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Monday, February 2

HW: WS 157 Organizing a Paragraph

T: J: Why my topic is important
Cite source or set up page
Finish note taking

Types of Organization

1. Chronological order of time

2. Order of importance increasing
or decreasing order of importance
3. Cause-and-Effect show how one
event leads to or is the result of
4. Main idea, supporting detail
clear topic sentence followed by
developed support

Tuesday, February 3
HW: WS Outline

New Marking Period New Seats!
T: J: Based on Groundhog Day, we will have 6
more weeks of winter. How can you make
those 6 weeks fun and exciting?

ML: Organizing your writing

Formal writing informational:

1. Do not use contractions
2. Substitute got with was
3. Make sure the antecedent for a
pronoun is clear.
4. Write only facts

Tuesday, February 3
HW: WS: Outline

J: 6 more weeks of snow
ML: Outline

ML: Planning organization of writing

Wednesday, February 5
HW: WS Accomplishments
Class: T: J: Learned/practiced in English
second marking period
Homework out
EE 40 Informational Writing
Independent plan writng

When you write your paper,

make sure the facts are in
order and not all jumbled

Americans would listen

to news and soap
operas on their

Thursday, February 5
HW: WS: Goals
Class: 1. Homework and WWII notes,
outline out
2. Type paragraphs add details!
Never slack on this project. I was one of
these victims for this project. Take this
project seriously. It is harder than it
looks. CL

According to PBS, during

World War II, only 139 cars
were produced in the United

Friday, February 6
HW: Talk to family and friends
about World War II
Class: Clock partner da
EE Finding a Reliable Worksite
EE Works Cited Reference
Find and Cite picture

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