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By: Adrian Contreras, Jose Hurtado

Proper Internet Usage

*block adult websites or websites that have offensive
*Limits time in the internet
*Parental control checking on their kids
Password to certain websites

Technology used to gather information from

Goal is to steal victims identity
Slows Internet
Can cause virus
Designed to infect your computer

Virus protection
Speeds up the internet More faster
Protects your computer
You Wont have to buy a new computer

Proper e-mail etiquette

Forwards/ chain emails
Delete email addresses that are irrelevant
Think carefully about if what you are

forwarding will be of value

Never open on a business computer

Proper e-mail etiquette

Junk mail/spam
Unwanted email messages
Sometimes this emails can affect your
It waste the time of the receivers
Most emails

proper e-mail etiquette

Proper form/grammar
Looks more professional
More interesting
Begin you letter with a greeting
Dont write in capital letters
Sign your name at the end of letter/email

Instant messaging
People who do this are cyber bullies
Emotional discussions
Makes the victim anger and humiliated

Instant messaging
Creating new terms
Various languages
Abbreviating words
Talking in a different way
Not a professional way to talk

Instant messaging
Unwritten rules of the IM society
The way that we interact with the people

around us is governed by social rules

How close to stand to other people
These are unwritten rules
They are almost never written down or
explained for us.

Instagram: Mobile, Sharing Pictures and
Facebook: chat with your friends/family
Twitter: chat with your friends and post
Snapchat: share pictures and videos and chat
with your friends.
These sites can be properly by not using your
own information by not giving your name, last
name, phone number, address or any other
type of your own information.

How to prevent these things to

Never click on links you dont even know

Never put your personal stuff for example
never put where you live, or where you are at;
at that time.
If you are a victim in they are asking you for
money you should NEVER listen to them.
Because all they want is money in more

Illegal Music/Movie Downloading

What are Copyright Laws- is a form of

protection provided by the law of the United

How do they work? It protects your work, in
your writing information.
You can protect your work, music, writing,
videos by using a flash-drive, in always
signing out from your web page.

Ethical Reason to do it?

Yes, because like that you can not lose your

information quickly. In like that if you lose your

flash-drive you have it saved on something
else to pull up your information or work, or

Personal Use/Obtaining permission

or license
I think you must have a license because for

those reasons you can use the information by

using it in school for your education. Or even
when ever you are at the real work working
you must have a license for personal use.

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