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Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate.

But sometimes a sentence has compound subject and compound


A. What is a compound subject?

A compound subject consists of two or more simple subjects joined by
a conjunction and, or, or nor. The subjects share the same verb.
Rangers and loggers

(compound subject)

explore and protect the forest.

B. What is a compound predicate?

A compound predicate consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases.
The simple predicates are connected by and, but, or nor. The verbs share the
same subject.
Rangers explore and protect the forest

(compound predicate)

A. Read the sentences and find the compound subjects.
1. Our school library and cafeteria are under renovation.
2. Robins either find worms in the grass or dig for them underground.
3. Graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate taste delicious together.
4. The novels of John Steinbeck and the poetry of Maya Angelou inspire me
to write.
5. My name, address, and social security number appear on the job
B. Read the sentences and find the compound predicates.
1. The groundhog tunneled beneath the fence and poked its head into our
2. The careless boy lost his coat and cap.

3. Mr. Simon's dog loved and serve faithfully his master.

4. Some naughty boys from the class built and sailed a pretty boat.
5. Will the sick man live or die?
C. Read the sentences and find the compound subjects and compound
1. My brother and one of his friends reviewed all the math questions and
studied hard for the test.
2. Albert Schweitzer won the Nobel Peace Prize and established a leper
colony with the money.
3. The novels of John Steinbeck and the poetry of Maya Angelou inspire me
to write.
4. Team pennants, rock posters and family photographs covered the boy's
bedroom walls.
5. Rea and Marissa auditioned for the lead roles in the school musical but
got only chorus parts.
6. Salvador Dali, a surrealist artist, not only painted paintings but also made
sculptures and
designed jewelry.
7. Tender buds and fragrant flowers beautify the lovely park and the
pleasant meadows.
8. He or she broke the beautiful vase and valuable mirror.
9. Will he visit your cousin or your friend?
10. His pet squirrel suddenly sickened and soon died.

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