Damadomata Per4 Bridges

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Mr. Gonzales

They made bridges because they needed a transport across water and
other things we cant cross and bridges are very simple to make they would
make them with logs and stones and they have improved over time. Before
there were bridges people would cross over wherever they needed to go by
canoes walking or horses. The earliest types of bridges where just made out
of rocks and logs on top of each other or roped bridges that come from India.
Of the true arch was discovered by the Babylonians in Mesopotamia before 5000 BC.

There are different types of bridges as well theres arch, beam, truss, cable
stayed and Suspension bridges theres many more and they all have Disadvantages for
an arch bridge its that they cost a lot to make advantages are that they are
good for short distance beam bridges are expensive as well cause of the
metal inside it they are helpful for short distance truss bridges are only best
for short distance but they are very strong and easy to maintain cable stayed
bridges advantages are that cables are strong and wont melt in heat
disadvantages when its windy bridge rocks a little
There is arch bridge in the us thats called new river gorge its made out of
steel and its span is 1,699 feet long and it was opened in 1977Then theres a
beam bridge called the great belt its 5,328 feet long the height is 833m it
connects two islands it opened in 1998 Then there are. Truss bridges theres
one here in America called Braga its 5,780 feet and its 1965 It goes over the
Taunton River Theres also cable stayed bridges its in Russia its called the
russky the height is 1,053 and the length is 10,171 it opened in 2012
All of these bridges have some cool facts like the new river gorge its steel is all made

from America the great belt bridge cost 21.4 billion dollars to make the Braga
Bridge they shortened the name the real name is Charles M. Braga Jr. the
Russky Bridge is the longest cable stayed bridge in the world
Bridges that are poorly constructed Tay Bridge thats a bridge that was built

The Interstate -35 westbound bridge over

the Mississippi River in Minneapolis came tumbling down during the evening
rush hour The Quebec Bridge collapsed under great weight and it was built
poorly because it was built really cheap

with one flaw that made it all tumble down Tay bridge was constructed wrong

cause of the piers and the wind brace where not maintained and there was a
big storm with strong wind so it fell The Interstate -35 westbound bridge

collapsed because of all the weight on the bridge and cause the person that
made it did not make it strong The Quebec Bridge collapsed because it had not
been maintained so the weight dropped on it that it can hold The bridge I
would like to make is a suspension bridge because I like the design of it I like
the way the cables go down to the bridge and the golden gate bridge is a
suspension bridge and I like the golden gate bridge cause of the color and
the design and I like why its called the golden gate bridge its cause theres
one gold bolt in the bridge

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