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English First Additional Language Paper 1 Memorandum


English First Additional Language Paper 1 Memorandum

Section A: Comprehension
Text A
Question 1
1.1 The author is celebrating the existence of a special school where learning is celebrated:
Zwelibanzi High. He feels great hope for the future because of the learners who will come
from this school.
1.2 Zwelibanzi High a school where the teachers demand high standards of the learners, but
who work equally hard themselves/a school with few resources but excellent discipline/
or a combination of these.
St Marys DSG a school with many resources, a good principal where the girls are
taught to be responsible.
1.3.1 He wants to emphasis how EVERY learner in the school is following EVERY rule.
There is a complete sense of order in Zwelibanzi High.
1.4.1 When he feels desperate about the future of SA, he visits the school for
1.4.2 Once a year annually.
1.5.1 True. The boys are doing research They are trying to find treatments for ischemic
stroke patients from electronic resources.
1.6.1 Dashes used as parentheseis to include extra information in brackets.
1.7 There are no letters left out, and the word does not indicate ownership.
1.8 Allow for a Yes or No answer, or a combination of both.
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English First Additional Language Paper 1 Memorandum


Yes: clearly these are focused, hard-working learners who know that sacrifice brings
rewards. They will make fine leaders.
No: While what these learners are doing is admirable, this happens all over the country
they are not the only learners who are sacrificing their time to get ahead.
The answers must be substantiated.
Text B
1.9 Iscamtho is a combination of many South African languages, with origins in crime and
protest, spoken by many South Africans.
1.10 It began as a language of prisoners, then of protesters. It then spread to kwaito music and
the media. It is now associated with modernity.
1.11 The word is an abbreviation for advertisements.
1.12 These are all words that are foreign to English, and by using italics, the author is
indicating this.
Text C
1.12 Her facial expression is unhappy. Her mouth is drooping. Her arms are outstretched.
[Any one.]
1.13 The book has the word Book on it, and the word Literature is on the board.
1.14 The teacher suggests that the girls could see the book as a long cell phone SMS
message. She knows the girl will know and use SMS messages, and hopes to fool her
into reading a book on that notion.
Total Section A: 30
Section B: Summary
Question 2
The following points form the answer to the question.
1. Actively engage in learning the language.
2. Speak in English whenever you have the opportunity to do so.
3. Practise speaking with confidence even if you do not feel confident.
4. Aim to speak fluently and accurately.
5. Use a dictionary whenever you are confused by the meaning of a word or its
6. Choose the right words when you communicate.
7. Dont be afraid of making mistakes, learn from them.
Total number of words used: 73

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English First Additional Language Paper 1 Memorandum


Marking memorandum/marking the summary:
Candidates must present the summary in the required format. Summaries presented in the
incorrect format will not be assessed.
Award marks only for those points that are presented in full sentences.
Planning/drafts must be clearly indicated. If not, mark the first summary presented.
Candidates must indicate the word count correctly.
For HL and FAL, award marks as follows:
o 7 marks for 7 points
o 3 marks for language
o Penalties:
For summaries that are too long, read only up to 5 words beyond the required length
and ignore the rest of the answer.
Summaries that are short but contain all the required main points should not be
Language errors (grammar, spelling, punctuation): deduct from the 3 marks for
language as follows:
0-4 errors no penalty
5-10 errors subtract 1 mark
11-15 errors subtract 2 marks
16 errors or more subtract 3 marks.
For direct quotations of whole sentences, penalise as follows from the total mark
awarded for the points and language usage:
1-3 whole sentences quoted: no penalty
4-5 whole sentences quoted: deduct 1 mark
6-7 whole sentences quoted: deduct 2 marks
Subtract 1 mark from the total marks awarded for the points and language usage for
not indicating the word count, or for an incorrect word count.
Note: Abbreviations should not be used but should they appear in the summary, they must be
counted as the number of words that they represent.
Total Section B: 10

Section C: Language
Question 3: Analysing an advertisement
3.1. Where good food comes from naturally.
3.2 The cups may be the silver ones indicating the prizes won by Woolworths for their new
yogurt products. Or the cups may refer to the yogurt containers.
3.3 Without the visuals, the play on the meaning of our new yogurt cups (are) very
impressive would not work. We see the pictures of both the kinds of cups.
3.4 The testers do not know which is the product that they are testing. The names are
3.5 The final scores were gained when Woolworths yogurts competed against some very
good quality products from well-known South African yogurt brands. Allow other
3.6 The large white W in the black box.
Question 4: Analysing a cartoon
4.1.1 His hair is blown back, and his feet are off the ground. His arms are outstretched as he
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English First Additional Language Paper 1 Memorandum


4.1.2 His use of the word Hey, and the exclamation mark, and the two question marks show
his excitement.
4.2.1 He is hesitant when the girl seems to want him to eat that worm and others. He says
Um. Well Yeah. Then he asks her if she thinks the wriggly worm is disgusting.
4.3.1 C. is shocked at the girls reaction to his earlier suggestion.
4.3.2 He has his hand on his forehead, and his mouth is wide open. He says the word five
with energy it is written in bold. And he expresses himself saying, Geeeez!
[Any one.]
4.4.1 He is surprised that what would have once been disgusting his eating one worm has
now increased to five worms. One worm is not bad to the little girl at all.
Question 5: Language and editing skills
5.1.1 When you are on a tight budget, the thought of preparing tasty, healthy meals on a
regular basis can seem daunting.
5.1.2 Its also normal for most of us to fall into a mealtime rut, eating the same foods over
and over.
5.1.3 Set aside regular blocks of time for planning meals, making your grocery list,
and shopping tasks that are most often shortchanged in food preparation.
5.1.4 Dont be afraid to surf the internet for recipes that use specific ingredients.
5.2 Regular blocks of time must be set aside for planning meals, making your grocery list and
5.3 But you are in control of your kitchen.
5.4 You can have saved money and still had quality.
5.5 But if you do not look at cooking as an adventure, you will not also have days when you
do not find yourself pleased at what you have not accomplished.
5.6 D. of
5.7 Dont be afraid to ride the internet for recipes that use specific ingredients, since you can often
get good buys on breads, meats, and other items marked for quick sale before they go bad. [Allow
for other options.]
5.8.1 overwhelming [Allow for other options.]
Total Section C: 40
Grand Total: 80

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