Hebel, Unexpected Reunion

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Johann Peter Hebel The Treasure Chest Unexpected Reunion and other stories, illstrated with contemporary ‘woodeuts; introduced and translated by Johann Peter Heb John Hibberd htstanFrch Maer epee / ofthe Unieerstttsbtbliothok, Proiburg in Bretagau) Libris 24 An Unusual Apology ! Must all of yu tire yourselves out walking? Surely its ea fone of ou saves his legs So the father tied the donkey's on lege together and eh son tied its back legs and hy reads strong branch by the roadie and carried the donkey Thome shang between their shoulders “That's what can happen ifyou ty to please everzbodyT you mak ‘An Unusual Apology ‘the remarkable Ungis that scoundrel ft at ll pleased to be welled an honest man, he only takes ita a greater insult Tar on vere stg in tho inn in a nearby vlge, Ove oF thane had a thoroughly bad name, and le wat a8 welcome #5 8 prec in anybors back yard! But nothing cous proved vert im inet The afer san quate wih in this aera isang and because a ls of wine t0 many had fgne tos ha he sid to him, ‘You scout! For on ofthat Sone that should bo enough. But this fellow wasnt stich he vin ect more. retuned the abuse and demanded proof. So one wer fed to another and to ‘You tht! You rebbes! And wit he or aisied and tok the cas t0 the ragtate. Now, of sa the man who had heaped the insults an hn was ina fe Se did't want to eat his words, but he coulda’ prove they were Jie beeausc ho had no witnesses to Dear out hat Ihe knew, sree had to pay a fine ofa guider for eallag an honest mat regu an to apologize toi, and he thought to Mise ‘That {hs of wine cost mo dese! Bat when he had a the fine he ssid, Spo, Your Honour, tt costs you a guide if ya eal x honest nt ar rogne, does #? What then does it cost yor if ‘absent-minded, Say for some other reason, you cll = rogue an honest rman?” Unexpected Reunion 25 ‘Te mgt sll s,s ting tt mn Se snes eweeye aaa es honest friend! Forgive me, my honest fellow! cena coc nant Heg hs ope ng al el ho soe nen copied mp tat i oy dn pons Bote mtn So Emme st chin es od ‘Unexpected Reunion Aton in Sweden, good ity ; yess go young miner Ke Wis pty yong bnidotbo and wld, 'On te feat of Sant Uh nw soe ad ha an and arta home of oor own “Aad . asl nia ae Se ty i tld vey “eyon ae oi ttF neh be ethno Wh wees, fl te of Skin aca, te paso hd called ot ther ane inch fr cd Hany fn cao ois why these two persons should not be joined tc 4 ‘ ined together in bah Nation? Death pat acl For the nest dy when the Young an psd er hous nH ine al (nor shop deed iy i fn te wid ln ied go moral i ich er go ong He det ti se i and in vain that: k mening sho sewed aed boron blk Ishin aro har ig yee not eome back she pti ay, and she wept fr never forgot him. us eels 26 Unexpected Reunion ort was destroyed In the meantime the eity of Lisbon in P ‘went, the hepake, the Seven Years War game aud by an eattl Emperor Fraucs T dod, the Jesuits were Assolved, Poland was partitioned, the Empress Mara Therese diel ‘and Struensee was ar ted, ant America became independent, and the combined Care Spanish force fale t0 tke Gibraltar, The Tonks oped up Genrr Stain i the Veterane Cave in HS) and Thee mperor Joseph died too. King Gostaws of ‘Sweden eer tuian Finland, the French Revolution came ad Wd the Emperor Leopold I too was buried. ‘aglish bombarded. Copen- rllers ground cong the long war began, a Napoleon defeated Prussia, the Ei hhagen, end the farmers sowed and expe. The Thcoen the blacksmiths wiclded their hammers, andthe iter: dg for seams of metal in their workplace under te ground.* m0, wn a day o two of tho Feast of Saint John, “ah the miners at Falun were tying 4 oper uP a POSES nn sats, they dg oat rn the robe snd the vil hundred yards below ground, the body of = in ferrous vitriol but otherwise untouched by svore still water, good thre young man soaked Jey nd uncbangd, that his features an is a see cope aif heb led nl a hor fine DE fot nad off a work. Yt when thy bro n the se me his fther and mater and fiends and aqquntanes ae ong ine: dead, and mo one caimed to know Whe “Toman youth or to remember his misadente, a he eee who Had once been promised to the miner whoo vp had gone elo and dno ome, ey and Lt sec to awhere he Tay and recognized her hobbled up on a cru tego: and, re in vous eapure than in gi sank ctr the beled corse and it was some tine efore Ne ot er her fervent exnotin. “Tes my betrothed, she had recovere Unexpected Reunion 27 sowaalpae ieee rns! bee Gulp ais Dae ee aoe es ae eater oe ee a Fra ieee Rn ears emai ec iiedgra areata ineicepan ppt an itd hae ag ee eee ot tis youth; and how the flame of young love was rekindled n ir tay ear the een ht nile, Sr pan her eo ae he ly a ee Seay hn ens ne ws ora Dk ech i ol snl ens 128 The Great Sanhedrin in Paris 1 him into ‘of his burial. You se, a they lowere Shurchiard she said, Slsp well for another day fold wedding bed, and don't et ve only afew things left todo, and day, nt the day hh grave in the ‘or a week or 0 longer in your time weigh heavy on you! Ih at the nl call, she said as she went away and Looked back over hier shoulder once more, “The Great Sanhedrin in Paris’ svithout livod without «homeland and wi tion of Jerusalem, thats for more cdtizens’ rights since the destruct store ae ayes, ad have been dispersed over lhe exh at a the Ibou ofthe other inhabitants without ts temas and ae theseflore so Srequenty vag ut wo : a i dpe Contos State of affsrs! Many in tet fl Thy so at ven nt fou lanl” ert are moe ss say They shoul be kept here in wef employe “The great Emperor Napoleon Aecreed and arranged or Tey worth noting, now an in theatre ‘Already inthe Revolution al wore given French cftizenship and fuathr ado as itzen lo shook them by Ernunt ® Citian ie ve another and don't want to mic haan aly of tes wk a ‘Phat the Jews have the hand as brothers. But whot did ly therefore say, “They ‘made a start on this. What he the Jews in France andthe Kingdom of a ed in Pee ee an addressed without ‘Aaron, Citizen Lev and Citizen Rabbi and have one set of laws, Jewish itizens ‘with the goys. But two laws ‘whirlpool in a ‘The Great Sanhedrin in Paris 29 stream, The water tries to go both ways, and « mill at that spot doesnt grind much cor, ‘The great Emperor Napoleon understood that aright, and in 1806, before setting out on his long journey to Jena, Berlin, Warsaw and Eylau,* he had letters sent to all the Jews in France telling them to choose men of good sense and learning from theit ridst to come to him from all the regions of the empire. Now everyone wondered what that meant, one said this and another said that, for instance that the Emperor intended to send the Jews back to ther old homeland on the mountain of Lebanon, by the river of Egypt and by the sea But when the representatives and rabbis from all the regions where the Jews lived had come together, the Emperor put certain questions to them which they were to tum over in their hearts and answer according tothe la, and it was clear that it ‘wasn’t a matter of being banished from the country, but of staying there and of forging trong tes between the Jews and the other citizens in France and the Kingdom of Italy. Forallthe questions amounted to whether a Jews faith allowed him to regard the country where he lived as his homeland and its ater citizens as his fellow citizens, and to keep the evi laws ofthat land Now it seemed there could be a catch in this so that nether yes nor no was a good answer. But the representatives tell us the spirit of divine wisdom shone within them and their answer was pleasing inthe eyes of the Emperor. So this gathering of Jews formed itself into the Great Sanhedrin, and that was an amazing wonder in ovr own times. For the Creat Sanhedsin is not an outsize Jew in Pais, ike the fant Goliath, who was a Philistine anyway, bu sanhedrin means 4 gathering and was the name ofthe High Council in Jerusalem in the old times long ago. It consisted of seventy-one men who

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