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Sports arent the only way to get

into college. Colleges look for

kids who are well-rounded. They
look for kids who are passionate
about what they do. They look for
kids with conviction and a more
worldly perspective. Colleges
look for Youth Group. Dont forget
to put church on your resum...

Sign up to be on the Youth Group

Leadership Team! Help Make
Youth Group Awesome While
Building Your College Resum.

But its about more than getting

into college. Youth Group is
YOUR group. You have the power
to make it what you want it to be.
You can play fun games. You can
make great friends. You can
change the world. You can be a
Youth Group Leader.

Summer Large Group Mission Trips
Jamaica, South Dakota, New Jersey, etc.
Spring Break Small Group Mission Trips

Bridgeport, Boston, New York, etc.

Cardboard Box Sleep Out, X-mas Party,
Broadway Night, Ski Retreat, etc.
Chill Nights
Good Food. Good Friends. Good God.
5-7pm, most Sunday nights
in the Fellowship Hall

SIGN UP BY e-mailing


Youth Interns...
We are introducing new layers of leadership
You can start out as a Youth Group Leader
OR You can earn the title Youth Intern
Both show colleges you have leadership skills
that are highly desirable in a college application

Youth Group Leader

Sophomore Interns

Junior intern

Senior Intern

How you earn the title:

Help advertise events
Lead a game or a discussion
Help with Set Up and Clean Up

How you earn the title:

Be a Youth Group Leader
Be a Lay Reader in church once
Be an usher 4 times
Help in Sunday School 4 times

How you earn the title:

Be a Youth Group Leader
Attend 1 Deacons Meeting
Help in Sunday School 8 times
Be a Lay Reader once OR
Usher 4 times

How you earn the title:

Be a Youth Group Leader
Attend 2 Deacons Meetings
Lead 1 Childrens Time
Help in Sunday School 8 times
Write to our College Members

SIGN UP BY e-mailing

Outreach Youth Rep

We also have 3 Youth Reps
who serve on our
Outreach Committee
Meets once a month

College Resum
Sycamore Dinners
Special Movie Nights.
First Choice on Youth Sunday
Leaders Only Outings
Input on YG Planning
Jack writes GREAT recommendation letters

I Samuel 12:2
I have led you from
my youth until this day.

From Cookouts to the Church Fair

From Zombie Tag to Epic Water Fights

Psalm 144:12
May our sons in their youth
be like plants full grown,
our daughters
like corner pillars,
cut for the building
of a palace.

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