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Letter from the Founder of S-PAC at NYU

When I founded the Student Political Action Club at New York

University, I did so because I saw a void in the way that
students were forming opinions and advocating for their
beliefs. Too often, students subscribed to a single political
party and, in doing so, failed to think through their personal
beliefs on major issues. This has increasingly led to a culture
of polarization with a lack of civic discourse. As students at
this great University, we have both the ability and obligation
to decide our own thoughts and opinions on the issues
affecting our country and the world at-large.
It also became clear to me in the years prior to my founding
of S-PAC that students were marginalized by politicians and
political parties. We never had a seat at the table to give our thoughts and considerations.
When we did try to offer our services to a cause, they would give us a poster and send us to a
street corner. And while such efforts certainly have a place in our democratic process (and I am
in no way belittling such efforts), I am of the mindset that students can offer more.
Our goal at Student PAC is to provide students with a forum to debate and discuss issues
in order to form their own independent opinions. In aggregating these opinions, we hope to
form a platform that is more representative of the students of NYU. And finally, using this
doctrine, we will work towards making the voice of our study body heard.
S-PAC at NYU is an organization built by students and operated for students. This means
that the organization will always be run by students, shaped by their voices and structured to
advocate for their beliefs. Every student at NYU has a place at S-PAC and only students at NYU
will ever be allowed to contribute in molding the future of the organization.
For those of you thinking of joining S-PAC, know that it will always have a place for you.
Whether you plan to attend regularly, occasionally, or only once.
Taher Hassonjee
NYU College of Arts and Science, Class of 2014
Founder, S-PAC at NYU

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