Work in Progress

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I initially downloaded the font I

had envisioned in my draft. I

thought this was ideal for my
target audience because the font
had an urban look about it.

I wanted to have a money bag

within my logo; so made a text
box and wrote VIP in the text

After creating a text box and

inserting VIP. I inserted a
money bag image in which I
had found on the internet, I
then coloured the plain money
bag using the Paint bucket
tool. I had to sieve around the
colour palettes in order to get
the correct colour I wanted
from my draft.

After I had created my make

money bag incorporating the
whole logo VIP I then added
the last letter which was P.

After adding my last letter I

added the family of logo trade
made OW! which enables me
to link each logo to one

In my second logo I yet again

downloaded the font and
made the font big bright and
bold. I thought this was ideal
for my target audience
because the font had a playful
look about it.

I then used the shape tool to

enable me to have the orange
treble clef. I think it was good
that I used this because it will
make children inquisitive to
know what the sign is, this will
then stem educational

After using the shape tool to

create a treble clef, I used the
texted tool again and created
an X. As you can now see I
have incorporated the colours
of the rainbow as this is good
for my target audience being
young children it makes the
logo easy on the eye and fun

The individual logo is now

complete using a range of
colours from the rainbow and
being easy on the eye for
young children.

The final touch to my logo was

adding the incorporating
feature being OW!

I started off by creating a text

box and typing in PULSE.

I used the shape tool to create

a line and continued to repeat
this process.

I then started to create a blue

line on the other side of the
word PULSE. And repeated the

I then used the shape tool and

created an equal shape heart
by holding down the alt key.

I copied and pasted the heart

but changed the colour. I
copied and pasted the heart to
ensure the heart to be the
same size

This is my final product you

can see the incorporating sign
OW! and simple design which
appeals to my target audience.

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