion around social media in marketing is not new. The companies have moved
beyond marketing function. They are trying to extend the benefits of social media onto other
functions of business. Recent trends show that the companies are moving towards social
media for recruitment process.
The hits on any company`s website will be highest before the placement season. This is
because the candidates search for company related information. The candidate`s information
is equally important to any company. Is there any platform better than social media to know
about the candidate? Recent trends show that gathering information on social media has
become part of background check.
HCL technologies is going to bring revolution in recruitment process. It is going to conduct
interviews through social media platform. Using the hash tag #coolestinterviewever, it
already started creating buzz on twitter platform.
Companies are also leveraging on social media for employer brand building. Posts showing
the life of employees at work, various initiatives taken by the company for employee welfare
etc, help them to get closer to prospective employees. They give a glimpse of the life of their
Companies also engage employees on social media platforms to build their inter- personal
and social skills. This increases harmony among the employees. It also acts as a platform for
them to discuss company related issues. It also helps them to form self-interest groups.
The question if social media is a fad lost relevance. The current popular social media sites
may go into oblivion. But some new platforms will emerge. The companies should try to
build strategies to make better use of social media platforms.

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