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Disability Rights California: Law firm that ensures all persons get the services theyre entitled
to. Ensure transition planning in the IEP and which agencies are required to be there and which
ones are not required; how to navigate disability services on campus
School, student, parent, DOR (optional) and RC (optional)
ITP -- students invite DSS from campuses to be there

Disability Help Center: Employment for people with disabilities. Assist with SSI and SSDI
Some students may qualify for SSI, but its income-based so under 18 may not qualify if parents
earn too much. But after 18, they may qualify if they work part-time and earn less.
If students are young, they might qualify if parents are low-income and may qualify.
Created for person who wont be able to work and support themselves.
$889/month and receive medi-cal

College to Career (San Diego Community College District): ID and Autism w/ DOR and RC
client. Referred from RC. Help students to identify employment goals and get certificates and
diplomas. Have an Ed Coach who helps with time management, organization, proofreading,
tutoring and career services. C2C courses are non-credit -- First year: college success schools;
office hours; find things on campus. Second year: resume; O-Net; follow up with employer;
internship or volunteer position. 3-year program goal is to have students have paid
ID and Autism with ID
Exit from HS
RC Client
Application: Dec-Jan take referrals for the following Fall. Only accepted 15 students this year.
Center City, ECC, North City, West City, Mid City, Miramar, Mesa,

Regional Center: Started by Lannerman Act in 1967. Serve children and adults diagnosed
with developmental disabilities: autism, CP, ID, Epilepsy and other. Impact on 3/7 domain
areas: cognition, mobility, self-sufficiency. Look for eligibility in website. Vineland adaptive
scale tells us about significant delays.
23,000 persons as entitlement
Under 18 -- in-home respite, copays for ABA services, medical, dental and psychiatric needs
Vocational adult programs
18 - employment programs with DOR and job coach
Independent living
Residential group homes
Lifetime commitment and support
Supports for youth who want to go to college
ARC of San Diego, Easter Seals, UCP, Creel, Excite Steps
Tailored Day Services
Meet with students on campus
Helps with self-advocacy and making sure theyre doing study schedule and asking for

Adult Day Services

3:1 ratio with coaches
Volunteer experience and working part-time
Mission: get adults with disabilities to be engaged in things adults do
Family requests services to RC for people whose disabilities started before 18

Department of Rehabilitation: Works with people with disabilities and substantial impediment
to employment.
Documented disability
Verified by doctor
Supportive employment with ID, CP, epilepsy/RC clients
Working with agency supportive employment services
Substantial disability
Refer to DOR and they want to go to work at some point
Put people with disabilities
January/February contact them Junior and Senior year
Use Psych report to get them qualified
Will fund college if appropriate and theres a labor market
Mild/Moderate qualify for services
Direct Service Vendors with same agencies as RC
Employment coordinators within each site
Prefer latest Tri eval -- within 3 years

State Council on Developmental Disabilities: Tasked with assisting communities to build

capacity, systems change and advocacy.
Least restrictive environment
Employment first policy
Teachers tasked with getting people ready to be in full/part time employment at or above
minimum wage
Assist students and families with getting a job
Bridge to the Future -- Conference


4389 Imperial
San Diego Apprenticeship Program
-- Check union websites
-- google apprenticeships
-- job centers
Community College
Certificate program
-- Miramar, Mesa and City -- for childcare certificates

I would like to work with Jared, Ayari and Arturo to assist in their transitions. Jared would benefit
on any apprenticeship programs and Ayari and Arturo with certificate programs. Id like to work
with Phyllis to provide this to them after spring break.
All three high schools in the Village are on board to host a DOR Open House in late February to
provide information to our junior and senior families for everyone with an IEP. Question of
whether students will feel singled out if they come to this in the middle of the day (a la the black
students lunch last year). Need to raise this maybe better in the afternoon or evening?

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