Irena's Story

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I am Irena, I am 23-year-old and I come from the Chzeck Republic, and this is my story in

regards to what happened at Dino M.s.

Me and my friends Tatana and Dusa went for holiday in Italy in September 2013, and we
decided to use the website to find an accommodation. It was
through Couchsurfing that we posted our request and got contacted by Leonardo M. who
offered hospitality in his flat. He would write a lot before our arrival, more than any other
hosts, and was kept asking which day exactly we would arrive at his flat. His messages
were slightly annoying, as we only had a rough schedule so I wrote back saying not to
bother. As I said that, he changed his mind, said we seemed very interesting people, he
was looking forward to meet us and kept on insisting for us to stay at his place. So we said

We got to Padua on Friday 6 September 2013, in the evening. Leonardo picked us up by

car in city centre and took us to his flat. Later he took us to a restaurant and invited us for
a pizza. That night didn't happen anything special, we slept in our room, Leo was in his
bedroom. Leo was hosting also a girl from Uruguay. She seemed to be on drugs and we
made fun on her a little because she had a very weird behaviour. Only later I realised she
might have been drugged. I remember at one point I passed by Leonardo's bedroom and I
saw this Uruguayan girl laying on bed and Leo measuring her blood pressure.

On Saturday we spent the day in sightseeing Padua and got back to his place in the later
afternoon. Leo that day was hosting another eight girls coming from Poland, Slovakia,
Uruguay, the UK, Taiwan and Spain. That night the three of us spent the night out with
Leo, the Spanish and the Uruguayan girl. There were also two friends of Leonardo along,
and he offered the dinner at Brazilian Bom Boi restaurant to us all.

After dinner, he drove home the Uruguayan girl while taking the rest of the folk to nightclub
Villa Barbieri.
Leo bought drinks for us all, we were dancing until the early morning when he drove the
Spanish and Taiwan girl to some hotel as his flat was full. He then got back and drove us
We were very tired and he was very drunk. Nevertheless, Leo insisted we had to taste one
sip of his special homemade wine. We felt we owed him so we said ok. After that glass
we felt asleep in the bedroom he had given us.
However, as we woke up on Sundays late morning, I could not walk straight. I asked Leo
to borrow me his phone. But I was unstable in my walk, I was shaking, and I almost
collapsed on the ground. I remember falling on a sofa. Leo got on the sofa with me and
said dont work with the phone. My memories are foggy but I remember half my body fell
off the sofa and Leonardo got me back. He started touching my intimate parts, and trying
to kiss me, I was disgusted and told him off. But from that moment onwards, I have no
memories of what happened.
My friend Tatana even woke up in Leonardos bedroom and cannot remember what
happened to her.

We slept for the whole of the next day and got up around 7 pm feeling very sick. We threw
up and we felt very confused. We got out of there and went to Bergamos Airport. I dont
remember much about going back home, I kept being confused for three days. I never felt
this way before and I am sure we were drugged. Once back to our country I went to a
doctor, but I was told it was three days after the incident so it was too late to detect drug
in my blood.
We informed Couchsurfing asking for his profile to be removed, we then informed the
Czech Embassy in Italy and reported to the the Czech police but we were told it was
impossible to investigate this man from there and with no evidence.
On 1 November 2013 we also reported to a police station in Milan, Italy, as I was back
there for another trip. But I never heard back from them.
Finally we got in touch with other girls who suffered the same experience and got together
to act.

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