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DBQ Outline

Scoring Guidelines


Analyze the factors that contributed to the failure of the 1848 revolutions in Europe.

Historical Background: The Revolutions of 1848, also known as the Springtime of the Peoples,
were a series of political rebellions across Europe.
1. Provides an appropriate, explicitly stated thesis that directly addresses the
question. Thesis must not simply restate the question
2. Discusses the majority of the documents individually and specifically. At least
seven documents
3. Demonstrates understanding of the basic meaning of the documents.
4. SUpports the thesis with appropriate interpretations of a majority of the
5. Analyzes the point of view or bias in at least three documents.
6. Analyzes the documents by explicitly organizing them in at least three
appropriate groupings.
The following groupings are not exhaustive:
Possible Ideas for Possible
Failed to attract popular support from working and lower class: 2, 3, 4, 8
middle classes led these revolutions, but as they turned radical, middle class held back, 8, 11
Nationalism divided more than united:1, 2, 7, 9, 13
Lack of Able Leadership, 3
Feeling of Mutual Distrust among Different Races
Lack of cooperation among Reactionists.
Lack of unity creating bloodshed: 6, 11, 12
1. Intro : Maybe use Doc 10 as setting a basis for how the rulers were against
giving up power thus leading up to an environment for the explosion of the 1848
a. Thesis: Despite that many countries had upheavals in 1848 and
radicals gain control for the first part of the Springtime of the Peoples, the
rebellions were unsuccessful in the end due to the failure to attract popular
support from working and lower class, nationalism dividing more than uniting and
the disunity that caused bloodshed which in turn held back middle class. (MIGHT
2. Body 1: Failed to attract popular support from working and lower class
a. Doc 2
Analysis: Only felt discontented if foreign govt
suppressed rights. Was more upset about local nobles than distant kings.
b. Doc 3

Analysis: People themselves thought it be better to
be under monarchy who would accommodate certain freedoms. Not
completely towards becoming fully independent.
POV: Bias in that the Slavic people knew that if
they lose support from Austria, would get eaten up by another powerful
country meaning Russia.
c. Doc 4
Analysis: Often time radicals were against religion,
which upsets many lower classmen.
POV: proclamation written by radical thus have
beliefs that are not part of the norm and widely accepted belief.
3. Body 2: Nationalism divided more than united
a. Doc 1
Analysis: Frankfurt Congress was to unite the
German state, but nationalism ties were often not just on land borders.
Way too many division of where people felt loyalty to
b. Doc 9
Analysis: Too many different ethnic groups with
different origins created more division than unity so it would be better to
be united under Austria rather than split into many fraction
c. Doc 13
Analysis: Shows the diversity of the different groups
in the Austrian Empire.
4. Body 3: Lack of unity creating bloodshed
a. Doc 6
Analysis: Attempts of unity creates a stage for civil
POV: The man who wants to become the emperor
of France so he would comment that leaving the government as it is
would cause disaster and a repeat of the French Revolution
b. Doc 11
Analysis: Showing the brutal examples of how
bloodshed was created
c. Doc 12
Analysis: Lack of Unity = anarchy
POV: Lived in an environment where Europe was in
upheaval and most likely saw how these revolts leads to problems and
loss of government control
5. Body 4: middle classes led these revolutions, but as they turned radical, middle
class held back
a. Doc 8
Analysis: Middle class that was once most
indispensable allies were frightened by the bloodshed and stopped
supporting the peasantry.
b. Doc 11
Analysis: The people were scared of socialists and
of what their revolutions has ended up as.

POV: Written by the monarchist so it should be
noted how the document will make the actual event sound more
6. Conclusion
repeat of thesis.

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