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Unit 9: Christianity and Islam Assessment

Part I: Overview of the religions (8.7.1, 8.11.0)

Directions: Fill in the missing information for both Christianity and Islam.









Holy Book



Unit 9 Vocabulary: Match the Key Terms with the correct definition.
5. resurrection

A. the act of being saved from the effects of wrongdoing in life.

6. apostle

B. a religion based on the teachings of Muhammad.

7. salvation

C. coming back to life from the dead.

8. gospel

D. a green area in a desert fed by underground water; a water hole in the

9. Islam

E. a Muslim leader seen as a successor to Muhammad.

10. oasis

F. Christian leader chosen by Jesus to spread his message.

11. caliph

G. an account of the life and teaching of Jesus, written by the apostles.

Part II: Short Answer (8.3.0)

12. True or False: Roman saw Jesus as a threat to their power?

13. What is one of the biggest differences between Christianity and
14. Who had more power in the Early Christian Church: Patriarchs or
15. What is an oasis?
16. List the 5 Pillars of Islam.
17. People who believed that only those descended from
Muhammads son-in-law, Ali, should be caliphs are known as (Shia
or Sunni).
18. People who did not think that caliphs had to be related to
Muhammad are knows as (Shia or Sunni).
19. List one pro and one con of using credit to buy things.
20. Bazaars in the Middle East are comparable to what shopping
center in Tuscaloosa?

Part III: Essay (8.7.2, 8.11.1)

Both Christianity and Islam spread following the deaths of the
prophets, or messengers, of each religion. It can be argued that the
religions gained more followers and power due to the death of these
messengers. Explain why it took death to spread these ideas
worldwide. Make sure that you discuss the mood or feelings that the
followers of each religion could have felt after the deaths of these
men and how that contributed to the rapid spread of religion. Make
sure that you compare the feelings of the followers to one time in
your life when you did something because of a strong mood or

You should answer this essay in 2 Paragraphs. In Paragraph 1, make

sure that you answer the question about mood/emotion and the
spread of religion. In Paragraph 2, you can then compare that to a
time in your life that was ruled by mood/emotion.

Each Paragraph should follow this outline:


Supporting Idea/Detail 1
Supporting Idea/Detail 2
Supporting Idea/Detail 3
Closing Sentence

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