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W u-Tang Mastery

Standard Wu-Tang build:

Distribution of points

Will power 4/ Tenacity 5/ Con 1

Will power 3/ Tenacity 6/ Con 1

This i s the standard Wu-Tang build a nd l earns toward survivability a nd tanking a
long w ith healing. This leave room f or e quip customization to your l iking.

Damage Tank Build

Will power 7/ Tenacity 2/ Con 1

This build leans towards d oing more damage but d efense and h ealing will be lesse
ned. When building equip a im for more tenacity a nd defense a s to increase surviv

Pure Damage build:

P ump all mastery point into Willpower until School nodes are unlocked. Remember 
to max willpower node along the way. Afterward add Con and Tenacity according li
king depending on weather you like hp/mana or more defense/healing. This is an e
xcellent build for people that can get the gems and the gear. For most people I 
recommend going for one of the 2 standard build and then maybe switching to this
build later in the game. However if you think you can t afford a blank scripture
by then you can go for this build right away. This build leaves player with a l
ack of mana and hp at lower lvls. It is more like an end game build.

Equipment build:

Damage: Willpower gem, endo attack gems, ice attack gem

 Defense: Will power gem, Tenacity gems, endo attack gem

Surviability: Will power gem, Tenacity gem, Con gem

There i s a lso a p ure defense build but a s i t is not r ecommended I will not be po
sting i t b ut if y ou want to know about i t p lease pm m e in game for it.


P ictures of which nodes to max and combo will b e coming s oon as soon as I c an ge
t people to take ScreenShots of their mastery p ages for m e. Combo will be u pdate
d once all mastery are done.


w wrong with the splendor this is that combo got 
right the acupuncture the low cripple and the black hole but down and die...and 
the grab...where is it?....also the charge from the 1st set combine with the acu
puncture would be cool.....then you low cripple her then black hole with the can
cel animations,then the grab then the phoenix ray then shuttle...and its an inst
ant no move ko....practice what ive told you...PS:just so you know i have over 2

000 b attles....lost only 42 of them....and that was when i was below lvl 40....j
ust s ayin'

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